Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Criminal Justice


Using Agnew's strain (1992) and integrative (2005) theory, this study hypothesized that relational and physical victimization would be independently associated with self-reported physical aggression at six months and one year after victimization. Secondary data analysis was conducted using three waves of a longitudinal multisite dataset used for the "Outcome Evaluation of the Teens, Crime, and the Community/Community Works (TCC/CW) Training Program, 2004-2005." Independent variables at wave one were relational victimization occurring none or one time (56.2%), or two or more times (43.8%), and physical victimization occurring none or one time (77.8%), or two or more times (22.2%). The dependent variables were physical aggression at waves two (63.6% No, 36.4% Yes) and wave three (72.1% No, 27.9% Yes). The control variables represented aspects of a youth's life such as school, self, family, community characteristics, and peers. The hypothesis was partially supported with a significant logistic regression model at wave two.

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