"Prosocial Behavior and Teamwork in Online Computer Games" by Julia Elizabeth Fredrickson

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)




The use of technology for training purposes is a growing field. Many of the traits for successful team building are shared by a variety of video games, overcoming the limitations of traditional team-building exercises. The goal of this research project was to study social and teamwork oriented behaviors within the settings of online computer games. One hundred and eighty-one individuals completed an online survey in which they were asked questions regarding team-work behaviors. These individuals also participated in a game scenario which measured their social orientation. The hypotheses for this research were that individuals who play online computer games will score higher on both teamwork behaviors and social orientation scale. It was also hypothesized that individuals who play cooperative games would score higher in both teamwork behaviors and prosocial orientation compared to competitive gamers. None of the analyses yielded significant results. Reasons as to possibilities for these results are discussed along with ideas for future studies.

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