Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)




French universities are currently undergoing an overhaul and, in my thesis, I analyze the 2007 Loi relative aux Libertés et Responsabilités des Universités (LRU), or law that makes universities autonomous, as a policy borrowed from the United States. This thesis attempted to analyze the process of policy borrowing using Phillips and Ochs' method. It also considered the role that the Bologna Process and globalization may have played in the creation of the LRU. The conclusion is that the LRU is the result of three phenomena: policy-borrowing from the United States; pressures from international and regional agencies; the individual understanding of the law and the resistance with which it has been met in specific universities, at the local level. Another conclusion is that the new governance that emerged from these three phenomena produced an organizational allomorph of a global archetype of university governance, which may be qualified as "entrepreneurial university."

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