Content Posted in 2012
A Biography of John Stokesley, Bishop of London from 1530 to 1539, Marshall J. Lipman
Abraham Cowley, the Transitional Poet, Stella F. Sheehy
Absalom and Achitophel in the Light of the Scholastic Canons of Aesthetics, Eugene L. Watrin
Abstention to Consumption: The Development of American Vegetarianism, 1817-1917, Adam Daniel Shprintzen
A Case Study of the Effects of a School-Based Wraparound Approach on Students with Behavioral Difficulties, Jennifer Mills James
A Case Study: Understanding the Bridges Program Through the Lens of Stakeholders, Marion Elizabeth Platt
Accountability and Political Tolerance: "Sober Second-Thought" or Knee-Jerk?, Erika D. Price
A Clinical Investigation of the Schizophrenia Scale of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, LeRoy A. Wauck
A Comparative Analysis of the Medieval Element in the Prose of Sir Walter Scott and John Henry Newman, Margaret B. Kearney
A Comparative Analysis of Two Philosophies of Art: Jacques Maritain: Art and Scholasticism ; John Dewey: Art as Experience, Henry G. Geilen
A Comparative Study of Conrad and Loti, Gerald Riopel
A Comparative Study of Inferior and Superior Pupils on the Junior High School Level, Mary James O'Shea
A Comparative Study of Religious Toleration in Rhode Island and Maryland During the Seventeenth Century, Leonette Engel
A Comparative Study of Technical Pupils in the Elimination of Errors in English Composition, Isabel Clark
A Comparative Study of Two Methods of Problem-Solving in Arithmetic, Mary Cecelia Mangan
A Comparative Study of Two Types of Elementary Algebra Textbooks, James J. McWilliam
A Comparative Study of Year-Round and Traditional Calendar Schools in Chicago, Andrea Therese Winkelmann
A Comparison of Schopenhauer's the Art of Controversy with the Dialectic of Aristotle, Fred D. Jarvis
A Comparison of the Country Squires in Addison and in Fielding, John G. Sheridan
A Comparison of Theodore Roosevelt and Robert La Folette as Representative of the Principles of the Progressive Republican Party of 1912, Lorraine M. Jung
A Comparison of the Present Conventional Curriculum in English Grammar with a Curriculum Based Upon Pupil Deficiencies in Grades Six, Seven, and Eight in Certain Parochial Schools, Mary Valeria Meintel
A Comparison of the Two Principal Characters of Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra with Their Prototypes in Plutarch's Life of Marcus Antonius, Robert G. Lynch
A Comparison of the Vocabulary Score of the Revised Stanford-Binet Scale and the Word Meaning of the Stanford Achievement Test, Mary Patrice McGlone
A Critical Analysis of Eddington's Concept of Space, Francis L. Filas
A Critical Analysis of the Study Aids as Found in Representative High School Texts in European History, Mary Hortense Burke
A Critique of Lockian Epistemology Viewed in the Light of the Doctrine of St. Thomas, John Mullane
Acts-Hf: Attention, Cognition and Self-Care in Heart Failure, Catherine M. Murks
A Cumulative Record For Catholic Elementary Schools, M. Patricia Cosgrove
Acute-To-Home Care Nursing Handoffs: Distributed Cognition Across Patterns of Knowledge, Rosemary Kennedy
A Descriptive Survey of the Council of Catholic Women of the Archdiocese of Chicago, John H. Kuhlmey
A Developmental Model Predicting Adjustment in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Role of Executive Functions, Social Impairment, and Friendship Quality, Rebecca Wasserman Lieb
A Diachronic Analysis of the Use of Scripture in the Variant Versions of the Apocryphon of John, David Creech
Adolescent Adjustment in Affluent Communities: The Role of Goal Orientation and Motivational Climate, Lea Ventura Travers
Advertising and the Mortgage Crisis: A Content Analysis, Pamela Morris
Advertising Images: Reflections and Temptations, Pamela Morris
Aeschylus and Aristotle's Theory of Tragedy, Daniel J. Campbell
After the Last School Bell: An Overview of Afterschool Programs in Chicago, Diana Delfin
Agape and Personal Knowledge, Peter Eric Bergeron
Aging Effects on Acute Lung Inflammation After Burn Injury, Vanessa Nomellini
A History of Programs Implemented by the Chicago Police Department within Chicago Public Schools, Stacy Ann Lewis
A History of the American Catholic Sociological Society from 1938 to 1948, Richard M. Rosenfelder
A History of the First Fifty Years of the Sisters of Providence in the United States, Lawrence Gonner
A Land Fit for Heroes?: The Great War, Memory, Popular Culture, and Politics in Ireland Since 1914, Jason Robert Myers
Alice Meynell as Critic of Literature and Art, Mary Alisa Ahern
A List of Words Misspelled By Certain Secretarial Pupils in the Eleventh Grade Shorthand Classes in Joliet Township High School, Joliet, Illinois, Grace Miranda Clow
Alternations in the Splenic Marginal Zone with Age, Shirin Z. Birjandi
Altgeld Gardens: Evolution of Culture and Educatiion in an Isolated African American Community, Beverly Anne Lesueur
A Meeting of Character: An Examination of Teaching Social, Brannon Terese Aiello
America as Seen Through German Eyes, or American Social History from the German Viewpoint, 1865-1900, M. Ann Joachim
American Elements in the Drama of the Revolutionary Period, Geraldine E. White
American Public Opinion on the Joint High Commission and the Treaty of Washington, Harry J. Sievers
A Meta-Analysis of Interventions to Improve Social Competence in Early Childhood, Adam Steven Kennedy
A Model For Prelections on the Pro Archia of Cicero, Charles Francis Leichtweis
A Model of Data Structures Commonly Used in Programming Languages and Data Base Management Systems, William L. Honig
A Multi-Model Assessment of Stereotype Content of Three Latino Groups, Sandra Villalpando
Analysis of the Philosophy of Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Gabriel Connery
An Analysis of Barriers to and Strategies for Improving Parent Engagement, Candice Renee Shakur
An Analysis of John Collop's Poesis Rediviva, Mary Ann Ida Gannon
An Analysis of Lucretius' Ethico-Theological Solution to the Problem of Superstition, Edward F. Kennedy
An Analysis of Macbeth According to Scholastic Aesthetics, William George Topmoeller
An Analysis of Some Characteristics of Realism in the Borough of George Crabbe and in the Spoon River Anthology of Edgar Lee Masters, Lawrence J. Flynn
An Analysis of the Campaign of 1928, Grace R. Conant
An Analysis of the Content of Catholic High School Newspapers in Illinois, M. Gabrielle Pierik
An Analysis of the Marriage Theme in the Unknown Eros of Coventry Patmore, Dorothy Bresnahan
An Analysis of the Objective-Subjective Elements in John Milton's Dramatic Poem Samson Agonistes, Louis S. Kaluzsa
An Analysis of the Poetry of Alice Meynell on the Basis of Her Personal Principles of Literature, Gertrude Agnes Carter
An Analysis of the Questions and Study Problems Found in Geography Text-Books For Grades Four to Seven, Katharine E. McCue
An Analysis of the Rhetoric of Clement of Rome, with Special Reference to the Epistle of the Corinthians, John W. Raad
An Analysis of the Rhetoric of St. John Chrysostom with Special Reference to Selected Homilies on the Gospel According to St. Matthew, Henry A. Toczydlowski
An Annotated Translation of the Correspondence of John of Salisbury: Letters 136-175, Daniel V. Harkin
An Annotated Translation of the Letters of John of Salisbury, John Francis O'Connor
An Annotated Translation of the Letters of John of Salisbury: Letters 107-135, Clare Rooney
An Annotated Translation of the Life of Saint Thomas, the Archbishop of Canterbury By William, a Monk of Canterbury, Mary Annette Bocke
An Annotated Translation of the Life of St. Thomas Becket--Books 5-7, Irene T. Pearse
An Annotated Translation of the Life of St. Thomas Becket By An Anonymous Author Number 2, Mary Aimee du Sacre-Coeur Toutant
An Annotated Translation of the Life of St. Thomas Becket By Herbert Bosham (Part One), Mary Imelda Horback
An Annotated Translation of the Life of St. Thomas Becket By Herbert Bosham (Part Two), M. Ann Kathleen Fisher
An Annotated Translation of the Life of St. Thomas Becket by William Fitzstephen, Leo T. Gourde
An Annotated Translation of the Life of St. Thomas Becket By William Fitzstephen: (Part Two), Mary Aelred Sinclair
An Apparatus For Molecular Weight Determinations, Philip A. Lefrancois
An Application of a Theorem of Borel on Natural Boundaries to the Theta-Zero Functions and Analogous Functions, Louis William Tordella
An Appreciation of Henri Gheon, Mary Oliver Donlin
An Attack on One Is an Attack on All: Factors That Influence Responses to Witnessing Discrimination, Hilary E. Slover
An Attempt to Appraise the Standing of Biology as a Subject of Instruction in High School, Mary Fidelis
An Essay Toward a Study of the Motives of Virgil in Writing the Aeneid and in Describing the Heroic Action, Patrick J. Halloran
An Evaluation of Prophecy in Greek Tragedy According to the Dramatic Theory of Aristotle, John F. Sullivan
An Examination of Internet Pornography Usage Among Male Students at Evangelical Christian Colleges, Paul Olaf Chelsen
An Experiential Approach to Kant's Moral Philosophy: A Reply to Dogmatism, Formalism and Rigorism, Chris McTavish
An Experimental Investigation of Certain Phases of the Reaction of Meta Dinitrobenzene and Carbonyl Compounds, William Elson
An Experimental Study of a New Approach to Manuscript Writing, Mary Madeleine Adamczyk
An Experimental Study of Equilibrium Diagrams of the Systems: Benzene-Chlorbenzene and Benzene-Fluorobenzene, John C. Tomunak
An Experimental Study of Related Processes in Span of Attention and in Perception, Jesse Ralph Pearson
An Experimental Study of the Educational Use of the Typewriter in Second Grade, Ethel Fitzpatrick Burke
An Experimental Study of the Effect of the Introduction of an Intellectual Factor in a Problem of the Motor Learning Type, Ernest Vernon McClear
An Experimental Study of the Equilibrium Diagrams of Two Binary Systems: Acetic Acid-Water and Glycolic Acid-Water, Lucille Mary Trudeau
An Experimental Study of the Equilibrium Diagrams of Two Binary Systems: Benzene-Anisole and Benzene-Benzyl Alcohol, Otto Joseph Richiardi
An Experiment on the Effect of X-Ray Irradiation on the Developing Fetus, George Jacob Leibold Jr.
An Exploration of Diabetes Self-Care Among Older Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: A Focus Group Study, Kelly K. Zinn
An Exploratory Study of the Curricular Integration of Ethics in Executive Mba Programs, Jaime M. Franco
An Exposition and Criticism of Lucretius' Theory of Sense Knowledge, Joseph M. Walsh
An Historical Analysis of the Chicago Public Schools Policy on the Requirements for the Selection of Principals, 1983-2008, Siobhan Marie Cafferty
An Inquiry Into the Origin and Development of the Prohibition Movement in the United States, M. Devota Higgins
An Inquiry Into the Relation Existing Between Introversion-Extroversion and Susceptibility to Certain Geometrical Optical Illusions, Marion Frances Holstein
An Inquiry Into the Universality of Descartes' Doubt, Joseph Mary Casimir Osuch
An Investigation Into the Relationship Between Racial Prejudice and Personality, Donald Edward Williams
An Investigation of the "Fragile Escape" in the Work of Elinor Wylie, Claribel A. Moroney
An Investigation of the Relationships of Teacher Professional Development, Teacher Job Satisfaction, and Teacher Working Conditions, Thomas Meagher
Annotated Translation of the Life of Saint Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury By John of Salisbury and Alan of Tewkesbury, Mary De Chantal Biala
An Orientation Course to Aid in the Communication of a Catholic Mind and Culture to High School Students, Joseph Aloysius Prucnal
An Outline of Roman Divination as Illustrated in the First Decade of Livy's History, John Philip Carroll
An Overarching Defense of Kant's Idea of the Highest Good, Alonso Villaran
Anthony Trollope, the Socio-Clerical Historian of the Anglican Clergy in England's Eighteen-Fifties and 'Sixties, George N. Schuster
Anti-Nogo-A Immunotherapy Facilitation of Environmental Enrichment's Effects on Recovery From Stroke in the Aged Rat, Sarah Jane Hein
A Phenomenological Study Exploring the Undergraduate Mcnair Program Experience of Program Alumni Currently Serving as College Faculty, Lunaire D. Ford
A Philosophic Solution of the Problem of Human Destiny, John Anthony Hardon
Appraising Chicago's Homeless Policy: Interviews with Chicago's Homeless Population, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Christine George, Susan Grossman, and Michael Sosin
A Prolegomena to the Economics of St. Thomas Aquinas, William H. Conley
A Psychological Approach to Public Speaking, Charles S. Costello
A Qualitative Exploration of African American Men's Attitudes Toward Marriage, Rabiatu Barrie
A Rat Model Examining Behavioral and Neurochemical Effects of Passive Exposure to Aggression on Observers, Hideo Suzuki
A Reappraisal of the Conflict Between John Adams and Vergennes in 1780, Nicholas James Sullivan
A Re-Examination of the Orthodoxy of Euripides, Vincent C. Horrigan
A Remedial Reading Program At the College Freshman Level, William T. Wallace
A Response to Hogan and Simpson, John P. Pelissero and Timothy B. Krebs
Aristophanes and the Sophists, Joseph O. Schell
Aristotelian Elements of Tragedy in the Fourth Book of the Aeneid, Timothy A. Curtin
Aristotelian Plot and Character in the Oedipus Tyrannus of Sophocles and His Imitators, Thomas F. Murray
Aristotle on the Good, Thomas Joseph Buckley
Art and Society According to John Ruskin, Edward D. Reynolds
A Salutogenic Framework to Understand Disparity in Breast Cancer Screening Behavior in African American Women, Regina Conway-Phillips
A Scholastic Interpretation of Social Personality, Thomas J. O'Shaughnessy
Asian Americans, Political Organizations, and Participation in Chicago Electoral Precincts, John P. Pelissero, Timothy B. Krebs, and Shannon Jenkins
A Spectrophotometric Study of the Solution of Iodine in Aqueous Potassium Iodide, Joseph L. Schneider
Aspects of Nationalism in the United States, 1815-1830, Drusilla Agnes Breen
A Statement and Criticism of the Doctrine on Human Freedom Proposed by Some Recent Evolutionists, Patrick Edward Crimmin
A Statistical Study of the Effect of First Year Latin on English Vocabulary, Leo Luke Mohrman
A Structuralist Controversy: Althusser and Lacan on Ideology, Won Choi
A Study in Eidetic Imagery, Elizabeth Lourdes McGrath
A Study in the Psychology of Conversion, Dorothy Catherine Kleespies
A Study of Certain Physical and Chemical Effects of Aromatic Halides, Unsaturated Carboxylic Acids, Saturated Ketohydroxy Acids, and Saturated Ketone Alcohols Upon Hydrocarbon Oils, Clyde Aubrey Crowley
A Study of Current Practice in Vocational Guidance For Girls in Catholic Four-Year High Schools, Ignata Biehn
A Study of Instrumentalism: as a Philosophy For American Democracy, George A. Curran
A Study of Intelligence and Achievement At Saint Ignatius High School, Chicago, Paul V. Siegfried
A Study of Methods Available For the Measurement of the Conductivity of Electrolytes Including a New Procedure Involving Electrodeless Determinations, Clyde Aubrey Crowley
A Study of Robert Louis Stevenson's Theory of Setting and of His Use of Setting in His Fiction, Margaret Mary O'Toole
A Study of Sex Differences in the Mastery of Religious Information, Herman Basil
A Study of Social Changes in Porto Rico Since 1898, Gertrude Rose McMahon
A Study of Some of the Effects of the Punic Wars Upon the Roman Familia, George S. Chehayl
A Study of Spelling Errors of the Freshmen of the Colored Race in the Du Sable High School, Helen Cecelia Cleary
A Study of Standards of Assistance of the Cook County Bureau of Public Welfare, Public Assistance Division, the City of Chicago Welfare Department and Selected Townships, Richard Joseph Cummings
A Study of the Acquisition of Florida, Mary Theodora Stromberg
A Study of the Caesar Cult with Reference to the Political Aims of Augustus, Victor B. Nieporte
A Study of the Catholic Institutions For Dependent Children in the Archdiocese of Chicago Emphasizing Vocational Education, Mary Agatha Allison
A Study of the Causes and the Treatment of Failure in Ninth-Grade Science, Arthur J. Fitzgerald
A Study of the Changes in Serum Ethyl Butyrase in Experimental Malignancy of the Albino Rat, Emil Albert Fullgrabe
A Study of the Content of the Curriculum in High-School Religion, John Ryan Gleason
A Study of the Dispositons of the Cases of 882 Children Admitted to the Cook County Juvenile Detention Home in the Months of March, June, and September, 1937, Francis M. McCarthy
A Study of the Effect of High-School Science on Achievement in the College Sciences, Frank J. Lodeski
A Study of the Effects of a Coloured Episcotister on Brightness Matches with Grays, Lillian-Frances Bowden
A Study of the Electromotive Force Developed in Grignard Solutions, Frank P. Cassaretto
A Study of the Equilibrium Diagrams of the Systems, Benzene-Toluene and Benzene-Ethylbenzene, John B. Mullen
A Study of the Factors Associated with the Adjustment of One Hundred Delinquent Girls, Mabelle Hathaway Brooks
A Study of the Improvement in Computation of Six Children During a Six-Weeks' Term of Individual Remedial Work, Ethel Keevan Harrington
A Study of the Influence Affecting Hart Crane, Dorothy Jayne McNulty
A Study of the Leadership of High-Poverty, High-Performing Schools Through the Lens of Moral Leadership, Scott David Fech
A Study of the Life and Works of Andres Bello, Lula M. Pignatelli
A Study of the Make-Up Management and Content of Catholic High School Newspapers, Mary Lucille Middleton
A Study of the Mechanisms of Pupillary Dilatation, Beatrice Ann Berteau
A Study of the Methods of Teaching American History in the Catholic Girls' High Schools in Chicago, Agnes Marie Lennon
A Study of the Origins of Cicero's Consolatory Writings and Their Effectiveness in the Author's Own Life, Charles J. Brannen
A Study of the Photoelectric Properties of Solutions of Potassium in Liquid Ammonia, Adam S. Kowalczyk
A Study of the Policies and Practices of Unemployment Compensation Agencies Concerning In-Service Training, Roscoe Leonard Barrett
A Study of the Policy of Peace in the Comedies of Aristophanes, Edward John Stokes
A Study of the Preparation of Phenyl Sodium, William W. Jenkins
A Study of the Problem of Religious Vocations in Catholic Secondary Schools For Girls, Mary J. Calasanctia Keinz
A Study of the Relationship Between the Intelligence Quotient and Reading Ability Before and After An Intensive Remedial Reading Program with Sixth Grade Pupils, Mary Emma Cleary
A Study of the Significant Relationships Between the United States and Puerto Rico Since 1898, Mary Hyacinth Adelson
A Study of the Style and Content of the Poems of Thomas Merton, Paul E. Brewer
A Study of the Transition from the Spirit of the Renaissance to the Spirit of Puritanism in the Early Poems of John Milton, Bernard John Dooley
A Study of the Use of the Natural Law in Ten Important Decisions of the United States Supreme Court, David Cowan Bayne
A Study of the Vocabulary Used and the Spelling Errors Made in Written Compositions of Second Grade Children, Frances Josephine Brittain
A Study of Transcendental Materialism in the Philosophy of George Santayana, Thomas N. Munson
A Study of Truancy in the Chicago Schools: An Abstract of a Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Loyola University, 1931, Richard Jeffrey French
A Study of Two Methods of Teaching Problem-Solving in Arithmetic, Nora Mary Carroll
A Study on Retention: Based on "A Course in Religion For the Elementary Schools", Mary Loyola Baltzer
A Study on the Effect of a Spindle-Cell Sarcoma on the Lecithinase Activity of the Organs of the Albino Rat, Alfred H. Benson
A Study to Determine the Relative Achievement of Boys and Girls in Home Mechanics, John R. Cunnea
A Summary and An Evaluation of Selected Experimental Placement Investigations in Elementary School Arithmetic, Joseph Ernest King
A Survey of Courses Offered in Home Economics in Representative Junior High Schools in the United States, Lenora Ida Larson
A Survey of Modern Trends in Character Education in Public Elementary Schools as Evidenced by the Analysis of Courses of Study of Type Cities and States, Ruth Wheeler Cullen
A Survey of the Activities of the Parent-Teacher Association in Illinois, Nettie Jacobs
A Survey of the Critical Writings on Jane Austen, Mary Hester Valentine
A Survey of the Criticisms of A.E. Housman's Poetry, Claudia Newton Jackson
A Survey of the Drama of Colonial Mexico, Edward Aloysius Dwyer
A Survey of the Status of the Jews and the Germans in Poland Up to 1939, Jane. Jane. McKinley
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of Child-Parent Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Anxiety Disorders, Kristen Brendel
At "Ground Zero": September 11, 2001, Michael P. Dentato
A Tracing of the Melancholy in the Poetry of John Keats, James J. Zigerell
Attitudes Expressed Toward Kindness by Children in 4-B, Anna A. McNichols
A Typology of Suburban Economic Development Policy Orientations, John P. Pelissero and David Fasenfest
Audible Identities: Passing and Sound Technologies, Pamela L. Caughie
Autonomy Through Social Skill Development: A Camp Intervention for Young People with Spina Bifida, Lauren Nicole Zurenda
A View from the Trenches: Current Digitization Activities of Illinois Academic Libraries, Eben English, Ellen Corrigan, and Meg Miner
A Wartime History of Government Conciliation Service, Thomas J. Cleland
Balance Sheet Asset Valuation Principles in the Period 1930-1932, Roger Frederick Knittel
Becoming Mobile: Reference in the Ubiquitous Library, Frederick D. Barnhart and Jeannette E. Pierce
Being and Becoming a U.S. Iraq War Veteran: An Exploration of the Social Construction of an Emerging Identity, Anna Stachyra
Being in the Know: Punk, Confrontation, and the Process of Validating Truth Claims, Christopher Richard Penna
Benchmarks for Transition: Do St. Louis High Schools Promote Graduates That Can Make the Transition to Higher Education?, Kevin Harrman
Benito Perez Galdos and His Works in the United States, Ferdina Juliette Capparelli
Bernard Shaw as Dramatic Critic, Martin J. Svaglic
Binge Ethanol Leads to Decreased Macrophage Accumulation in Infected Cutaneous Wounds, Sara Hlavin
Bishop Bonner and the English Schism, Edward Joseph Dunne
Black Club Women's Purposes for Establishing Kindergartens in the Progressive Era, 1890-1910, Jean Marie Robbins
B Lymphocyte Development in Galt, Venkata Arunachalam Yeramilli
Body Image and Body Mass Index: An Investigation of Preadolescent Low-Income, Urban Ethnic Minority Girls, Amanda K. Ward
Bossuet and His Discourse on Universal History, Angelica M. Wiater
Boundary terms unbound! Holographic renormalization of asymptotically linear dilaton gravity, Robert A. McNees IV and Robert Mann
Brownson as a Critic of Kant, Lawrence John Roemer
Building Level Principals as Change Agents in a Response to Intervention Reform Initiative, Kristen Elizabeth Ninni
Business Ethics and Global Age Cosmopolitanism, Isaias Ramon Rivera
Bystander Behavior: Understanding Undergraduate Male Involvement in Dangerous Drinking Situations, Christopher Allen Waugh
Caduceus 1987, Stritch School of Medicine
Caduceus 1988, Stritch School of Medicine
Caduceus 1989, Stritch School of Medicine
Caduceus 1991, Stritch School of Medicine
Caduceus 1992, Stritch School of Medicine
Caduceus 1993, Stritch School of Medicine
Caduceus 1994, Stritch School of Medicine
Caduceus 1995, Stritch School of Medicine
Caduceus 1996, Stritch School of Medicine
Caduceus 1997, Stritch School of Medicine
Caduceus 1998, Stritch School of Medicine
Caduceus 1999, Stritch School of Medicine
Caduceus 2000, Stritch School of Medicine
Caduceus 2001, Stritch School of Medicine
Caduceus 2002, Stritch School of Medicine
Caduceus 2003, Stritch School of Medicine
Caduceus 2004, Stritch School of Medicine
Caduceus 2005, Stritch School of Medicine
Caduceus 2006, Stritch School of Medicine
Caduceus 2007, Stritch School of Medicine
Caduceus 2008, Stritch School of Medicine
Camkii-Mediated Phosphorylation of the Inositol 1,4,5-Trisphosphate Receptor at Serine-150 Results in Decreased Channel Activity, Joshua Thomas Maxwell
Can Prevention Programs Work Together? An Example of School-based Mental Health with Prevention Initiatives, Hank Bohanon and Meng-Jia Wu
Carlyle and Newman: Their Intellectual and Spiritual Crises, William T. Supple
Carmina Burana: An Annotated English Translation of No. CCII of Codex Lat. 4460 of the Staatsbibliothek of Munich: Ludus Scenicus De Nativitate Domini, Alphonsus L. Pakenham
Carthage: Her Civilization and Culture, Theodore James Tracy
Case example of the implementation of schoolwide positive behavior support in a high school setting, Hank Bohanon, Pamela Fenning, and Kimberly Thier
Catholics of Illinois in the Civil War, Elvira Dorsey
Cattail (Typha X Glauca) Invasion in Wetlands of the Great Lakes Region: Are Impacts Time-Dependent?, Mark Edwin Mitchell
Catulle Mendès, a critical study, John Jex Martin
Causality in External Sensation According to Saint Albert the Great, James Vincent McGlynn
Causes of Student Failure in Accredited Schools of Nursing in Michigan, Mary Leonard Sage
Celebrating Faculty Scholarship: Bibliography - 2011, University Libraries
Certain Transformations of the Apollonion Circles on the Triangle 1,W, and W2, Marion J. Kaminski
Challenging Client Behaviors, Coping and Burnout Among Professional Psychologists, Sasha R. Berger
Changes of Electrical Resistance in Nerve During Block by Cold, Irvin Franklin Hummon Jr.
Changing Objectives in the Teaching of Geography 1870-1930, Francesca Lichter Urbancek
Characteristics of Inmates in the Cook County Jail, David E. Olson
Characteristics of the Freshman Class of September, 1939 at Gage Park High School, Mae K. Callahan
Characterization of the Clostridium Difficile Biofilm, Michelle Laning
Characterization of TraM, a Required Bacteroides Fragilis Conjugal Apparatus Protein That Interacts with the B. Fragilis Putative Coupling Protein Bcta and the B. Fragilis Relaxase Protein BmpH, Mai Thi Thanh Nguyen
Charles Carroll of Carrollton: A Member of the Continental Congress, 1776-1778, Bernard D. Haas
Charles Peguy D'Apres Son Oeuvre Poetique, Anita Bremner
Chaucer's Consistency in His Portrait of the Monk in the Canterbury Tales, David F. McCarthy
Chemoprevention of Familial Melanoma, Vidhya Hariharan
Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney's Attitude Toward Slavery, Josephine C. Taheny
Children's Choices in Catholic Poetry, Mary Florence Downing
Children's Concepts of Truthfulness, Marcella Ann Twomey
Children's Use of the Shape Bias in the Presence of Different Instructions, Object Types, and Emotion Cues, Vanessa Raschke
Christian Humanism, Aloysius Robert Amadeo Caponigri
Christ in the Poetry of Robert Browning, Juliana Ludick
Cicero's Catilinarian Orations: A Study in Emotional Appeal, Mary Alvina Jaracz
Cicero's Thoughts on Immortality, Joseph Aloysius Graber
Cicero's Views on Historical Composition as Exemplified in Caesar's Gallic Wars, Francis X. Dolan
Citizen Satisfaction with Local Public Services in a Southwestern State, David R. Morgan and John P. Pelissero
City Council Legislative Committees and Policy-making in Large United States Cities, John P. Pelissero and Timothy B. Krebs
Cofactors in Coronavirus Entry, Ana Shulla
Coleridge's Conception of Tragedy and Its Place in His Criticism of Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama, M. Clement Rixon
Coleridge's Idea of the Drama as the Basis of His Shakespearean Criticism., Virgina Seabert
Collateral Damage: The De-Americanization of Muslim Americans After 9/11, Saher Farooq Selod
Collecting Culture in the 'Imaginary Musical Museum': General Music Textbooks 1971 - 2005, Corinne Ness
Colorblind, Deaf and Dumb: Examining Race in a Contemporary American High School, Brendan Bedell
Comics and Conflict: War and Patriotically Themed Comics in American Cultural History From World War Ii Through the Iraq War, Cord A. Scott
Communicating a Catholic Mind and Culture Through English, Joseph C. Lawless
Community Assessment of Cardiovascular Health and Risk Among People of Mexican Descent in Berwyn, Illinois, Karen Ann Larimer
Community Development or Business Promotion? A Look at Sports-led Economic Development, John P. Pelissero, Beth Henschen, and Edward Sidlow
Community Structure and Secondary Production of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates in Coastal Wetland Ponds of the West Copper River Delta, Alaska, Following Tectonic Uplift, Ryan Glen Van Duzor
Comparative Study of the State Board Failures in Materia Medica of Students in the Schools of Nursing of the United States, Helen Jarrell
Components of Religious Beliefs, Religious Maturity, and Religious History as Predictors of Proscribed and Non-Proscribed Explicit and Implicit Prejudices, Luke Fiedorowicz
Composition and Letter-Form Errors in Fifth-Grade Children's Life Letters, Patricia S. Geoghegan
Comprehensive U.S. Higher Education Internationalization: Exploring Study Abroad as an Indicator, Candace Brzoska Matta
Conceptions of Discipline in the Public Schools of the United States For the Past Sixty Years, Francis Thomas Boylan
Conjugation of Various Amino Acids with Insulin in Liquid Ammonia, Charles Jon Caul
Connection, Caretaking, and Conflict: The Recalled, Lived Experience of Adultdaughters of Bipolar Mothers, Louise Ribeiro Presley
Considering Care: Infant Teachers, Reflective Function and the Care Environment in Child Care Centers, Cynthia C. Jurie
Constructs of Parenting in Urban Ghana, Molly Pachan
Contemplation and the Human Animal in the Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas, Edyta M. Imai
Contributions of German Jesuits to the Golden Age of Paraguay, Mary Angela Blankenburg
Contributions of the Eighteenth Century German Immigrants to the Social Well Being of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Mary Vivian Wilm
Contributory Factors of Extraneous New Bone Growth on the Endocranial Surfaces of Human Infant and Sub-Adult Skeletal Remains, Mark Andrew Zahareas
Conventions, Definitions, Identities, and Other Useful Formulae, Robert A. McNees IV
Cook County Sheriff's Reentry Council Quarterly Update (Volume 1, Issue 1: September, 2009), David E. Olson
Cook County Sheriff's Reentry Council Quarterly Update (Volume 2, Issue 1: February 2010), David E. Olson
Cook County Sheriff's Reentry Council Quarterly Update (Volume 2, Issue 2: October 2010), David E. Olson
Coronavirus Replicase Proteins: Multifunctional Mediators of Replication and Innate Immunity Evasion, Mark Anthony Clementz
Corporations as Group Agents / Responsible Collectives in Theory and in Practice, Kathryn Real King
Coventry Patmore: Critic of Literature and Art, Julitta Gaul
Creating a Balance in Sentencing Offenders: A Step Towards Restorative Justice, Lindsay Nichols
Critical Analysis of the Artistic Principles of William Dean Howell's Criticism and Fiction By Means of a Comparison with Aristotle's Poetics, Richard H. Lundstrom
Critical History and Evaluation of Euripides' Bacchae, John E. Festle
Criticism of Family Life in Nineteenth Century English Fiction from Jane Austen to Samuel Butler, Theresa Mercedes Herbert
Cultural and Social Values of High-School Chemistry, Mary Josephine Kortman
Cultural Materials in Representative German Textbooks Used in the Chicago Public High Schools During the School Year 1938-1939, Elmer C. Coble
Curriculum Construction in General Science, Cornelius F. Bek
Curriculum Reform in Post-Soviet Armenia: Balancing Local and Global Contexts in Armenian Secondary Schools, Shelley Marie Terzian
Cyberspace and the Defense of the Revolution: Cuban Bloggers, Civic Participation, and State Discourse, Renee Naomi Timberlake
Decentralization, Redistribution and Community Development: A Reassessment of the Small Cities CDBG Program, Eric B. Herzik and John P. Pelissero
Deconstructing Demand for Women and Girls' Education, Linda Lu
Deconstructing Ihf-Mediated Inhibition of the Complex acs Promoter, David S. Thach
Degree Attainment Among Adult Learners, Maureen O'Conor
Dentos 1912, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1913, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1914, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1915, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1916, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1921, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1922, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1923, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1924, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1925, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1926, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1927, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1928, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1929, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1930, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1931, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1932, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1933, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1934, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1935, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1936, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1937, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1938, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1939, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1940, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1942, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1943, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1957, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1971, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1978, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1979, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1983, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1986, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Dentos 1993, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Depression in Freshmen College Students, Julie Marie Brandy
Depressive Symptoms in Women Being Screened for Cardiovascular Disease Risk, Suzanne Marie Savoy
Detection of the SIRE1 Env-Like Protein, a Potential Retroviral Protein in Soybean, Garen Gaston
Developmental Characterization of Cara Mitad: A Drosophila Nuclear Receptor Co-Regulator, Chhavi Chauhan
Development and Validation of the Workplace Intergenerational Atmosphere Scale, Scott P. King
Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary in Medieval English Devotional Prose, Bernard J. Mulhern
Diagnosis and Classification of Errors in Pharmaceutical Arithmetic, Lewis E. Martin
Diagnostic and Remedial Procedures in Computational Skills and Reasoning Processes in Arithmetic, R. Fullerton
Dialectical Metafiction and the Self-Conscious Subject of American Modernism, Timothy Michael Randell
Dickens' Reform Purpose in the Child Characters of His Novels, Marie Agnes McCall
Diet Overlap and Competition Among Native and Non-Native Small-Bodied Fishes in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona, Sarah Ellen Zahn Seegert
Digging Below the Demographic Level: Examining the Effects of Internalized Racial and Social Attitudes on White Physicians-In-Training Self-Reported Cross Cultural Competency, Sha'kema Maigre't Blackmon
Diplomatic Relations of the United States with the Barbary Coast, 1790-1801, Robert W. Daly
Directed Supervised Study Versus Home Study in Sixth Grade History, Lilian Mattocks Johnson
Directly Supervised Versus Indirectly Supervised Typewriting, Mary Brendan
Direct Spectrophotometric Determination of Lead Naphthenate in Linseed Oil, Nicholas Peter Oehlberg
Dirty Work: Domestic Service and the Making of the Middle Class in Modern Women's Fiction, Ann M. Mattis
Distinctive Elements of Scott's Romanticism, Ann Patricia Shields
Disturbing the Power Equilibrium: How Notions of Private and Public Construct the Lesbian Educator in the American School System, Lillian Petrovich Brandt
Does Political Incorporation Matter? The Impact of Minority Mayors Over Time, John P. Pelissero, David B. Holian, and Laura A. Tomaka
Do Family Dynamics Mediate the Relationshp Between Early Pubertal Development and Depression for Girls With and Without Spina Bifida?, Rachel Wasserman
Doing History in the Adirondacks: Interpreting the Park, the People, and the Landscape, Maria F. Reynolds
Don Vasco De Quiroga and the Second Audiencia of New Spain, Paul S. Lietz
Doubting Thomas: A Study of Thomas Hobbes's Post-Restoration Dialogues, Adam George Yoksas
Dramatic Unity in the Ajax of Sophocles, Edward E. Cincoski
Early Carcinomatous changes in the Cervix Uteri, L. A. Macaluso
Early Childhood Fears, Lenore Bernadette McCarthy
Early Reciprocity Trade Agreements with Latin America, Mary Assisium Cramer
Ecclesiastical Property in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, John L. Blanchard
Edna St. Vincent Millay: The Problem of the Popular Poet in Contemporary America, Mary K. Stevens
Educational Work of the Sisters of Providence in Indiana, Philomene Cullity
Education, Fascism, and the Catholic Church in Franco's Spain, Joan Domke
Education Language Policy Process in Multilingual Societies: Global Visions and Local Agendas in India, Nigeria and Unesco, Desmond I. Odugu
E.E.Stoll and the Realist School of Shakespearean Criticism, Joseph Stanislaus Karol
Effectiveness of an Inquiry Based Professional Development Program, Lynne Beyah El-Amin Muhammad
Effect of Calcium Chloride, Acid, and Alkali on Irritability and Conductivity of Nerves Locally Cooled, Dominic Baima
Effects of Discrete Positive Emotions on Attitude Change, Jennifer Lee Smith
Effects of Electrical Stimulation and Testosterone in Translational Models of Facial Nerve Injury, Nijee Sharma
Effects of Misassignment on Bias in the Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity, Kelci M. Price
Effects of Neuronal Nogo-A on Properties of Excitatory Synapses of the Sensorimotor Cortex, Alicia Marie Case
Electrochemical Studies of Quinone on Clay-Modified Platinum Electrodes, Thomas Edward Nelson
Electrolyte Equilibria in Blood, Edward J. Fitzsimons
Elementary School Counselors' Perception of Their Role and Function as Case Managers in Chicago Public Schools, Debra J. Franklin
El Veneno y Los Remedios: Vida y Muerte en la Narrativa de Mayra Montero, Jesus Castro Gorfti
Embracing Compulsory Education: The Case of Singapore, Chaitut Roungchai
EmDee 1916, Stritch School of Medicine
Emily Dickinson: The Growth of Her Reputation in Periodical Criticism, 1890-1934, Ruth Corrigan
Emotional Exhaustion, Work-Family Conflict, and Marital Satisfaction Among Professional Psychologists., Alisha Oscharoff
Empirical Data Mining: Conservation of Nursing Energy and Care Capacity in Medical-Surgical Hospital Work Environments, Ann L. Hendrich
Emplacing Ideologies of Risk and the Use of the Built Environment in Two Women's Residential Clubs in Turn of the 20th Century Chicago, Robin Bartram
Employers' Relationship to the Illinois Unemployment Compensation Act, Robert F. Du Mont
English Scholars of the Renaissance, Laura Backes
Environment as a Factor in the English Novel, 1850-1914, John S. Gerrietts
Enzyme-Catalyzed Phosphoryl Transfer Reactions: Energetics of Transition States and Vanadate Analogues in Aqueous Solution, James Borden
Escapist Tendencies as Evidenced in the Poetry of the Romantic Poets: Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Keats and Byron, Anita Marie Jochem
Essay Toward a History of the Pre-Socratic Philosophy, with Special Reference to Its Epistemological Doctrines, John Daniel McKian
Ethanol Impairs Mechanisms of Macrophage Phagocytosis and Cytokine Production, John Karavitis
Ethnic Political Power in a Machine City: Chicago's Poles at Rainbow's End, Tomasz Inglot and John P. Pelissero
Evaluation of the Performance of Non-Covalent Molecular Mechanical Models for Zn2+ and Mg2+ Metal Ions, Maria Magdalena Kamm
Evidences of Stoic Philosophy in Horace's Satires and Epistles, William F. Fay
Evidences of the Social Case Work Processes in the American Novel 1900-1931, Helan Maree Toole
Examining Leadership Styles in Ten High Poverty Elementary Schools, John Will Cook
Examining the Relationship Among Reading Curriculum-Based Measures, Level of Language Proficiency, and State Accountability Test Scores with Middle School Spanish-Speaking English Language Learners, Nicole Osterman Stokes
Experimental Study of the Effects of Thyrodectomy on the Growth of a Spindle-Cell Sarcoma in the Albino Rat, Francis G. Kravec
Explicating Culture and Its Influence on Magazine Advertisements, Pamela Morris
Exploring Justice for Crime Victims: Characteristics and Contexts of Crime Victims' Experiences with the Criminal Justice System, Phillip James Stevenson
Exploring the Mortality Salience Paradox: The Effects of High-Risk Employment on Interpersonal Decision Making, Bella Etingen
Exploring the Relationship Between Teacher Personality Traits and Teachers' Attitudes and Practices Towards Family-School Partnerships, Anna Rawlings Hamilton
Exploring the Relationship Between Work, Family and Religion Among Clergy Families, Lenore Johnson
Exploring the Use of Suspension in High School Codes of Conduct for Mild, Moderate, and Severe Behaviors, Amy Beth Horwitz
Exposure to Community Violence and Social Maladjustment Among Urban African American Youth: The Role of Emotion Dysregulation, Devin Colleen Carey
Expression and Regulation of Osteopontin in the Diabetic Heart, Abigail Goodman
Expressionism in the Plays of Eugene O'Neill, Luke Maurelius Grande
Expressionism in the Twentieth Century American Drama, Norbert Joseph Hruby
Expression of the Modern World in the Works of W.H. Auden, Margaret Mary. McNulty
Factors of Body Image Dissatisfaction Among High School Female Athletes, Trisha Margaret Karr
Familial Influences on the Coping Strategies of African American Youth From Foster Care Families and Biological Families, Cynthya Campbell
Family in Context: (Re)entry Narratives of Formerly Incarcerated Individuals, Jennifer Elena Cossyleon
Family Satisfaction, Ethnic Identity, and Subjective Well-Being Among Urban Youth, Kenia Loiret Gomez
Father Pierre-Jean De Smet, S.J.: Ambassador Extraordinary to the Sioux Indians, Delmar Robert Dosch
Fear as An Inhibitory Factor in a Motor Function, Dorothy Elizabeth Bresnahan
Federal Food and Drug Legislation: 1906-1938, Louisa Schmidt
Filiación-Fraternidad: The Hope of Human Existence in Light of Global Disparity. Exploring the Theological Anthropologies of Karl Rahner and José Ignacio González Faus., Scott M. Myslinski
Financial Education of the Public - In Regard to Investments, John James Hackett
Financial Ratios in a Period of Falling Prices, Sylvester M. Frizol
Finding Balance in a Family of One: Time Use in Single Person Households, Kimberly E. Fox
Fire Insurance on Public School Property in Cook County, Illinois, William Norman Olefsky
First Matter in the Philosophy of Suarez, Thomas Columbkille Vaughan
First-Year College Students and Faculty: A Comparison of Expectations for Success, Jodi Ellen Koslow Martin
Fish Assemblage Structure in Natural, Channelized, and Restored Sections of Nippersink Creek, Mchenry County, Illinois, Sarah Ann Zack
Forced-Exercise Alleviates Neuropathic Pain in Experimental Diabetes: Effects on Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels, Sahadev A. Shankarappa
Forced-Exercise Dependent Changes in Cellular Immunity: Effects on Experimental Autoimmune Neuritis, Michael W. Calik
Foreign Policy of Woodrow Wilson 1913-1917, Ann E. Pyne
Forethoughts and Eventualities: A Study of Willa Cather's Literary Code, John Bernard Amberg
Foundations of the Jesuits in the Viceroyalty of Peru (1568-1605), Beatrice Blum Roemer
Foundations to American Nationalism as Viewed Through John Marshall's Early Life and Three of His Decisions in Constituional Law, Earl McKinley Lewis
Francis Thompson: A Metaphysical Poet, Thomas E. Trese
Francis Thompson and His Relationship to the 1890's, Mary J. Kearney
Francis Thompson: Poet of the Image, Joseph Francis Murphy
Francis Thompson: The Man and the Poet in Sister Songs, Paul Lynch O'Connor
Francis Thompson the Poet of Modern Catholicity, Marita O'Connell
Francois Mauriac, Romancier Psychologue Contemporain, Catherine Coyle
French Influence West of the Mississippi River Before 1803, Lillian M. Berleman
French Word-Borrowings in England During the Renaissance: with a Glossary of Those Used in Spenser's Shepheards Calendar and Faerie Queen, Colette Garrity
From Classroom to Workplace: Becoming a Social Worker, Sarah Louise Hessenauer
From Subject to Citizen: Tarleton Bates and Evolution of Republican Man on the Pennsylvania Frontier, Leo Jon Grogan
From Trial to Triumph: Representations of African Americans in Museum Exhibits, Derrick Brooms
Functional and Phenotypical Analysis of the Effects of Aging on B Cells and Their Bone Marrow Microenvironment, Nicole May Ziegler
Functional Evolution and Origin of Enzymes of the Bacterial Glycogen/Starch Biosynthetic Pathway, Misty Lee Kuhn
Further Studies of the Effect of Saponin on Intestinal Absorption, Nello Michael Felicelli
Gabab Regulation of Methamphetamine-Induced Associative Learning, Robin Michelle Voigt
Gay and Lesbian Students in Catholic High Schools: A Qualitative Study of Alumni Narratives, Michael Maher Jr
Gender Stereotypes in Public School Textbooks in the Dominican Republic, Karie Jo Karasiak
George Crabbe as Social Critic of His Times, M. Aloysia Ripperger
Gerard Manley Hopkins and His Critics, Marian Raphael Carlson
Germany's Contribution to Spanish Romanticism and the Resultant Revival of Interest in the Writers of the Golden Age, Bertha Riss
Gestational Diabetes, Depression, and the Impact on Maternal Child Health Outcomes, Mary Alice Byrn
Girl Driven Research Project, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Madeline Troche-Rodriguez, and Jessica Palmert
Giving Voice to the Vulnerable: Discourse Ethics and Amnesty for Undocumented Immigration, Kyle Thomsen
Global Distributive Justice After Rawls: A Modified Poggean Argument for How We Harm the World's Poorest, Mark Chakoian
Global Influences and Resistance Within: Inclusive Practices and South Africa's Apartheid Government, Jean Marie Fagin
Globalizing Kenyan Culture: Jua Kali & the Transformation of Contemporary Kenyan Art: 1960-2010, Margaretta H. Swigert
Glocalization in Macedonia: English in Outdoor Advertising Messages, Pamela Morris
Grade Levels and Relative Importance of Etiquette Topics For Presentation in Junior and Senior High Schools, Isabelle A. Donahue
Group Dynamic Assessment of Elementary School Spanish Learners Studying Interrogative Use and Formation, Kristin Davin
Haiti's Troubles: Perspectives From the Theology of Work and From Liberation Theology, Lys Stéphane Florival
Hamlet's Concept of Christian Womanhood, the Major Motive-Force for His Actions, Charles J. Cagney
Henriette Charasson, Ecrivain Catholique, Henrietta Sedlack
Henry James's Principles and Practice as a Craftsman of Fiction, Wesley Francis Amar
Highlights 1990, Stritch School of Medicine
High School Teacher Attitudes Toward Implementing Positive Behavior Support Systems, Lauren McArdle
High School Transfer Student Transitions and Changes: Risk, Success, Failure, and the Vital Role of the Counseling Curriculum, Benjamin M. Grais
Hippocampal and Anterior Cingulate Cortex Volumes in Amnestic and Non-Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment, Elizabeth R. Tuminello
Historical Aspect of the Relations Between Church and State, James P. Montague
Historical Background and Translation of Letters 245-291 of John of Salisbury, Mary Josephine Peters
Historical Backgrounds of the Initial Agricultural Policies of the "New Deal", Mary Ritella Sharp
History of the Foundations of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary in North America, William Gormaly
Holographic Renormalization of Asymptotically Lifshitz Spacetimes, Robert A. McNees IV and Robert Mann
Homeless over 50: The Graying of Chicago's Homeless Population, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Christine George, Marilyn Krogh, Dennis Watson, and Judith Wittner
Home-School Collaboration and Children with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: An Examination of School Services, Laura Jean Swanlund
Hope Is the Ticket to Life: Insights From Disadvantaged African American Youth, Deanna D'amico Guthrie
Hopkins' Theory of the Perception of Natural Beauty, Robert A. White
Horace's Picture of a Poet, Henry St. C. Lavin
Horatian Themes and Phrases in the Lyrics of Father James Balde, S.J., James Aloysius Voss
Housing Discrimination and Economic Opportunity in the Chicago Region, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Michael Leachman, and Philip Nyden
How Adopting Stereotypical Roles May Impact Sexual Risk Behavior Among Young African American College Women, Essie Hall
How Counseling Helps: An In-Depth Look at Domestic Violence Counseling, Sonya V. Crabtree-Nelson
How Does Internet Facilitated Communication Impact Teacher and Parent Partnerships?, Mara Paich Grujanac
How Do Secondary Science Teachers Understand and Implement Technological Design in Their Classrooms?, Kathryn H. Heroux
How Do We Keep Desire from Passing with Beauty?, Pamela L. Caughie
How St. Thomas Goes Beyond Aristotle in His Treatment of the Soul, John F. Callahan
Humanity in the Balance: The Relationship Between the Moral Law and the Promotion of the Moral World in Kant's Ethics, John J. Garcia
Human Nature According to Saint Thomas Aquinas, Virginia Moore
Humor and Its Appeal to the Child, Leona Marie Carroll
Hypervirulent Clostridium Difficile Strains: Adherence, Toxin Production and Sporulation, Michelle Marie Merrigan
I Am Black and Beautiful: An Examiniaton of the Black Coptic Church as the Manifestation of Liberation Theology, Leonard McKinnis
Identity, Oppression, and Group Rights, Andrew Jared Pierce
If We Could Learn to Learn from Pain: A Contemporary Literary Ethics of Women's Suffering and Self-Sacrifice, Cynthia R. Wallace
Illinois Administrator's Perception of the Existence and Implementation of School Policies and Practices in Teacher Classroom Supervision in Schools Having Kindergarten to Fifth Grade, Maria Martinez-Valiukenas
Illinois Catholic Historical Review,Volume III Number 2 (1920), Illinois Catholic Historical Society
Illinois Catholic Historical Review, Volume II Number 3 (1920), Illinois Catholic Historical Society
Illinois Catholic Historical Review, Volume II Number 4 (1920), Illinois Catholic Historical Society
Illinois Catholic Historical Review, Volume I Number 1 (1918), Illinois Catholic Historical Society
Illinois Catholic Historical Review, Volume I Number 2 (1918), Illinois Catholic Historical Society
Illinois Catholic Historical Review, Volume IX Number 1 to Volume IX Number 4 (1926-1927), Illinois Catholic Historical Society
Illinois Catholic Historical Review, Volume VIII Number 1 to Volume VIII Number 4 (1925-1926), Illinois Catholic Historical Society
Illinois Catholic Historical Review, Volume VII Number 1 to Volume VII Number 4 (1924-1925), Illinois Catholic Historical Society
Illinois Catholic Historical Review, Volume VI Number 1-2 to Volume VI Number 3-4 (1923-1924), Illinois Catholic Historical Society
Illinois Catholic Historical Review, Volume Volume X Number 1 to Volume X Number 4 (1927-1928), Illinois Catholic Historical Society
Illinois Catholic Historical Review, Volume XI Number 1 to Volume XI Number 4 (1928-1928), Illinois Catholic Historical Society
Illinois Felony Sentencing: A Retrospective, David E. Olson and Donald Stemen
Illinois Secondary Principals' Perceptions and Expectations Concerning Students Who Use African American Vernacular English in an Academic Setting, Garrard Overton McClendon
I Love You (But I Can't Look You in the Eyes): Explicit and Implicit Self-Esteem Predict Verbal and Nonverbal Response to Relationship Threat, Julie Longua Peterson
Image Slavery and Mass Media Pollution: Examining the Sociopolitical Context of Beauty and Self Image in the Lives of Black Women, Jennifer Richardson
Images of God, Imago Dei and God's Relationship with Humanity Through the Image of Mary's Breast Milk: A Focus Upon Sor María Anna Águeda De San Ignacio (1695-1756), Neomi Dolores DeAnda
Immigrant Stories: Generation 1.5 Mexican American Students and English Language Learning in an Illinois Community College, Thomas Lloyd Hansen
Immigration as a "Theologizing Experience": Spiritual Well-Being as a Moderating Factor in Migratory Grief and Acculturation, Irma A. Sharp
Impact of Interest Group Testimony on Lawmaking in Congress, Nina Therese Kasniunas
Impact of Short-Term Study Abroad on MBA Students, Jessica Oldford
Imperialism in the Election of 1900 in the United States, Henry Borzo
Implementation of Document Based Question Essays in Regular Education History Classes, Christine R. Berrong
Incompatible: The Construction of the Homosexual Subject in American Mainline Protestantism, John Joseph Anderson
In Defense of the Frontier: The Work of General Henry Atkinson, 1819-1842, Alice Elizbeth Barron
Indigenous Intercultural Universities in Latin America: Interpreting Interculturalism in Mexico and Bolivia, Luciano Pedota
Industrial Democracy and the NRA, Theodore V. Purcell
Infectious Agents: Race and Environment in Nineteenth-Century America, Kristen Renee Egan
Influence of Menander on the Comedies of Terence Particularly the Andria of Terence, Marian Petrakis
Influence of the Book of Common Prayer on Samuel Johnson's Spirituality as Manifested in His Prayers and Meditations, John J. Miday
Information Commons: The Future is Now, Robert A. Seal
Information Content in Ribonuclease A: An Investigation of Protein Structure and Identification of New Qsars, Jessica L. Greminger
Initiative and Cooperation in the Convalescent Hospitalized Child, Sibyl Catherine Davis
Innervation of the Larynx, Hobart H. Todd
Inroads to Technology: Evening the Playing Field for the 21st Century - PRAG Publication, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Policy Research Action Group, Derek Pasnick, Maureen Hellwig, Carol Hibler, Martin Mercado, Kent Unruh, and Suzanne Whelden
Interlibrary Loan: Integral Component of Global Resource Sharing, Robert A. Seal
International Trade Relations of Venezuela, M. Andre Kroupa
Internet Advocacy Support for Families of Children with Emotional Difficulties, Maureen Elizabeth Curtin
Interpretation of the Social Tendencies Found in Arnold Bennett, Agnes Laye Babcock
Interpretive Teleology Without Eschatology: A Study of the Hermeneutic Strategies of Nietzsche's Genealogical Project, Darin Sean McGinnis
In the Driver's Seat: Living and Working as a Trucker, Cassandra Lively
In the Margins: Thresholds of Text and Identity in U.S.-Mexico Border Literature, Allison E. Fagan
Intimate Partner Violence As a Risk Factor for PTSD in Female Survivors of Domestic Violence: A Meta-Analysis, Selena Tramayne
Intra-Racial Prejudice Among Asian Indians: The Role of Skin Color, Nayantara Sara Abraham
Introducing the Common Good Index and a Common Good Immigration Ethic, Ana Bedard
Introversion and the Use of Parasocial Interaction to Satisfy Belongingness Needs, Carol Laurent Jarzyna
Investigation of a Pharmaceutical Compound with Artificial Streams: Effects of the Antihistamine Cimetidine on Stream Ecosystem Function., Paul David Hoppe
Investigation of the Effects of Team Coaching, Performance Feedback, and Collective Efficacy on Small Group Performance, Rachael Nichole Martinez
Involvement of the NMDA Receptor in Moderate Ethanol Preconditioning-Dependent Neuroprotection From Amyloid-Beta in Vitro, Robert Matthew Mitchell
In Whose Best Interest? Using an Experimental Vignette to Assess Factors Influencing Placement Decisions in Child Welfare, Jeff Sieracki
Is Hamlet a Weak Character?, David Ignatius Condon
Is the Roman Catholic Prohibition of Female Priests Sexist?: How Catholic College Students Think about Women’s Ordination and Sexism, Michael Maher Jr, Linda M. Sever, and Shaun Pichler
Is the Scientific Behaviorist Scientific?, Methodius F. Cikrit
Italian Influences on the French Tragi-Comedy, Helen M. Szymanski
It's OK Here: A History of Deborah’s Place, An Organization Serving Women Who Are Homeless or Formerly Homeless in Chicago, 1985 – 2000, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Linda S. Von Dreele, Gloria P. Montgomery, and Deborah's Place
James Wilson and the Sovereignty of the People in the Philadelphia Convention of 1787, Jeremiah E. Connolly
Jane Austen and the Critical Novel of Manners, Anthony Joseph Peterman
J. B. S. Haldane and the Thomistic Argument from Motion For the Existence of God, Cletus F. Hartmann
Jeanne D'Albret: A Puritan at the Court of Catherine de Medici, Mary Hortensia Ott
Jesuit Prelection Exemplified in Cicero's De Senectute, Laurence Vincent Britt
J. M. Barrie's Literary Approach to Adolescent Psychology, Richard F. Burnham
John Adams in the Continental Congress, William A. Dehler
John Tyler's Attitude Toward the Presidency, Mary Jeanne Therese
Joshua and the Education of a Nation: Jamaica Educational Reform in the Manley-Era, 1972-1980, Dionne Dean
Joy as Attunement and End in the Philosophies of Martin Heidegger and Henri Bergson, Justin Albert Harrison
Justice Across Group Boundaries: Extending Empathy-Motivated Helping to Out-Groups, Elizabeth K. Jacobs
Justice Efficacy and Argument Strength in Mock Juror Decision-Making in a Civil Trial, Katharina Kluwe
Juvenal and the Foreigner, John R. Connery
Juvenal the Reformer and His Age, John P. Fisher
Keat's Conception of Poetry: Its Scope, Development, and Place in the Literary Philosophy of Romanticism, Frances Ann Sugrue
Keeping True to the Cathedral Within: A Case Study of Wheaton Academy and the Initiation, Development, and Fulfillment of Its Christian Saga of Social Justice, Barbara Dill-Varga
Knowledge, the Marketization of Education, and High-Stakes Accountability: Curriculum Differentiation in Chicago Public High Schools, Paige Elizabeth Jessee
Labor and the Conflict of Federal Commerce Power and State Police Power, Mark James Jennings
La Famile Dans Les Oeuvres De Henry Bordeaux Et De Rene Bazin, Marie Elizabeth Schiefer
La Méthode Directe Dans L'Enseignement Du Français, Loretta C. Duffy
La Paroisse Notre Dame De Chicago, Catherine Dempsey
Law and Its Order, Daniele Manni
Leadership Practices of Science Department Chairs in Secondary Public Schools, Kathryn Marie Baal
Leading with Love: The Confluence of Spirituality and Leadership in College Students, Eileen Patricia Doherty
Leading with Love: The Confluence of Spirituality and Leadership in College Students, Eileen Patricia Doherty
L'Enseignement de L'Histoire Dans les Ecoles de la Societe de Sacre-Couer de Jesus, Mariella Bremner
Lessons in Philanthropy: A Case Studies Approach, Center for Urban Research and Learning and Louis T. Delgado
Liberalism and Conservatism in the Life and Works of Pedro Antonio De Alarcon, Mary Josephine Stack
Lincoln and Reconstruction 1862 - 1865: A Synthetical Study of Lincoln's Plan of Reconstruction, Roman G. Weltin
L'Influence De La Musique Sur La Vie Et Sur L'Oeuvre De Romain Rolland, Florence Anne Duignan
Literary Pre-Raphaelitism of William Morris as Exemplified in the Defence of Guenevere and Other Poems and Scenes from the Fall of Troy, Mary Dorothy Klaers
Literary Purposes of the Myth of the Golden Age, Mary Agnes O'Neill Gross
Local Government Fiscal Burden in Nonmetropolitan America, Kenneth M. Johnson, John P. Pelissero, David B. Holian, and Michael T. Maly
Localization and Functional Analysis of Plasmodium Falciparum Genes PFL2550w and PFF0750w, Carolyn Jane Strobel
Louis Veuillot as Portrayed in His Correspondence, Mariella Agnes Bremner
Lowell the Political Satirist: A Study of His Use of Literature as a Medium for His Political Thought, 1846-1867, De Lourdes Bragg
Loyola Plexus 1986, Stritch School of Medicine
Loyola Stritch 1985, Stritch School of Medicine
Loyola University Rome Center 1996-1997, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center 1997-1998, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center 1999-2000, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center 2000-2001, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center 2001-2002, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center 2002-2003, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center 2003-2004, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1964-1965, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1965-1966, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1966-1967, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1968, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1968-1969, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1969-1970, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1970-1971, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1971-1972, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1972-1973, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1973-1974, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1975-1976, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1976-1977, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1977-1978, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1978-1979, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1980, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1980-1981, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1981-1982, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1982-1983, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1983-1984, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1984-1990, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1986, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1987-1988, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1988-1989, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1989-1990, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1990-1991, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1991-1992, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1992-1993, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1993-1994, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1994-1995, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1996, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1998-1999, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 2004-2005, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 2005-2006, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 2006-2007, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 2007-2008, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 2008-2009, Loyola University Rome Center
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 25th Anniversary 1962 -1987, Loyola University Rome Center
Lysine Specific Demethylase-1 and the Brahma Chromatin Remodeling Complex Regulate Conserved Signaling Pathways During Drosophila Wing Development, Brenda Jean Curtis
Magnanimous Man in the Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas, M. Burke
Manuel Ugarte and Hispanoamericanismo, Robert Welter Daly
Marx's Concept of the Transcendence of Value Production, Peter Hudis
Matthew Arnold's Writings on Education in Relation to His Idea of Culture, Mary Brunell
Measuring the Impact of a Residential Learning Community on the Mental Health and Well-Being of Art Students in Higher Education, Deborah Katherine Martin
Mechanism for Pre-B Cell Loss in Mutant Ali/Ali Rabbits, Gregory Robert Robbins
Mechanisms of Adenovirus Membrane Permeabilization, Oana Maier
Medic 1917, Stritch School of Medicine
Medieval Merriment and Its Reflections in the Religious Writings in Middle English, Mary Natalie Logan
Messages of Nationalism in Mexican and U.S. Textbooks: Implications for the National Identity of Transnational Students, Danielle Lane Jerdee
Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between Collective Teacher Efficacy and Student Achivement, Rachel Jean Eells
Metaphysical Concepts in the Work of Thomas Hardy, Mary Leo Hogan
Mexican and U.S. Library Relations, Robert A. Seal
mGluR5 Involvement in Methamphetamine Reward and the Co-Morbidity of Schizophrenia and Stimulant Use Disorders, Amy Anne Herrold
Mid-Childhood Immigrant Perspectives on Achieving College Success, Mark John Litwicki
Milton's Use of the Epic Simile in Paradise Lost, Francis Louis Martinsek
Minding the Gap: An Assessment of Racial Disparity in Metropolitan Chicago, Center for Urban Research and Learning and The Human Relations Foundation/Jane Addams Policy Initiative
Minority Stress Predictors of Substance Use and Sexual Risk Behavior Among a Cohort Sample of Men Who Have Sex with Men, Michael P. Dentato
Mobilizing the Illinois Spirit for the Civil War, Robert P. Golonka
Modal Entities in Suarez, Thomas M. Downing
Modern Criticism of the Thomistic Concept of Faculty, Denis E. Schmitt
Modernism En Vogue: Popular Periodicals and Their Engagement with Modernist Culture, Natalie Kalich
Modern Languages in the Grades as a Means of Provision For Superior Children, Mary Alexander Gannon
Molecular Expression of Neuroprotective and Neurodestructive Signaling Systems Following Axotomy-Induced Target Disconnection: Relevance to ALS, Melissa Marie Haulcomb
Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Chemokine Receptor CXCR4 Signaling and Trafficking, Rohit Malik
Moral and Social Aspects of the Plays of Juan Ruiz De Alarcon, Mary Madeline Walsh
Moral Distress and Avoidance Behavior in Nurses Working in Critical Care and Non-Critical Care Units, Mary Jo De Villers
Morality and Redemption in the Novels of Sigrid Undset, Mariruth L. Renesch
Morality in the Esthetics of Cardinal Newman , Joseph R. Zubricky
Moral Reasons Arbitrariness, Brad Seeman
Morphogenesis of the Bacillus Anthracis Spore, Michael Mallozzi
Morphological Development of the Axial Skeletons of Esox Lucius and Esox Masquinongy (Euteleostei: Esociforms), with Comparisons in Developmental and Mineralization Rates., Amanda Maria Burdi
Moving to the Level of Representation to Explain Variations in Family Child Care Provider Sensitivity and the Effectiveness of Child-Related Training, Diana Davidson Schaack
Music in the French Literature of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, Eunice Mehaffey
Mythology in Shakespeare's Classical Plays, Isabel Isabel Storch
Native Americans in Philanthropy: A Demographic Profile of Independently Incorporated Native American Foundations and Selected Funds in the United States, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Native Americans in Philanthropy, and Louis T. Delgado
Natural Knowledge of God in the Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Mary Walburga Dieter
Negotiating the Boundaries of Mental Health and Illness: A Study of Recovery in Permanent Supportive Housing, Dennis P. Watson
Neighborhood Disadvantage and Perceptions of Neighborhood As Predictors of Aggression in Urban African American Youth: A Multilevel Analysis, Edna Y. Romero
Neighborhood Voices: Getting It Together -- Connecting Local Neighborhoods and National Advocates, Anne Pasmanick and National Neighborhood Coalition
Neuroendocrine Consequences of Binge Alcohol Exposure During Peri-Puberty on Functioning of the Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis, Magdalena Malgorzata Przybycien-Szymanska
Neuropsychological Assessment of Executive Functioning and Its Association with Depressive Symptomology, Erica Jean Kalkut
New Cyclophanes as Supramolecular Scaffolds: The Synthesis of Tribenzo-1,4,7-Triazacyclononatriene., Andria M. Panagopoulos
Newman's Sermons After 1850: A Study of the Form and Content of Sermons Preached on Various Occasions, Francis Dermott Rabaut
Notch-1 Activates Nf-Кb Activity in Cervical Cancer and Estrogen Receptor Negative Breast Cancer, Yin Peng
Notch-1 Specifically Activates Erk1/2 in Multiple Breast Cancer Subtypes, Allison Schuyler Rogowski
Notch Signaling Is Important in the Survival, Proliferation, and Self-Renewal of the Putative Breast Cancer Stem Cell Population, Peter Grudzien
Novel Photocleavable Protecting Groups for Primary Alcohols, Garrett Zopp
Novel Technique as Exemplified in Herman Melville's Moby Dick, Joel Damian
Observations on the Occurance and Anlage of the Abberant Thyroid in Dog, Robert Russell Tracht
Occupy Chicago Oral History Project, Michelle Nickerson and Zachary Weber
Of Unsound Mind and Body: A Statistical Test of the Association Between Intimate Partner Violence and Chronic Physical and Mental Health Outcomes, Darryl Andre Brice
Oil Scandals during the Harding Administration, Mary M. Ridge
One and a Half Decades of Apartment Loss and Condominium Growth: Changes in Chicago's Residential Building Stock, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Julie Lynn Davis, and David F. Merriman
One-Dimensional Size Constancy in Two Planes, James Hominuke
On Eros in Plotinus: Attempt at a Systematic Reconstruction (with a Preliminary Chapter on Plato), Alberto Bertozzi
On the Move: Games and Gaming Figures in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Literature, Douglas Anthony Guerra
On the Needs of Human Persons, Gregory Wolcott
On the Sedimentation of Erythrocytes from Lymph, John Russell
Ontology in Emmanuel Levinas's Philosophy, Stacy Carol Bautista
Operational Characteristics of the Differential Dynamometer: Conductometric Titrations, Raymond Joseph Melchione
Organization and Composition of the α21-II Region of Human Chromosome 21, William Ziccardi
Origin of the German Novel, Dulcissima Bette
Padre Luis De Valdivia and the Araucanians, Beatrice Lorraine Blum
Parental Involvement in the Lives of College Students: Impact on Student Independence, Self-Direction, and Critical Thinking, Patrick Thomas Spence
Parental Perceptions of the Diagnosis Process of Their Young Child with Special Needs, Sue Stolzer
"Passing" and Identity: A Literary Perspective on Gender and Sexual Diversity, Pamela L. Caughie
Passing as Modernism, Pamela L. Caughie
Patriarchy, Christianity, and the African HIV/AIDS Epidemic: Rethinking Christian Marriage in Light of the Experiences of HIV Positive Women in Tanzania, Melissa Danielle Browning
Paul Elmer More as An Interpreter of American Literature, Margaret-Mary O'Neill
Pax Ecclesia: Globalization and Catholic Literary Modernism, Christopher Wachal
Perceptions of Care: Self Reflections of Women Teachers of African Descent Who Teach in Urban Settings, Elizabeth A. Abioro
Perceptions of Mentor Teachers in a Professional Development School, Gertrude Nalumansi
Perseveration and the Rate of Recovery After the Psychogalvanic Response, Charles August Weisgerber
Perseveration: Its Correlation with the Intelligence Quotient, Jeanne Collins
Personal Beliefs and Public Print: The Influence of Pre-Existing Attitudes and Pretrial Publicity Information on Final Verdicts, Sara Marie Locatelli
Personalities and Issues of the Presidential Election of 1920, Jeanne Rita Demling
Personality Traits of Successful Teachers, Angela Margaret Cylkowski
Personnel Evaluation and the Military Manager: Contrasts in Performance Appraisal Systems, John P. Pelissero
Phenotypical and Functional Analysis of Peripheral T Cells in Foxn1 Transgenic Mice: Effects of Aging, Paulette Krishack
Philo of Alexandria's Exposition of the Tenth Commandment, Hans Svebakken
Phospholipase D Signaling in T Cells, Uma Chandrasekaran
Photoinduced Switching of Dihydroindolizines (DHIs) in Solution and Solid State, Patrycja Maja Wierzbicki
Plato and Poets, Vincent G. Savage
Plato's Theory of Pleasure, William H. Berdan
Plato's Use of the Socratic Method, William J. Schmidt
Policy-Borrowing and Globalization Challenging French Universities in the 21st Century, Charlotte Stroumza
Political Activity as Advocacy: Through the Eyes of the Illinois Superintendent, Julie Fogarty
Politics and Pupils: How the Conflict Between the Washington Teachers' Union and the Fenty Administration Impacted Education Reform in the District of Columbia, Maureen Therese Costello
Polyomavirus Enhancer Activator 3 (PEA3), a Member of the Ets Family of Transcription Factors, Is a Transcriptional Activator of Notch-1 and Notch-4 in Breast Cancer: An Opportunity for Novel Combinational Therapy, Anthony George Clementz
Population Dynamics and the Characteristics of Inmates in the Cook County Jail, David E. Olson and Sema Taheri
Portrait of a Philosopher in the Dialogues of Plato, Robert F. Harvanek
Positive Emotions and Immune Respose to Influenza in Medically Stable Older Adults, Maryann J. Gierloff
Positive Peers: Exploring How and Why to Incorporate Peers Into HIV Prevention Services, Allison Tan
Post-Correctional Education Interventions: A Phenomenological Case Study of Empowerment Education Curriculum for Formerly Incarcerated African American Males, Rolanda Jean West
Postmodern and Poststructuralist Approaches to Virginia Woolf, Pamela L. Caughie
Posttraumatic Stress Symptom Clusters and Externalizing Problems in Young Urban African American Adolescents, Maria Ann Horn-Rollins
Predictors of Academic Achievement and Failure Among Low-Income Urban African American Adolescents: An Ecological Perspective, Israel Moses Gross
Predictors of Mental Health Outcomes Among Foster Care Children Receiving Community-Based Services, Alison Merri Dunleavy
Presidential Reconstruction in North Carolina as Viewed by a Southern Unionist Whig, Howard Joseph Kerner
Press and Parliament, Liberalism and Colonialism: Italy's 1891 Livraghi Affair and the Waning of the Civilizing Mission, Stephen C.L. Bruner
Previous Intelligence History of Children Referred to the Loyola Center For Child Guidance, M. Rosalita Hurley
Principal Evaluation and Student Achievement: A Study of Public Elementary Schools in Dupage, Will, and Lake Counties, Illinois, Edward John Condon
Principals Attitudes Toward Inclusion in Dubai Public Schools: Where Do They Stand?, Fouzia Usman
Principles and Practices for Library Outreach to First-Year Students, Jane Currie
Proactive Disciplinary Consequences in Three Illinois High Schools, Sara Golomb
Problems of Conscience in Some of the Plays of Shakespeare, Mary Paul Baldwin
Professional and Personal Lives of Psychologists: Spillover, Family Functioning, and Life Satsiafction, Pedja Stevanovic
Programs and Policies of Political Action of American Trade Unions, 1828-1928, Donald H. Devine
Projects of Identity Creation in English Languate Textbooks Aimed at Adult Immigrants: 1900 and 2000, Steven Herbert Fehr
Promoting Thymopoiesis with Age: Potential Role of the Transcription Factor Foxn1, Erin Christine Zook
Prosocial Behavior and Teamwork in Online Computer Games, Julia Elizabeth Fredrickson
Protective Factors Against Intergenerational Conflict in Chinese Immigrant Families: A Pilot Study, Xiaoyan Fan
Protein Kinase C δ Is Critical for Nucleotide Excision Repair of Cyclobutane Pyrimidine Dimers, Christopher Michael Negro
Providing a Way Station: A Study of the Joint Apna Ghar -The Enterprising Kitchen Program to Provide Employment Services to Immigrant Women Victimes of Domestic Violence, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Christine George, and Rafah Abuinnb
Psychological Factors in Marital Sex Problems, Leonard Manning Ware
Psychosocial Development, Well-Being, and Internalizing Symptoms During Emerging Adulthood: An Examination of Mediating and Moderating Factors, Jennifer Paley Edidin
Public Opinion in the North Following the Election of Lincoln, Michael I. Cleary
Public Responsiveness to Victim's Recommendations in Their Sentencing Decisions: Role of Victim's Race, Victim Impact Statement and Judge's Instructions, Mary Elizabeth Talbot
Public-School Music in Grades 1 - 6: Its Content, Objectives, and Methods, Elizabeth Geraldine Bradshaw
Pure Will and the Principal Works of Pierre Corneille, Mary Fitzpatrick
Pushing On: A Grounded Theory Study of Maternal Perinatal Bereavement., Patricia Wright
Quality of Life and Health Outcomes in Overweight and Non-Overweight Children with Asthma., Amy Becker Manion
Quintilian and the Jesuit Ratio Studiorum, Joseph Robert Koch
Racine en Angleterre et aux Etats-Unis, Gerard J. Charest
Radicis: Ideology, Argument, and Composition Courses in American Colleges, Donovan Sean Braud
Rawls, Political Liberalism, and Moral Virtues, Joseph Alava Kabari
Reactions of D-Glucuronic Acid and Its Derivatives, Edward John Kubicz
Reactions of Synthesis of Methyl D-Glucuronide, Edward J. Czalgoszerski
Realism in English Renaissance Fiction, Helen Stokes
Recent Cost Schedule Variations in the Boot and Shoe Industry, Bernard William Gibbons
Recess Policy in Chicago Public Schools: 1855-2006, Laura Ann Wurzburger
Recognition of Emotions From Facial Expression and Situational Cues in Children with Autism, Dina Tell
Recommendations For Improvements in the Records and Reports Used in the Elementary Schools Under the Direction of the Community of Poor Sisters of Saint Francis Seraph of the Perpetual Adoration, Mary Petrona Eisenmenger
Recruitment Initiatives in Higher Education: A Comparison of Study Abroad and Enrollment Management Procedures, Carla Joy Ruffer
Redefining Sisterhood: The New Nuns, Laywomen and Catholic Feminist Activism, 1953-1992, Alexandra Elizabeth Michaelides
Reduction Products of D-Glucoheptulose, Stanley John Kuman
Reentry Resources Available to University Students Returning from Study Abroad Programs: A Case Study, Jacqueline Diane Pollis
Reference 2001: A Director’s Admonitions, Robert A. Seal
Reflex Respiratory Effects from Intermittent Stimulation of Vagus and Superior Laryngeal Nerves, Charles Hillenbrand
Regionalism as Exemplified in the Work of Jose Maria De Pereda, Mary Ludmilla Valdez
Regulation of Transglutaminase by 5-HT2A Receptor Signaling and Calmodulin, Ying Dai
Relating Color Blind Racial Attitudes, Social Dominance Orientation and Just World Beliefs, Jennifer Marie Kestner
Relation of Mark Hanna to the Republican Party, A. Patricia Bortolotti
Relationship of School Background to Reading Ability of One Hundred Disabled Readers, Mary Loretta Nolan
Relative Effectiveness of Question Vs. Outline Technic in Teaching Physics, Mary Sariel Redding
Religion, Science, and the Conscious Self: Bio-Psychological Explanation and the Debate Between Dualism and Naturalism, Paul J. Voelker
Religiosity, Knowledge of Evolution, and Political Ideology as Predictors of Attitudes Towards the Evolution v. Creationism Controversy, Nikolaus Philip Schuetz
Religious Factors Influencing Education in Colonial Virginia, Charles William Duffy
Religious Influences in Thai Female Education (1889-1931), Pam Suksod-Barger
Rene Bazin, Interprete De La Doctrine Sociale Catholique, Evelyn Cecilia McIntyre
Reorientation Through Interruption: On the Relation of Immanuel Kant's Modes of Egoism to His Critical Philosophy, Giancarlo Tarantino
Representationism Versus Perceptionism, Peter Radziewicz
Representative Attitudes of American Protestantism Toward the Problem of Slavery, Lyle E. Cushman
Representative Attitudes Toward Child Labor, Mary Loyola McDonald
Repression of Protein Kinase C Delta in Human Squamous Cell Carcinomas by Ras, Fyn and NF-Kappa B Signaling, Vipin Yadav
Resilience and African American Early Adolescents: The Protective Function of Religion and Structured After-School Activities, Gloria Patricia Montgomery-Walters
Resource Composition and Macroinvertebrate Resource Consumption in the Colorado River Below Glen Canyon Dam, Holly Ann Alfreda Wellard Kelly
Response to Intervention: Staff Perception of the Implementation and Development of a Three-Tier Model of Intervention, Erika L. Millhouse-Pettis
Response to Violent Prone Female Adolescents: The Chicago Public School Approach, Marian E. Dozier
Restoring the Balance: Setting Aside Naturalism in Favor of Personhood in Extreme Cases, Brian Joseph Buckley
Resurrecting the Past, Constructing the Future: A Historical Investigation on the Formation of a Greek National Identity in Schools, 1834-1913, Theodore G. Zervas
Reverend Pierre Gibault and the Old Northwest, Leo G. Drexler
Rhetorical Principles in Newman's Present Position and Their Relationship with Those of Aristotle as Outlined in His Rhetoric, Paul A. Hummert
Riddle-Solving Ability and Intelligence, Jack Harry Landes
Riding the Wave of Gentrification: Selected Principals' Perceptions of Gentrification's Impact on Leadership and School Culture, Jose Antonio Jimenez
Rigorous Honesty: A Cultural History of Alcoholics Anonymous 1935-1960, Kevin Kaufmann
Risk Perception, Psychological Well-Being, and Health-Promoting Behaviors in Persons Informed of a Coronary Artery Calcium Score, Jennie Elizabeth Johnson
Risky Business: Prior Experience and Substance Users' Perception of Risk, Sema Taheri
Robert Browning and Edwin Arlington Robinson: A Comparative Study of Their Poetry, Themes, and Attitudes with An Examination of the Frequent Claims Made Regarding Browning's Influence on Robinson, Alice Fitzpatrick Fitzpatrick
Role for Histone Deacetylases in Glucocorticoid Receptor Mediated Transpression of Natural Killer Cell Activity, Kristin Bush
Role of Non-Coding RNA NC4 in MLL and CYP33 Mediated Regulation of HOXC8, Jessica Arvindbhai Solanki
Role of Notch Signaling in T Cell Polarization, Shilpa Keerthivasan
Role of Type II Transmembrane Serine Proteases in Coronavirus Production, Gitanjali Cuckemane Subramanya
Romantic Realism in Charlotte Bronte, Hazel O. Orton
Sacred Spaces, Public Places: The Intersection of Religion and Space in Three Chicago Communities, 1869-1932, Elizabeth Hoffman Ransford
Safety Changes in Blue Ribbon Schools Since the Attack on Columbine High School, Joseph Gust
Saint Francis De Sales and His Religious Symbolism, Mary Ancilla Reilly
Satirical Tendencies in Modern American Drama, Marie H. Kelly
Saving Our Homes: The Lessons of Community Struggles to Preserve Affordable Housing in Chicago's Uptown, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Philip Nyden, and Joanne Adams
Savings Bank Investments, 1922 - 1931, Francis Joseph Calkins
School Factors That Promote Academic Resilience in Urban Latino High School Students, Christine Michelle Fallon
Schoolwide Application of Positive Behavior Support in an Urban High School:. Journal Of Positive Behavior Interventions, Hank Bohanon
Scrapbook 1916, Stritch School of Medicine
Sea-Cards for the Impetuous Muse: A Reading of Shaftesbury's Characteristicks, Travis Sean Cook
Second Life, Video Games, and the Social Text, Steven E. Jones
Sectarian Secondary Education in the United States During the Twentieth Century, Robert Stephen Kelley
Select Elegies of Sidronius Hosschius, S.J., Leo Thomas Gourde
Self-Realization in the Works of Henrik Ibsen, Richard A. McCormick
Seneca's Concept of a Supreme Being in His Philosophical Essays and Letters, Robert James Koehn
Sensationalism of Bulwer Lytton, Mary Bernice McGrath
Separation of English Lay and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, Its Antecedents and Aftermath, John James McKechney
Serine 910 Phosphorylation of Focal Adhesion Kinase Is Critical for Costamere Assembly, Miensheng Chu
Serotonin 1A Receptor Signaling in the Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus of the Peripubertal Rat, Maureen Lynn Petrunich Rutherford
Service-Learning and Jesuit Pedagogy: A Critical Analysis, Nichol Elizabeth Hooker
Shades of Grey: An Exploration of the Student Learning Experience in Diagnostic Radiology Education, Kathleen Linda Linaker
Shelley as a Critic of Society and Politics, Mary Ursula Vogel
Short-Term Study Abroad Programs and the Development of Intercultural Sensitivity, Barbara Elizabeth Zarnick
Sibling Suicide in Indo-American Families: Acculturation, Acculturative Stress, and Family Relationships, Suresh Unni
Sidney's Classicism and Its Relation to the Countess of Pembroke's Circle, Cyrena Margaret Everist
Silas Deane - His Diplomatic Career, Catherine M. Ryan
Simplifying Domain Modeling and Memory Management in User-Mode Filesystems with the NOFS Framework, Joseph P. Kaylor, Konstantin Läufer, and George K. Thiruvathukal
Singular Solutions of Differential Equations, John E. Klest
Sir Thomas Browne and Orlando, Pamela L. Caughie
Sir Thomas Browne: Backgrounds of Religio Medici and Christian Morals, William David Wilkins
Size Constancy in Filled and Unfilled Space in Relation to Intelligence, Loretto M. Olson
Social Cognitive Functioning and Social Competence in Children and Adolescents with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus: Social Cognitive Neuroscience As a Model, Caitlin Reid Roache
Social Conditions in the Republic of Texas, 1836-1845, Joseph William Schmitz
Social Experiences of Adolescents with High Functioning Autism (HFA) and/or Asperger Syndrome (AS) - Their Perceptions and Their Views of Their Caregivers: An Exploratory Study, Patricia Anne Kunz
Socially Including a 'Resistant People': Intercultural Education and the Roma in Italy, Mary Cristine Mcsweeney
Social Purpose in the Picaresque Novels of Bulwer Lytton, Mary Therese Norine Solon
Social Service Workers Working Social Policy: A Qualitative Study of Social Policy, Political Culture, and Organizations, Michael Rivers
Soil Nutrient Changes Following a Typha X Glauca Invasion in a Great Lakes Coastal Wetland, Lane Marie Vail
Solon, the Lawgiver, in the Light of Recent Discoveries and Criticism, Charles A. Castellano
Some Actions of Sodium Salicylate on Scorbutic Guinea Pigs, Jacob John Giardina
Some Aspects of Education in the English Novel of the Nineteenth Century, Dorothy M. Bailey
Some Catholic Concepts in Professional Social Case Work, Leonard J. McManamon
Some Current Educational Procedures as Applied to the Problems of Dental Education, Robert Wilkinson McNulty
Some Political Implications in the Works of Rudyard Kipling, Wendelle M. Browne
Some Problems Affecting Management Functions Caused by the Application of Seniority Principles in Fifteen Selected Firms in the Chicago Area, Edward Marion Wies
Some Studies on the Chemistry and the Physiology of the Parathyroid Hormone, George Henry Smullen
Sophists and Sophistry in Plato, Jeremiah J. O'Callaghan
So That Love May Be Safeguarded: The Nature, Form, and Function of Obedience as a Heuristic Device for the Theology of Hans Urs Von Balthasar, Daniel Paul Burns
Southwest Chicago Foreclosure Study, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Nathan Benefield, Samantha Dwyer, Tonia Garnett, David Hannah, and Amy Falcone
Spain in the Mississippi Valley and the Iowa Country, Lawrence A. Doll
Spain in the West During the American Revolution, 1775-1783, Joseph J. Dempsey
Spartin Protein Associates with Phospholipids Via Its Plant-Related Senescence Domain and Functions as a Lipid Transfer Protein, Maureen Ashlee Shaw
Spectrophotometric Determinations of the Sulfonamides, Paul William Brna
Spiritual Care in Advanced Practice Nursing, Barbara Baele Vincensi
Spirituality and Physical Health: Identifying Possible Mediators Utilizing the Quadripartite Framework of Spirituality, Meghanne Reilly Sennott
State Aid and City Needs: An Examination of Residual State Aid to Large Cities, John P. Pelissero
State Aid to Public Schools: An Analysis of State Responsiveness to School District Needs, John P. Pelissero and David R. Morgan
State-City Revenue Sharing policy: Local Need versus State System Explanations, John P. Pelissero
Status of Adult Education in the Public School System of Chicago, 1928-1930, June McCarthy
St. Augustine as a Historian of Philosophy, James Patrick Brogan
St. Elizabeth's Parish and the Negro, Mary Robert Dennis
Stevenson and the Catholic Church; A Background for the Damien Letter, Earl August Weis
St. Ignatius Collegian (1901-1902), Students of St. Ignatius College
St. Ignatius Collegian, Vol. 10 (1910-1911), Students of St. Ignatius College
St. Ignatius Collegian, Vol. 11 (1911-1912), Students of St. Ignatius College
St. Ignatius Collegian, Vol. 12 (1912-1913), Students of St. Ignatius College
St. Ignatius Collegian, Vol. 2-3 (1903-1904), Students of St. Ignatius College
St. Ignatius Collegian, Vol. 4 (1904-1905), Students of St. Ignatius College
St. Ignatius Collegian, Vol. 5 (1905-1906), Students of St. Ignatius College
St. Ignatius Collegian, Vol. 6 (1906-1907), Students of St. Ignatius College
St. Ignatius Collegian, Vol. 7 (1907-1908), Students of St. Ignatius College
St. Ignatius Collegian, Vol. 8 (1908-1909), Students of St. Ignatius College
St. Ignatius Collegian, Vol. 9 (1909-1910), Students of St. Ignatius College
Storied Memories: Memory as Resistance in Contemporary Women's Literature, Sarah Katherine Foust Vinson
Stream Restoration in a Post-Agricultural System: Indirect Effects on Density and Secondary Production of Aquatic Insects, Lyle Stanley Dandridge Jr
Stretched Too Thin: Low-Income Mothers' Work-Family Conflict and Preschoolers' Socioemotional Adjustment, Kelly Haas
Structure-Function Relationship Studies of the UDP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase From Escherichia Coli, Agnieszka Maria Orlof
Student Access to Advanced Placement (AP) Coursework: Principals' Beliefs and Practices, Steve Wood
Student Organizational Skills and Motivation: What's the Connection?, Vesna Cejovic
Students' Knowledge of the Minimum Essentials in High-School Religion, Grades 7-12, Mary Loyola Baltzer
Studies in the Comparative Anatomy of the Extrahepatic Biliary Tract in Mammalia, Stewart Craig Thomson
Studies of the Intestinal Absorption of Tyramine, Charles Lewis Coyle
Studies on Parathyroid Hormone, Cristobal Vicens
Studies on the Chemical Nature of Parathyroid Hormone, William Patrick Bell
Studies on the Intestinal Absorption of Histamine. , Raphael William Albi
Studies on the Intestinal Absorption of Histamine. I. The Effects of Various Chemical Agents Applied to the Mucosa, Lambert Francis Mammoser
Studies on the Relation Between Inorganic Ions and Drugs Acting on the Excised Intestine, William Blasé Spiteri
Study of Stress, Housing Program Use, and Nursing Usage Among Homeless in Chicago, Henry Christian Cheung
Stuttering; Its Cause and Age of Incidence, Sarah Honan Blake
Suarez and the Infinity of God, Frank J. Wieman
Successes and Challenges Among Community Technology Programs in Illinois, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Amy Kerr, Tanya Kellam, and Aparna Sharma
Suffering and the Search for Wholeness: Beauty and the Cross in Hans Urs Von Balthasar and Contemporary Feminist Theologies, Elisabeth T. Vasko
Suffering: Key to Francis Thompson, Vincent J. Forde
Supplemental Security Income - An Underused Resource For Disabled TANF Recipients in Illinois, Center for Urban Research and Learning and Michael A. O'Connor
Suppression of the Chicago Times: June 1863, Norma Ann Paul
Symbolism in the Novels and in the Ballad of the White Horse of G.K. Chesterton, Mary Cullen
Synge's Conception of the Drama, Mary Laurette Spehn
Systemic Barriers to the Implementation of International Education Policy: A Comparative Analysis of the United States and France, Zephranie Buetow
Targeting Intergovernmental Aid to Local Schools: An Analysis of Federal and State Efforts, John P. Pelissero and David R. Morgan
Tax-Exemption of Non-Public School Property, Cornelia A. Johnson
Teacher-Checking Versus Pupil-Checking For Errors in Written Composition of Junior High School Pupils, Agnes H. Dister
Teacher Personality from the Pupils' Point of View, Irene H. Sullivan
Teachers' Discourse on English Language Learners: Cultural Models of Language and Learning, Amy Heineke
Teachers' Perspectives on Race and Gender: Strategic Intersectionality and the Countervailing Effects of Privilege, Laurie Cooper Stoll
Temporal Variability of Bioassessment Indices Used to Evaluate Three Midwestern Streams, Nia M. Haller
Ten Cents a Dance: Taxi Dancers, a Living Wage, and the Sexual Politics of Women's Work, 1912-1952, Angela I. Fritz
Testing Models of Voter Choice: The Case of Polish Parliamentary Elections, 1997-2005, Piotr Paradowski
The 1907 Financial Upheaval, Laurette M. Dunne
The Absence of Presence: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Indicated Interventions to Increase Student Attendance, Brandy R. Maynard
The Aeschylean Concept of the Supreme Deity, Joseph Joel Devault
The Agent Intellect in Franciscan Philosophy from Alexander of Hales to Roger Marston, Margaret M. Curtin
The Allegorical Interpretation of the Owl and the Nightingale, Alphonse Mattlin Mattlin
The Alliterations in Virgil's Aeneid with Special Reference to Books I-VI, Mary Rosia Thoma
The American Labor Leader: A Statistical Survey and Interpretative Study, Irving Frederick Friedman
The Anagnorisis and Its Use in Euripides, William P. Le Saint
The Anatomy of the Inguinal Region in Man, Frank J. Nowak
The Anatomy of the Root Canals of the Incisors, Cuspids, and Bicuspids of the Permanent Dentition, Augustus Henry Mueller
The Appetitus Naturalis in the Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas, Doris Barnett
The Application of a Photronic Nephelometer in the Determination of Calcium, A.M. Gross
The Aristotelian Concept of Happiness, Stanley C. Tillman
The Aristotelian Elements of Tragedy as Found in Homer, Joseph A. Fitzmyer
The Art of Description in Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert Newman Hinks
The Art of Trinitarian Articulation: A Case Study on Richard of St. Victor's _de Trinitate_, Todd D. Vasquez
The Art Principles of Gerard Manley Hopkins, S.J., William T. Noon
The Attitude of Children Toward Self-Control, Marie Bernadette Rochford
The Attitude of John Quincy Adams Toward the Presidency, Helen Tichenor
The Attitude of the American People Toward the League of Nations, 1919-1939, Mary Mary Healy
The Attitude of the Catholic Press Regarding the Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947, Jude Aloysius Cantwell
The Attitude of the Press Toward Andrew Johnson, Ralph W. Tolson
The Attitudes and Activities of the Republican Party in the Election of 1916, Marcella K. Alverson
The Background of Magna Carta, Herman Joseph Muller
The Basic Foundation and Ultimate Principle For a True Understanding of Negro-White Relationships in the United States, George E. Powers
The Bearing of the Oxford Movement on the Religious Novels of Mrs. Humphrey Ward, Marian Raphael Carlson
The Beginning and Growth of the Chicago Junior High School, Lucille Inez Redmond
The British Venezuela Incident and the Attitude of the American People Toward Cleveland's Policy in Venezuela, Jenny Pauline Gerakitis
The Caller and the Called: How Young Adults Understand Vocation in Their Lives, John A. Dahlstrand
The Career of Lamothe-Cadillac, Anna McCracken
The Changed Political Thought of the Negroes of the United States, 1915-1940, Elbert Lee Tatum
The Characterization in the "Aeneid" of Virgil, Mary Claritta Mudloff
The Characters of Lysias, Theophrastus, and Homer, John James Rossing
The City Imagined: Race, Place and Identity in the Making of Urban Church, Jessica M. Barron
The Classical Theory of Imitation in the Works of Horace, Stanislaus J. Piwowar
The Clothing Situation in the American Revolutionary Army, Richard G. Leonard
The Colonization of Texas: 1820-1830, Eugene A. Gittinger
The Color(s) of Perfection: The Feminine Body, Beauty Ideals, and Identity in Postwar America, 1945-1970, Elizabeth M. Matelski
The Comic Principles of the Tractatus Coislinianus as Exemplified in the Savoy Libretti of William Schwenk Gilbert with Emphasis on Patience and Iolanthe, Mary Sheila Cannon
The Communism of Plato and Marx, John Henry Reinke
The Complexities of Attachment, Peer Rejection and Gender Within a Middle School Dynamic - a Glimpse at Early Adolescents and Their Significant Relationships, Barbara Ann Mestling
The Concept of Love By Plato in the Symposium Compared with the Concept of Love By John in the Holy Scriptures, J. Warren Slote
The Concept of Providence in St. Augustine's Philosophy of History, Roland E. Turnbull
The Concept of Value in Contemporary British and American Non-Scholastic Philosophy, William Anthony Nolan
The Construction of a Blueprint For a Comprehension Test in Religion, Marian Bernice Burke
The Contours of Secularism in South Asian Minority Writing, Roger McNamara
The Contribution of Organized Labor to Safety, William John Cribben
The Courage to Attune: The Promise of the Poetic for Naming the Experience of God in the Context of the Self-Other Relation, Andrea Hollingsworth
The Courtier in Shakespeare's Plays: A Study of the Renaissance Ideals of Courtly Conduct and Discipline in the Plays, Margaret Mary Toole
The Crew / of Common Playwrights: Collaboration and Authorial Community in the Early Modern Theater, Lacey Ann Conley
The Decentralization and Centralization of Curriculum in the Primary Education of Burkina Faso, Simon A. Ziba
The Department of Commerce Under Herbert Hoover 1921-1928, Ethel H. Triebel
The Destructive Nature of Suffering and the Liturgical Refashioning of the Person, Jesse Perillo
The Determination of Small Amounts of Carbon Monoxide in Air, Edward J. Fitzsimons
The Development and Present Status of Vocational Guidance in Chicago, Catherine Agnes Ryan
The Development of and Relationship Between Elgin U-46's Teacher Appraisal System and Mentor Program: 1998-2010, Joseph William Schumacher
The Development of Catholic Institutions in Chicago During the Incumbencies of Bishop Quarter and Bishop Van De Velde, 1844-1853, Marie Catherine Tangney
The Development of Pragmatism in William James with Special Reference to the Attacks on the Universality of the Moral Law, Louise Hawthorne
The Development of Technical Education in the Chicago High Schools, James E. Shine
The Development of the United Nations, Martin Joseph Lowery
The Diplomatic Techniques of Daniel Webster as Revealed in His Negotiation of the Treaty of Washington, Mary Philomene O'Connor
The Distracting Influence of Radio Speech Upon Performance in Silent Reading, Thomas Michael Kennedy
The Distribution of GnRH and ERbeta in Pre- and Post-Pubertal Male Rats, Maysaa Nageeb
The Doctrine of Being and Essence in Theodoric of Freiberg and in St. Thomas Aquinas, Raymund M. Connor
The Domestic Worker: An Occupational Type, Russell Barta
The Early History of Louisiana as Recounted by the Chronicler Andre Penicaut 1699-1704, Elizabeth McCann
The Educational Achievements in Europe of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ, Mary Constantia Bott
The Educational Philosophy of John Ruskin, Marie Agnes Tobin
The Educational Value of Historic Character Study, Genevieve Clarke
The Educational Values of the Liturgy, Mabel Dorsey
The Educators of Educators: An Evaluation of Carnegie Foundation's "Very High Research Activity" Universities' Schools of Education Professors, Joshua R. Polanin
The Effectiveness of Isolation Timeouts for Students with Severe Emotional Disabilities Attending a Therapeutic Day School, Kathryn Thomas Ridgley Frampton
The Effect of a Double Ceiling in the Administration of the Revised Stanford-Binet Scale, Irene Irene Staniszewski
The Effect of Drugs on the Longitudinal and Circular Muscle of the Rabbit's Intestine: A New Method of Study, Howard Vincent Valentine
The Effect of Glucose on Transcription at CpxR- and OmpR-Regulated Promoters, Andrew Charles Cosgrove
The Effect of Insulin, Dextrose, and Cyanide on the Circular and the Longitudinal Muscles of the Rabbit's Intestine, Gustav A. Hemwall
The Effect of Participation in Experiential Learning Programs on Personal and Civic Attitudes, Christine Inez Celio
The Effect of Plea Bargaining Vs. Trial Conviction on the Sentencing of Offenders Charged with a Drug Offense in Cook County, Illinois, Joseph George Dusek
The Effect of Practice with Digits upon the Span of Retention in Children, Kathleen E. O'Brien
The Effect of the Destruction of the Germinal Crescent on the Origin of the Germ Cells and the Development of the Gonads in the Domestic Fowl, Arthur John Svejda
The Effect of the Election of 1876 Upon the South, Mary Helen Barnes
The Effect of Urban Hassles on the Subjective Well-Being of Low-Income Urban Adolescents, Kimberly Vacek
The Effects of Bilingualism on Achievement in Foreign Languages, Kathleen A. McGoldrick
The Effects of Filling Materials and Caries on the Dental Pulp and Adjacent Hard Tissues, Warren Willman
The Effects of Uncontrollable Stress on Subjective Well-Being and Coping Behavior in Urban Adolescents, Laura Darr Coyle
The Effects of Volitional Factors on the Processes of Perception and Abstraction, Marian Dolores Robinson
The Embryology and Fiber Tract Connections of the Corpus Striatum in the Albino Rat, James K. L. Choy
The End of Life in the Philosophy of Lactantius, Clara M. Jarvis
The Ends Determine the Means: Activated Goals Explain the Decision to Confront, Kala Jean Melchiori
The Episodes in Virgil's Aeneid, James E. Busch
The Epistemological Doctrines of Jaime Luciano Balmes as Compared with the Epistemological Doctrines of St. Thomas of Aquin, Edward J. Sutfin
The Ethical Aspects of the National Origins Act, Mary Grace Patterson
The Ethical Content of High-School Latin, Aloysine Raskop
The Ethical Values of Shakespeare as Presented to the High-School Student of Julius Caesar, Macbeth, and Hamlet, Bessie Coat Wirth
The Existence and Nature of Predicamental Relations in the Philosophy of Francis Suarez, Michael Joseph Montague
The Expression of Catholic Culture in Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte D'Arthur, Robert J. Kearns
The Extent of Transfer of Learning in Simple Addition and Substraction, Cecilia Helen O'Brien
The Factors Which Influence the Teacher's Mark in Arithmetic, Mary Francis Thinnes
The Fall of the Bourbon Throne, 1848, Marguerite C. Lynch
The Federalist Philosophy of Government as Reflected in Three Important Constitutional Decisions of John Marshall, Edward Joseph Snyder
The Figure of Adam in Rom 5:12-21 and 1 Cor 15:21-22, 45-49: The New Creation and Its Ethical and Social Reconfigurations, Felipe De J. Legarreta
The Fixation of Active Nitrogen By Organic Compounds, F. Russell Koppa
The Foramen of Magendie, Edward Joseph O'Donovan
The Future of Grassroots America: Local Perspectives on Current and Emerging Issues Facing Urban, Suburban and Rural Communities, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Philip Nyden, Gwendolyn Nyden, and Amanda Fox
The Genesis and a Critical Review of John C. Calhoun's Political Theories, Gerald Peter Grace
The Gothic Short Story in American Periodicals from 1800-1850 with Especial Reference to the Lady Books, Clarence E. Brown
The Grotesque Artist - Robert Browning, Oral Marguerite Hagerty
The Growth of Musical Taste in Children in Grades 1 to 8, Martha A. E. Byrne
The Guilt of Catiline, Thomas Edward Griffin
The Hartford Convention: Its Effect Upon the Federalist Party, Olive Kottke Clark
The Hierarchical Concept in Paradise Lost, Richard J. O'Brien
The Higher Education of Women in the United States of America, Mary Alice Gallagher
The Highest Good and the Best Activity: Aristotle on the Well-Lived Life, Philip William Bauchan
The Histological Structure of the Albino Rat Thyroid and Pituitary Glands After the Administration of 2-Thiouracil and 6-n-Propyl Thiouracil, Gareth Benway Gish
The Historicity of Plato's Apology of Socrates, David J. Bowman
The History and Development of Music in the Chicago Public Schools, Isabelle M. Barry
The History and Educational Program of St. Patrick Academy: 1850-1950, Conrad Leo Gilskey
The History and the Critical Reception of the Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins, S.J., Mary Julienne
The History and Use of Music in Colonial Spanish America 1500-1750, Shirley M. Smith
The History of Adult School Legislation in the United States, Anne Gertrude Caine
The History of St. Mary's Training School At Des Plaines, Illinois (1882-1942), William David Fisher
The History of the Catholic School Library in the United States, Eva Mary Perry
The History of the Foundations of the Society of the Sacred Heart in South America, Julia Heffern
The History of the Society of Mary in Texas, Armand Alphonse Pariseau
The History of the Society of the Sacred Heart in Switzerland from the Foundation in 1830 to the Expulsion in 1847, Louise Mayer
The Holy Ghost Beyond the Church Walls: Latino Pentecostalism(s), Congregations, and Civic Engagement, Norman Eli Ruano
The Huguenot Settlements in Florida, 1562-1565, Thomas Edward Downey
The Hybrid Laboratory: Informal Spaces for Public-Science Interaction, Whitney Ann Ferrin-Rodriguez
The Idea of God in the Philosophy of Moses Maimonides, James Hamilton Fleming
The Idea of Humanism According to T.S. Eliot, Thomas J. Diehl
The Idea of Tradition in the Writings of T. S. Eliot, Francis Joseph Smith
The Idylls of the King and the Arthurian Legend, Daniel Patrick O'Donohue
The Illinois Central Railroad and the Development of Illinois, Martin J. Emill
The Impact of an Urban Wal-Mart Store on Area Businesses: An Evaluation of One Chicago Neighborhood's Experience, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Julie Davis, David Merriman, Lucia Samayoa, Brian Flanagan, Ron Baiman, and Joseph Persky
The Impact of Intrusive Advising on Academic Self Efficacy Beliefs in First-Year Students in Higher Education, Lauren Kemner Miller
The Impact of Mandatory Supervised Release (MSR) and Time Served on IDOC's Population, David E. Olson and Donald Stemen
The Impact of Person-Centered Communications on Political Candidate Evaluation: An Experimental Investigation, Randall A. Renstrom
The Impact of Social Stigma on the Therapeutic Relationship for Latino Clinicians: The Elephant in the Room?, Mauricio Jose Cifuentes
The Impact of Tracking on Student Achievement: A Multilevel Growth Model, Carrie Christine Livingston
The Impact of Treating Major Depression During Pregnancy on the Postpartum Phase, Jamie Kent
The Impact of Using Formative Assessment Attributes in Daily Instruction on Student Affect, Joshua William Ruland
The Importance of Kentucky in the Civil War, Mary Raphael Hayden
The Indians of the North and Northwest in the American Revolution, 1775-1783, Michael Gach
The Influence of Attention in Establishing the Finger-Withdrawal Response, Ignatius Anthony First
The Influence of Certain Study Habits on Students Success in Some College Subjects, Leslie J. Roch
The Influence of Chemicals on the Growth of Bacteria, Alice J. Burke
The Influence of Coventry Patmore on Francis Thompson, Mary Carolyn McGinty
The Influence of Explicit Instructions to Plan Upon Perfomance, Helen Cecelia Quinn
The Influence of Fabian Society on English Social Literature From 1884-1914, Catherine Mahoney
The Influence of Gaelic Sources on the Poetry of the Anglo-Irish Literary Revival, Daniel Sheehan
The Influence of Induced Attitudes in Problem Solving, Elizabeth Ann Mueller
The Influence of Jefferson's Domestic Policy on His Foreign Policy, Marion Dorsey
The Influence of Passion Plays on the Modern Revival of the Amateur Theatre, Terence J. Seery
The Influence of Saponin on the Intestinal Absorption of Calcium, Frank Charles Sternasty
The Influence of Seating Positions on Classwork in a Third Grade, Agnes R. Fitzgerald
The Influence of the Family in Shaping the Career of Roger Brooke Taney, Bridget R. Taheny
The Influence of the Juvenile Drama on the Works of Robert Louis Stevenson, Malcolm T. Carron
The Influence of the Spiritual Evolution of Aubrey De Vere Upon His Poetry, Kathleen M. Garvey
The Influence of the Stamp Act on the Revolutionary Movement, M. Jean Cecile Hunt
The Influence of the Symbolists and the Impresssionists on Claude Debussy, Marie A. McDonagh
The Information Commons Handbook (review), Robert A. Seal
The Information Commons: New Pathways to Digital Resources and Knowledge Management, Robert A. Seal
The Inhibitory Effect of the Lipoid Fraction of Tissue Extracts upon Cellular Proliferation, James Henry
The Intangible Benefits of International Resource Sharing, Robert A. Seal
The Intersection of Positive Psychology and Teachers' Dispositional Fitness: A Delphi Study, Maria Elizabeth Stimpson
The Irish Opposition to English Oppression Under the Protector, Margaret E. McVey
The Irony of Homer, John J. Canavan
The Issues of the Election of 1916, John D. Alexander
The I.W.W. Since 1932, George Pearce
The Jesuits in Jamaica, Kathryn Wirtenberger
The Jesuits in Spanish Florida, or an Inquiry into the Circumstances Leading to the Abandonment of This Mission, Edward Joseph O'Brien
The Knight's Tale and the Teseide, Mary Felicita De Mato
The Knowledge of the Separated Soul in the Philosophy of St. Thomas, Louise Lundergan
The Library–Information Technology Partnership: Challenges and Solutions, Leslie M. Haas and Alison Stillwell
The Literary and Political Influence of Miguel Antonio Caro, Mary Viator Sugrue
The Literary Criticism of Alfred Tennyson, Peter L. Decker
The Literary Relationship of Coventry Patmore and Alfred Lord Tennyson, Mary Paula Connor
The Literary Significance of the English Works of St. Thomas More, Mary Evangeline Mayer
The Literary Versatility of Oliver Goldsmith, Francis Kinkel
The Lost Sheep: Experiences of Religious Gay Men in Havana, Cuba, Michael Maher Jr
The Loyolan 1924, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1925, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1926, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1927, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1928, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1929, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1930, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1931, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1932, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1933, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1934, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1935, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1936, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1937, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1938, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1939, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1940, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1941, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1942, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1947, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1950, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1958, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1959, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1960, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1961, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1962, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1963, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1964, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1965, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1966, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1967, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1968, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1969, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1970, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1971, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1972, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1973, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1975, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1976, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1977, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1978, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1979, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1980, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1981, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1982, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1983, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1985, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyolan 1986, Loyola University Chicago
The Loyola University Magazine, Vol. 13 (1913-1914), Students of St. Ignatius College
The Loyola University Magazine, Vol. 14 (1914-1915), Students of St. Ignatius College
The Loyola University Magazine, Vol. 15 (1915-1916), Students of St. Ignatius College
The Loyola University Magazine, Vol. 16 (1916-1917), Students of St. Ignatius College
The Loyola University Magazine, Vol. 17 (1919-1920), Students of St. Ignatius College
The Loyola University Magazine, Vol. 18 (1920-1921), Students of St. Ignatius College
The Mathematical Processes Found in Representative High School Texts in Chemistry, Arthur Peter O'Mara
The Meaning and Use of Inscape, John Manning Fraunces
The Medea of Euripides and Seneca: A Comparison, Mary Enrico Frisch
The Medievalism of Horace Walpole, Herman Raphael
The Medieval Latin Vocabulary of the Letters of John of Salisbury, Casimir F. Kuszynski
The Melting Pot Versus the Salad Bowl: American Attitudes Toward Acculturation of Middle Eastern Immigrants, Hannah M. Alarian
The Metrical Theories of Poe and Lanier, Mary Aloysia Freund
The Minority Stress Perspective, Michael P. Dentato
The Mirror Is Not You: Objectification and Eating Disordered Behaviors in Classical and Contemporary Dancers, David Matthew Doyle
The Missionary Labors and Travels of Father Claude Jean Allouez, S.J., Maurice Link
The Montessori Method in America: Montessori Schools in New York and Rhode Island From 1910-1940, Katari Coleman
The Moral Doctrine of Mo-Tze, Augustinus A. Tseu
The Morality of the Fables of La Fontaine, Josepn Norbert Picraux
The Moral Problem in the Novels of George Meredith Its Intellectual Basis and Its Aesthetic Validity, M. Aloise Jones
The Morphology of the Uterus and Its Contents, in Resorption of the Fetus in the Albino Rat, Virgil Alfred LaFleur LaFleur
The National Council of Teachers of English and Federal Education Policy, 1958-1966, Curtis Mason
The Nature and Functions of the Active Intellect According to St. Thomas, Peter P. Springer
The Nature of Errors in Serial Learning, Kiyoshi Matsukuma
The Naval Policy of the United States, 1919-1931, Lillian Ruth Nelson
The New Poetry of the American South, M. Carmel Meyer
The New Politics of Sports Franchise Policy Innovation in Chicago, John P. Pelissero, Beth M. Henschen, and Edward I. Sidlow
The Novel of Hugo Wast and Its Significance in Contemporary Argentine Literature, Mary Angele Whelan
The Obama Effect and Its Relationship to the Perceptions of Blacks on Education and Social Mobility, Lydia K. Young
The "Oblique Light" of George Meredith's Social Philosophy, Helen Leitenstorfer
The Old Northwest and the Compromise of 1850, Mary Joan Patricia Reilly
Theology as Improvisation: Using the Musical Metaphor of Attunement to Think Theologically, Nathan Crawford
The One and the Many, W. E. Powers
The Opinion of the Religious Press Towards Wilson's Mexican Policy, Thomas R. Byrne
The Order of Nature and the Problem of Teleology, James Stuart Tong
The Organization and Development of the Boys' Club of Saint Louis, Francis T. Williams
The Origin and Progress of the Movement Toward Political Independence in Ireland Since 1932, Rose S. Kelly
The Origin of Definitive Germ Cells in the Domestic Fowl, John H. Garwacki
The Origin of Ideas According to St. Augustine and St. Thomas, Kato Kiszely
The Origin of Pragmatism in William James, Charles A. Nash
The Orthodoxy of Milton's Theology Concerning the Trinity and Sin and Its Consequences, Rose Mary Dufault
The Panic of 1837, Vincent Michael Conway
The Payne-Aldrich Tariff, Edna Mary Griffin
The Performance of Young Children in a Classification Task, Frances Virginia Rau
The Persistence of Erroneous Assent in True-False Tests, Francis J. Sweeney
The Personal Relationship of Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift as Revealed by Their Mutual Correspondence, John F. Abel
The Philosophical Vocabulary of St. Thomas Aquinas in De Veritate I, James E. Royce
The Philosophy of Education of Robert Maynard Hutchins, Joseph F. Small
The Philosophy of Eugene O'Neill, Judith Reynick
The Place of Facts in the Educative Process, Paul F. Quinn
The Place of the Body in the Life of the Soul According to Saint Thomas Aquinas, Agnes K.L. Murphy
The Plays of Moliere Viewed as Commentary on Women and Their Place in Society, Helen A. Jones
The Poetic Doctrines of Wordsworth and Arnold: A Comparative Study of Critical Theories in the Nineteenth Century, Honesto F. Farol
The Poetic Principles of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Thomas Joseph Grady
The Poet's Place: Individuality and Collectivity in Modern American Poetry, 1910-1940, William Q. Malcuit
The "Point of Rest" in Three Shakespearean Tragedies, Edward F. Maloney
The Political Philosophy of Orestes A. Brownson, Lawrence John Roemer
The Political Problems in Mississippi During the Reconstruction Period 1863-1876, John J. Beckman
The Political Theory of Saint Augustine, Hugh Martin Bertling
The Political Views of Dickens, Aloysius P. Dehnert
The Populist Challenge, 1889-1892, Wallace Ward Reichelt
The Position of George Russell (A.E.) in the Celtic Renaissance, Helen M. Dalton
The Position of John Donne's Sermons in Early Seventeenth Century Prose, Raymond L. Zeitz
The Posterior Median Aperture of the Fourth Ventricle, Ethel Althea Chapman
The Posterior Median Aperture of the Fourth Ventricle of Human Adult and Fetal Brains, Albert P. Dado
The Post High-School Careers of Catholic High School Girls of the Archdiocese of Chicago For the Year 1927-1928, Mary Trinitas Magrady
The Practice and Meaning of Communitarian Spirituality in the Focolare Movement, Nori Henk
The Prediction of Scholastic Success By Intelligence Tests and Scholastic Grades, John Stafford Hazard
The Preparation and Purification of a Plasma Calcium Raising Principle from Bovine Parathyroid Glands, James J. Smullen
The Preparation of Organosols, Wilfrid Francis White
The Presidential Campaign of 1932, Loretto C. Mersh
The Principle of Subsidiarity and Catholic Ecclesiology: Implications for the Laity, Kathryn Reyes Hamrlik
The Principles of Progressive Education, Anna Elizabeth McNichols
The Problem of Evil as Treated By St. Augustine, Faris Daniel Whitesell
The Problem of Intuition in Saint Thomas Aquinas, Bernice Josphine Novogrodzka
The Problem of Originality in Vergil, Arthur Vincent Kanuch
The Problem of the Best Form of Government in Thomistic Political Philosophy, George Drury
The Problem of the External World in David Hume, John G. Herrmann
The Proposed Identification of William Shakespeare as Edward De Vere, Seventeenth Earl of Oxford, Basil Fenelon Holt
The "Psychological" Proof For the Existence of God Developed By Saint Augustine, Patrick J. Kremer
The Psychomachia of Prudentius, Louis B. Snider
The Queer Work of Fantasy: The Romance in Antebellum America, Zachary Neil Lamm
The Quest For Public Health, Gertrude G. Curtin
Therapeutic Mentoring: Outcomes for Youth in Foster Care, Sara B. Johnson
The Realism of Ellen Glasgow, Lucius Michael Kump
The Redevelopment of Place in the Urban Context: An Evaluation of Non-Housing Economic Change in a Transforming Public Housing Neighborhood, Crystal Jackson
The Reflection of Eighteenth Century Thought in the Works of Thomas Gray, Mary Wilfred Ross
The Refractive Indices of Ethyl Alcohol and Water Mixtures, Janina Nowakowska
The Relation Between Entrance Age and Subsequent Progress in the Primary Grades, M. Imelda Wall
The Relation Between Fertility of Imagination and the Ability to Read as Manifested By 2-B Pupils, Josephine Agnes Flaherty
The Relation of Executive Functioning to Coping Strategies and Internalizing Symptoms in a Community Sample of African American Adolescents, Christine Kesselring
The Relation of Herbert Hoover to Congress, 1929-1933, Loretta. Loretta Kehoe
The Relation of Polk to the Acquisition of Oregon, M. Doletta Wybo
The Relation of President John Tyler to the Acquisition of Texas, Mary Geralda Sullivan
The Relation of Senator Stephen A. Douglas to the State of Illinois, E. Marie Haley
The Relation of Thaddeus Stevens to National Developments, Mildred Bryant-Jones
The Relation of Thaddeus Stevens to Reconstruction, 1865-1868, Mildred Bryant-Jones
The Relation of the Federal and State Governments to the Problem of Internal Improvements, 1810 to 1840, Dolores N. Savage
The Relation of the Schleswig-Holstein Question to the Unification of Germany: 1865-1866, Katherine Marie Brennan
The Relation of the Thymus Gland to Sexual Maturity, Thomas Francis Ahearn Jr.
The Relations Between America and Britain 1791-1795, as Centered in Neutrality and the Jay Treaty, Virginia Agnes Kuhn
The Relations between Colombia and the United States, 1904-1944, Mary Eudocia Parsons
The Relations between the Religious Orders of the Diocese of Lincoln and Robert Grosseteste, John Francis Mitzel
The Relationship Among Adult Attachment Styles, Shame, Dissociation, and Abuse Characteristics in Women Survivors of Intrafamilial Child Sexual Abuse Perpetrated by a Parental-Figure, Grace H. Tomas-Tolentino
The Relationship Between Infant Crying and Father Well-Being, Leslie Katch
The Relationship between Scores on a Battery of Nursing Tests and Scholastic Achievement at the End of the Pre-Clinical Period, Patrick Fitzmaurice
The Relationship between Wilson and Carranza, Mary Marotta Levaccare
The Relationship Existing Between Span of Perception and Voluntary Shift of Attention, Marian Dolores Robinson
The Relationship of Tractarianism and Pre-Raphaelitism, Mary Henrietta Henrietta
The Relationship of William H. Seward to the Trent Affair, Christopher J. McGarigle
The Relations of Charles I and Parliament, 1625-1629, Patricia Honora Connor
The Relations of Woodrow Wilson with the British Government 1914 - 1917, Elizabeth M. Shanley
The Religious Convictions of John Dryden, Hugh P. Tarrant
The Religious Element in the Poetry of Matthew Arnold in Relation to the Victorian Era, Mary Maristella Wagner
The Religious Policy of Charles V in the Germanies, Maurice F. Meyers
The Reputation of John Donne in the Twentieth Century, Marie L. Burke
The Revision of the Hymns of the Roman Breviary under Urban VIII, George Warren McGrath
The River Continuum Redux: Aquatic Insect Diets Reveal the Importance of Autochthonous Resources in the Salmon River, Idaho, Kathryn Vallis
The Role of Expectations as Determinants of Satisfaction in an Outpatient Care Setting, Jan Strohmeyer Brien
The Role of IGF-1 and Notch Signaling in Thoracic Malignancies., Sandra Eliasz
The Role of Institutional Relations with Alumni Major Donors in Evangelical Higher Education, Brian Gardner
The Role of Nogo-A in Memory and Neuronal Plasticity in the Aged Rodent Brain, Rebecca Lynn Gillani
The Role of SDF1/CXCR4 Signaling in Opioid-Induced Hypernociception, Natalie Wilson
The Role of the Junior English Schools in the Development of the Drama, Roger T. Jones
The Role of the Monk in the English Gothic Romance 1762-1826, Robert A. Pollauf
The Role of the Principal in the Professional Life of Male Elementary Classroom Teachers, Brian Gendron Ricca
The Role of the Teacher in Quintilian, John J. Trainor
The Role of T-Type Calcium Channels in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Cycle Regulation, Abigail Prier
The Roles and Responsibilities of the Principal as Perceived by Illinois K-8 Principals Who Belong to Generation X, Keith Westman
The Roman Family in the Annals of Tacitus: A Consideration of the Family of the Annals and Its Objective Validity, Walter M. Hayes
The Salisbury Oath: Its Feudal Implications, Harry Timothy Birney
The School Newspaper in the Elementary School, Anna Dagmar Jensen
The Scientific Age as Reflected in Tennyson, Rose Francis Joyce
The Secure Program: Safety Enhanced Communities Utilizing Resident Endeavors - Final Report, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Richard Block, Adriana Gonzalez, Laura Herrin, and David Katz
The Seduction of Feminist Theory, Erin Amann Holliday-Karre
The Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Their Schools in Chicago, 1867-1940, Mary Anna Rose Callan
The Sisters of St. Joseph and Their Foundations in America: A Brief Account of the Origin and Ideals of the Congregation and of Its Work in the Middle West: 1650-1930, M. Aquinas Caffrey
The Social Background of Renaissance England as Reflected in the Diaries of the Period, Mary Rose Dominica Heldmann
The Social Spirit of the Age of Louis XIV: 1650 - 1714, Edward Joseph Lally
The Social Traditions During the Reign of Queen Anne, M. Benedicta Koller
The Soul and the Body in Hegel's Anthropology, Nicholas Mowad
The Sources of Democracy: A Study in the Meaning and Idea of Democracy in the Works of Walt Whitman, Frances R. Paine
The Specific Role of the MLL CXXC Domain in MLL Fusion Protein Function, Laurie Ellen Risner
The Speed of Learning in Relation to the Amount Retained After Different Time Intervals Following Original Learning, George H. Zimny
The Spheno-Palatine Ganglion of the Albino Rat, Stephen Joseph Wojcik
The Spinal Origin of Fibres Causing Vasodilation in the Cat's Submaxillary Gland, Herbert M. Stanton
The Status of the Negro in American Drama, Kathryn Frances Hogan
The Stigmatization of Mental Illness and Drug Addiction Among the Criminally Involved, Brenda Arsenault
The Structure of the Lymphoid Tissues In the Adrenalectomized Albino Rat, James C. Beyer
The Study of Biography as a Basis For Character Training, Frances Simpson
The Sun in the Poetry of Francis Thompson, Walter Buchanan Dimond
The Supreme Court and the Struggle for Judicial Independence, 1860-1873, John Fay Philbin
The Synthesis and Host-Guest Applications of Synthetic Receptor Molecules, Zachary Richard Osner
The Theistic Problems in the Plays of Eugene O'Neill, Robert C. Dressman
The Theory of Greek Democracy Before Aristotle, Edmund P. Burke
The Theory of Supposition: An Answer to Some of the Difficulties of Modern Logicians, Norman H. Langenderfer
The Theory of the Separation of Powers as Expressed in the French Constitution of 1791, Mary Denis O'Grady
The Third International, Thomas F. Connery
The Triumph of Collectivism: An Analysis of the Factors Involved in the Election of 1932, Richard A. Matre
The Troilus and Criseyde of Chaucer as Romance, William Charles McCusker
The Tumor Suppressor PKCδ Is Critical for UV-Induced G2/M Checkpoint Activation and Apoptosis, Edward Lewis Lagory
The Unity of Gerard Manley Hopkins' Achievement, M. Charlotte Welch
The Uptown Housing and Land Use Study, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Peter Haas, Philip Nyden, Thomas Walsh, Nathan Benefield, and Christopher Giangreco
The Use of Prepositions in Attic Prose as Illustrated By Xenophon, Anabasis V, and Thucydides VI, Paul A. Woelfl
The Use of the Historical Infinitive in Sallust, Rudolph J. Knoepfle
The Use of Tragic Irony in Four Plays of Eugene O'Neill, Raymond John Schneider
The Uses of Expertise: Science, Medicine and Body/Self-Fashioning, Amanda J. Counts
The Value of Supervised Study in First Year Algebra, Mary Angeline Steele
The Vital Role of Social Workers in Community Partnerships: The Alliance for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning Youth, Michael P. Dentato, Shelley L. Craig, and Mark S. Smith
The Way of Purgation in the Works of Alice Meynell, Richard Ferdinand Bocklage
The West Side Community Center , John Francis Sinnott
The Westward Expansion of the Bill of Rights, M.E. Stevenson
The Women Characters in Maurice Baring's Novels, M. Raymond Kornely
The Women's Movement and the Development of Family Leave Policies in the United States and Canada, Megan Sholar
The Wreck of the Deutschland and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius; A Comparison, John Joseph Powell
The Writings of Benjamin Banneker: Their Effect Upon Concepts Regarding the Negro in America, 1750-1800, Julma B. Crawford
The Yakima Indian War: 1855-1856, William Norbert Bischoff
Thinking Through the Phenomenon of Trust: A Philosophical Investigation, Jeffrey M. Courtright
Thomas Cromwell and the Policies of Henry VIII, 1529-1536, Leonard Gittings
Thomas Howard II, Third Duke of Norfolk, and the English Schism, Edwin Joseph Goerdt
Thomas Traherne a Study of the Philosophy of His Poems and Centuries of Meditations, Mary Gregory Perkins
Three Instances of Western Colonial Governments and Christian Missions in Cameroon Education: 1884-1961, Asenju Callistus Tamanji
Three Poets' Contribution to the Poetic Genre of Spanish-American Literature, Jacquelyn White-Baskin
Titration Curves of Indicators, Marvin F. L. Johnson
To Advance a Race: A Historical Analysis of the Intersection of Personal Belief, Industrial Philanthropy and Black Liberal Arts Higher Education in Fayette McKenzie's Presidency at Fisk University, 1915-1925, Christopher Nicholson
Toussaint Louverture: Relations with Great Britain and the United States, 1798-1802, Rosemary Downey
Toward a Comprehensive Definition of International Law, Walter L. Farrell
Toward a Practice-Based Approach in Foreign Language Education, Kristin Davin and Richard Donato
Towards a New Measure of Playfulness: The Capacity to Fully and Freely Engage in Play, Rebecca Cornelli Sanderson
Towards Evidence-Based Practices in Mathematics Instruction: Investigating the Impact of Writing on Student Ability to Solve Mathematics Problems, Shaalein Carroll Lopez
Towers 1954, Loyola University College of Commerce
Towers 1955, Loyola University College of Commerce
Towers 1956, Loyola University College of Commerce
Towers 1957, Loyola University College of Commerce
Traditionalism in the Dramas of Tamayo Y Baus, Mary G. Dolan
Traditionalism in the Novels of Fernan Caballero, Mary Lucilda O'Connor
Tradition to Acculturation: A Case Study on the Impacts Created by Chemawa Indian Boarding School Upon the Nez Perce Family Structure From 1879 to 1945, Arthur Maxwell Taylor
Transcultural Psychotherapy: Clinical Issues in Working with Korean Immigrant Women, Kyung-Mee Choi
Transforming Images: Media, Sexuality and Everyday Life, Monica Leigh Edwards
Translating Research into Action: Moving Evaluations Beyond the Report, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Amy Kerr, and Michael Maranda
Translations of Letters One-Hundred Seventy-Six to Two-Hundred Six of John of Salisbury, Casimir F. Kuszynski
Translations of Letters One to Sixty of John of Salisbury, Mary Frances Patricia Shea
Translations of Letters Sixty-One to One-Hundred Six of John of Salisbury, Mary Patricius Cullinane
Transplantation in Rats, Justin V. Schwind
Trauma, Dissociation, and Traumatic Stress at a Trauma Center Serving Low-Income Children and Adolescents, Krista Kohl
Treason Trial of Aaron Burr before Chief Justice Marshall, Aurelio Albert Porcelli
Trilectic of Testimony: A Phenomenological Construal of the Eucharist as Manifestation-Proclamation-Attestation, Donald Lee Wallenfang
Trust and Boundaries in Three Small Group Communities: Urban Knitting Groups and the Construction of Small Group Exclusivity, Erin N. Tracey
T.S. Eliot's Four Quartets: A Study in Explication, Willis Everett McNelly
Turmoil, Tirades and Transformation: The Wars for the National History Standards 1991-2004, Phyllis Margaret Henry
Twenty-One Countries, Millions of Native Speakers, and One Semester to Teach It All: Linguistic Variation in Entry Level College Textbooks for Spanish, Nicole Joanne Gilmore
Two Utopias: A Comparison of the Republic of Plato at St. Thomas More's Utopia, Charles August Weisgerber
Type and Technique of the Illustrative Story in Seneca's Moral Essays, Mary Vincentia Brown
Uncommon Sense in Renaissance English Literature, Eric Byville
Uncovering Medical and Mental Health Professionals' Decision-Making in the Treatment of Trans-Variant Patients, Jodie M. Dewey
Understanding the Relationship Between Social Resources and Levels of Parent Involvement in Illinois Early Childhood Programs: A Program-Level Perspective, Aimee Victoria Hilado
United Power for Action and Justice: Breaking the Cycle of Homelessness Reports - Policy Brief, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Christine George, Chiara Sabina, and Aparna Sharma
Unto Perfect Manhood: An Instrumental Case Study of Leadership Formation in an African American Boys High School, Daniel Ivan MacKinney
Urban Policy: Does Political Structure Matter?, David R. Morgan and John P. Pelissero
Urinary Antimicrobial Peptides and the Urinary Microbiota in a UTI-Susceptible Population of Female Pelvic Floor Surgery Patients, Vanessa Nienhouse
Variations of the Middle Meningeal Artery in the Middle Cranial Fossa, Clemens F. Derezinski
Vascular Kv7 (KCNQ) Potassium Channels As Therapeutic Targets in Cerebral Vasospasm, Bharath Kumar Mani
Vie De La Reverende Mere De Montalembert, Mary Catherine Fitzpatrick
Virgil's Choice of Aeneas in the Light of His Purpose in Writing the Aeneid, John Patrick Beall
Virgil's Indebtedness For the Dido Episode, Thomas David McMahon
Virginia Woolf & Postmodernism: Literature in Quest & Question of Itself, Pamela L. Caughie
Virginia Woolf's Double Discourse, Pamela L. Caughie
Visitors Pass: The Story of a Group of Pakistani Immigrant Students at Sawyer High School, Melissa Gersh Fischer
Vittorino Da Feltre: The Model Educator, Aimee Rossi
Volume 10, Issue 10: November 4, 2010, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 10, Issue 11: November 11, 2010, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 10, Issue 12: November 18, 2010, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 10, Issue 13: December 2, 2010, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 10, Issue 14: December 9, 2010, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 10, Issue 1: September 2, 2010, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 10, Issue 2: September 9, 2010, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 10, Issue 3: September 16, 2010, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 10, Issue 4: September 23, 2010, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 10, Issue 5: September 30, 2010, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 10, Issue 6: October 7, 2010, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 10, Issue 7: October 14, 2010, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 10, Issue 8: October 21, 2010, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 10, Issue 9: October 28, 2010, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 15: January 24, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 16: January 31, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 17: February 7, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 18: February 14, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 19: February 21, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 20: February 28, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 21: March 14, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 22: March 21, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 23: March 28, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 24: April 4, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 25: April 11, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 26: April 18, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 27: April 25, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 28: May 2, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 29: May 9, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 30: September 5, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 31: September 12, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 32: September 19, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 33: September 26, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 34: October 3, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 35: October 10, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 36: October 17, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 37: October 24, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 38: October 31, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 39: November 7, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 40: November 14, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 41: November 21, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 42: November 28, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 43: December 5, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 12, Issue 44: February 1, 2012, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 12, Issue 45: February 20, 2012, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 12, Issue 46: March 12, 2012, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 12, Issue 47: March 26, 2012, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 12, Issue 48: April 30, 2012, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Walt Whitman: His Dominant Themes, Maurice H. Schy
War and Some of Its Problems, Alfred E. Schwind
Warfare in St. Augustine's De Civitate Dei, Richard Albert Schuchert
Web 2.0 for Reference Services Staff Training and Communication, Jane Currie
WEE1 Is a Biological Target of the miR-17-92 Cluster in Leukemia, Sonia Susan Olikara
What Books Don't Tell You: Teacher-Eye-View of Universal Design for Learning and the Implementation Process, Marylou Hatley
What Is Literature?: An Attempt At a Philosophical Definition, Donald James Ranney
Whitehead's Concept of God as Compared with St. Thomas's Concept, Mary Vivia Milnor
Whitman and Sandburg, Irene Kuzminski
Who Is Listening to Local Communities? Connections between Chicago Region Community-Based Organizations and Regional, State, and National Policy Initiatives, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Philip Nyden, Nathan Benefield, and Maureen Hellwig
Who Plays? Who Pays?: A Chicago Case Study of Racism, the Lottery, and Education, Kasey Henricks
William G. Spady, Agent of Change: An Oral History, John Anthony Hader
Wilson and Huerta, Inez L. Thomas
(Women's) Archival Spaces and Trans Voices? A (Re)search and Proposal, Jeremy Curtis Main
Woodrow Wilson's Relations with the Democratic Party 1919 - 1924, Marybelle Donovan
Wordsworth's Poetical Theory: An Explanation and Defense, James Lorenz Magmer
Wordsworth's Religious Philosophy For the Years 1797-1805: A Study of the The Prelude (1805), Joseph F. Downey
Working Together Toward a Common Goal: A Grounded Theory of Nurse-Physician Collaboration, Lori Lynn Fewster-Thuente
You Are in the World: Catholic Campus Life at Loyola University Chicago, Mundelein College, and De Paul University, 1924-1950, Rae Bielakowski
Your Change Is Still Behind: Futurity in Early Modern Literature, Tripthi Pillai
Youth in Substitute Care Presenting with Sexual Behavior Problems, Christopher Zaddach