Biomedical Graduate Student Research Showcase November 5, 2020 | Conferences | Loyola University Chicago


Welcome to the Virtual Biomedical Graduate Student Research Showcase 2020 website! This is the navigation site for all the of the day on Thursday, November 5th, 2020.

Use the "Poster A" and "Poster B" links on the left hand menu to enter poster sessions

ZOOM LINK to Awards and Conclusion, 3:15 PM:

In each section, you will find the list of student presenters and abstracts for that event. All authors and abstract contents can be searched by entering a search term in the "SEARCH" field on the left-hand menu. By clicking on any abstract, you will see the text of the abstract along with the presentation time.

Student poster presentations are arranged in two separate sessions, POSTER A (1PM-2 PM) and POSTER B (2PM-3PM). Details of the organization within each poster session, along with ZOOM links to enter each session, are found by following the menu links to either POSTER A or POSTER B.

You can also BROWSE the contents of Biomedical Graduate Student Research Showcase 2020 by following these links:


PhD Oral Research Competition

MS Oral Research Competition

Poster A

Poster B

Browse the contents of Biomedical Graduate Student Research Showcase November 5, 2020:

Schedule of Events
Poster Session B
Schedule and abstracts in Poster Session B
Poster Session A
Schedule and abstracts for Poster Session A
PhD Oral Research Competition
MS Oral Research Competition