Children's Rights; Human Rights | Centers | Loyola University Chicago

Articles, papers, presentations, and other materials authored by faculty from the Center for the Human Rights of Children at Loyola University Chicago.


Submissions from 2024


Adjudicating discretion in youth cases: Research, law, and policy for consideration in immigration proceedings, Sarah J. Diaz JD, LLM; Carolyn Frazier; and Lisa Jacobs


Understanding the Trafficking of Children for the Purposes of Labor in the United States, Amy Farrell, Meredith Dank, Katherine Kaufka Walts, Callie Hansson, Andrea Hughes, and Chlece Neal


Kids in Care: Unaccompanied Children in Federal Government Custody, Lauren Heidbrink MA/MS, PhD and Sarah Diaz JD, LLM

Submissions from 2023


No Right to Life: Lives Lost and the Legalized Violence that Shaped a Humanitarian Crisis in the Arizona Borderlands, Madeline Brashear JD and Sarah Diaz JD, LLM


Child trauma: Research, law, and policy for considerations in immigration proceedings, Sarah J. Diaz JD, LLM and Carolyn E. Frazier


Adolescent brain development: Research, law, and policy for consideration in immigration proceedings, Sarah J. Diaz JD, LLM; Peggy Frazier; and Xiaorong Jajah Wu

Submissions from 2022


An NGO Alternative Report for the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Lonita Benson, Sarah Diaz, Katherine Kaufka Walts, and Meghan Scholnick


The Inappropriate Use of Juvenile Records in Immigration Discretion, Sarah Diaz and Lisa Jacobs


Zero Tolerance Atrocity Crimes Against Migrant Children and Families in the United States: An Accountability Framework for Family Separation, Sarah Diaz JD, LLM and Jenny Lee PhD


An NGO Input for the Special Rapporteur for the Human Rights of Migrants to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Report on Human Rights Violations at International Borders: Trends, Prevention, and Accountability, Katherine Kaufka Walts, Sarah J. Diaz, and Abigail Mitchell


An NGO Input for the Special Rapporteur's Report on the Impact of Climate Change and the Protection of the Human Rights of Migrants, Katherine Kaufka Walts, Sarah Diaz, and Kellie Tomin

Submissions from 2021


Response to the UN Working of Experts on the Protection of Human Rights of People of African Descent on the Need to Recognize Mass Incarceration as a Driver of Systemic Racism, Louise Carhart


A Report to the Special Rapporteur for the Human Rights of Migrants on the Impact of COVID-19 on the Human Rights of Migrant Children, Sarah Diaz JD, LLM


Input to SR on Contemporary Forms of Slavery, Including its Causes and Consequences Regarding the Role of Organized Criminal Groups, Peggy Frazier and Katherine Kaufka Walts JD


RE: Center for the Human Rights of Children’s Input for the 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report, Katherine Kaufka Walts JD


An NGO Input for the Special Rapporteur's Report on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment on the Torture of Migrant Children in the United States, Katherine Kaufka Walts, Sarah J. Diaz, Alex Fox, Liliana Jimenez, and Jenny Lee


An NGO Input for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the Rights of the Child and Family Reunification, Katherine Kaufka Walts, Sarah J. Diaz, Abigail Mitchell, Gladis Molina, and Jennifer Nagda


An NGO Input to the Special Rapporteur for the Human Rights of Migrants to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Report on Pushback Practices and their Impact on the Human Rights of Migrants, Katherine Kaufka Walts, Sarah J. Diaz, and Malachy Schrobilgen

Submissions from 2020


Addressing Environmental Toxins that Affect Children Through A Children's rights Framework: Tools to help you succeed, Jenifer Cartland


Hague Abduction Law for the Contemporary Immigrant Parent and Child, Sarah Diaz

Submissions from 2019


Chicago's School Closings: From a Civil Rights Perspective to a Human Rights Perspective, Lincoln Hill

Submissions from 2018


Unaccompanied Immigrant Child and Family/Sponsor Community Service System Study: Metropolitan Chicago Area, Adam Avrushin and Maria Vidal De Haymes


Supporting Newcomer Students: A Chicago-Specific Exploration of Social and Emotional Learning Initiatives, Lincoln Hill


Re: DHS Docket No. ICEB-2018-0002; RIN 1653-AA75, 0970-AC42; Comments in Response to Proposed Rulemaking: Apprehension, Processing, Care, and Custody of Alien Minors and Unaccompanied Alien Children, Katherine Kaufka Walts JD and Diane Geraghty


Addressing Environmental Gentrification: Improving Environmental Health for Children and Youth without Displacement, Tania Schusler and Amy Krings


Sex Trafficking of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Youth in the United States, Meaghan Tomasiewicz

Submissions from 2017


Education Access for Unaccompanied Immigrant Children, Deidra Coleman and Adam Avrushin


Child Labor Trafficking in the United States: A Hidden Crime, Katherine Kaufka Walts JD


Children’s Exposure to Environmental Toxins: Socioeconomic Factors and Subsequent Effects on Mental Health and Function, Dorothy L. McLeod

Submissions from 2016


Crossing the Border Alone: Catholic Responses to Unaccompanied Children Migrating to the United States, Molly Greening


An NGO response to the periodic report of the United States of America to the UN committee on the rights of the child concerning the optional protocol to the convention on the rights of the child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, Katherine Kaufka Walts JD, Maria Woltjen JD, and Kelly Albinak Kribs


A Review of Needs and Challenges Facing Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) Released into U.S. Communities, Dorothy L. McLeod

Submissions from 2015


A City and Countywide Summit to Advance Healthy Homes & Healthy Communities in Chicago and Cook County, Illinois, Center for the Human Rights of Children at Loyola University Chicago


The Right to Be a Child: Human Trafficking of Child Soldiers and Gang Involved Youth, Katherine Kaufka Walts JD


Policy Brief: Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families, Jeanne Murray

Submissions from 2013


Legal Services Assessment for Trafficked Children- Cook County, Illinois Case Study, Katherine Kaufka Walts JD, Linda Rio Reichmann JD, and Catherine Lee MA

Submissions from 2012


Promising Criminal Justice Practices in Human Trafficking Cases: A County-Level Comparitive Overview (2005-2010) With an Emphasis on Cases Involving Children, Angela Inzano


Human Trafficking and Exploitation of Children and Youth in the United States- Outcome Document, Katherine Kaufka Walts JD


2012 CHRC/Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights Alternative Report, Katherine Kaufka Walts JD and Maria Woltjen JD

Submissions from 2011


Building a Child Welfare Response to Child Trafficking Handbook (2011), Katherine Kaufka Walts JD; Shelby French MSW, MSc; Heather Moore MSW; and Sehla Ashai JD

Submissions from 2007


Children's Rights are Human Rights- An Introductory Handbook for Students and Professionals, Claire Bedard