Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Biological Science


Excess nutrient levels have led to invasive hybrid cattail (Typha × glauca) dominance in many Laurentian Great Lakes coastal wetlands. Its ability to alter wetland structure and function has made T. × glauca a target invasive species with respect to Great Lakes coastal wetland

restoration. This study investigated the effect of harvesting invasive T. × glauca biomass on nutrient removal, specifically nitrogen and phosphorus, and plant diversity recovery in Great Lakes coastal wetland ecosystems. This study demonstrated that without considering external nutrient inputs and outputs, a single harvest at Cheboygan Marsh, MI could remove ~2% of the total N and ~14% of the total P within the wetland. Harvesting T. × glauca biomass had greater impact on P removal than N, but a longer timeframe and further harvesting efforts would be necessary to significantly detect changes in nutrient conditions and plant community composition resulting from harvesting.

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