"Team Performance on a Computerized Intellective Task" by Joseph Bihary

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)




This study examined the effects of a reflexivity manipulation on the performance of dyads and triads working on an intellective task known as letters-to-numbers. Past research has shown triads consistently outperforming dyads on this task. The current study sought to determine whether giving dyads an opportunity to reflect on strategy would close this gap in performance. Participants performed a computerized version of two letters-to-numbers problems in dyads or triads. Between problems, half of the groups performed a reflexivity task designed to facilitate strategy improvements. Experimental sessions were videotaped. It was predicted that triads would outperform dyads, reflexivity groups would outperform control groups, and that this improvement would be greater for dyads than for triads. Results contradicted expectations. Triads in the reflexivity condition performed worse than those in the control condition. The performance of dyads did not differ between conditions. Limitations of the study and recommendations for future research are discussed.

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