"Towards Observational Measurement of Social Competence in Youth with C" by Christina E. Holbein

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)




This study aimed to create observational scales that were then validated with comparisons to relevant self-report measures in a sample of 106 children with spina bifida and their peers. Dyads completed questionnaires, interviews, and videotaped interaction tasks, the latter of which were coded on a variety of social functioning items. Five scales (i.e., Conflict, Prosocial Skills, Positive Affect, Conflict, and Dyadic Cohesion) were rationally derived. Internal consistency and inter-rater reliability at the scale level were good-to-excellent. Interscale correlations were in the low-to-moderate range for four scales, although Dyadic Cohesion was highly correlated with two other scales and was dropped. Convergent and discriminant validity were established by comparing comparable questionnaire and interview measures with the four remaining scales. A principal components analysis demonstrated that a four-factor structure best fit the data. The four observational scales appear to be reliable and valid measures of social competence and may enhance multi-method research efforts.

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