Responses or Comments
Response to My Commentators, David Ingram
An NGO Input for the Special Rapporteur's Report on the Impact of Climate Change and the Protection of the Human Rights of Migrants, Katherine Kaufka Walts, Sarah Diaz, and Kellie Tomin
Restricted Access Dissertations
Women Majoring in Physics: An Exploratory Case Study of Factors That Influenced Women Persisting in an Undergraduate Physics Program at a Large Private University in the Chicago Metropolitan Area, Nelda Patricia Hislop
Restricted Access
Food Deserts, Sarah Craig
Environmental Justice, Ananya Pati
Technical Reports
The Impact of an Urban Wal-Mart Store on Area Businesses: An Evaluation of One Chicago Neighborhood's Experience, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Julie Davis, David Merriman, Lucia Samayoa, Brian Flanagan, Ron Baiman, and Joseph Persky
Environmental Gentrification in Chicago: Perceptions, Dilemmas and Paths Forward, Colette Copic, Tania Schusler, and Amy Krings
Queer Monstrosity: Dis/ability, Sexuality, and Gender, Savannah Olivia Aldridge
Conspiratorial Thinking: How Worldview and Mortality Salience Affect Belief, Eric James Anderson
Sustainable Chicago 2015: A Political Analysis, Zachary A. Brown
Behavioral Ecology and Physiological Health of Managed Populations of Juvenile Blanding's Turtles (emydoidea Blandingii) in Urban Wetlands, Armand Andre' Cann
Isolation and Characterization of a Genomic Clone for a Nitrate Reductasae Isoform from Soybean, Glycine Max, Brent Chyna
Affect Fluctuation During the Menstrual Cycle in Depressed and Nondepressed Women, Marlys Ann Conrad
Life Histories, Diets, and Secondary Production of Odonata Along a Temperature Gradient on the Copper River Delta, Alaska, Nicole Emilie Furlan
Aquatic Insect Community Structure and Secondary Production in Southcentral Alaska Streams with Contrasting Thermal and Hydrologic Regimes, Samantha D. Hertel
Feminist and Gay Male Politics: New Issues for Political Collaboration and Activism, Adam Hii
A Study of the Problems Involved in Opening Kaiser Engineers Branch Office in Chicago, Robert James King
Cattail (Typha X Glauca) Invasion in Wetlands of the Great Lakes Region: Are Impacts Time-Dependent?, Mark Edwin Mitchell
Using Moral Foundations Framing to Influence Partisan Attitudes Toward Latino Immigrants, Salma Moaz
Developing Integral Ecologists: Description and Analysis of the State of Environmental Education at Jesuit High Schools in Light of Religious Ecological Commitments and Science Education Research, Philip Nahlik Nahlik
Habitat Associations and Community Interactions of Non-Native Species in the Southern Basin of Lake Michigan, Erin O'shaughnessey
Stigmatization of in Transit Migration and the Devaluation of Humanitarian Aid Resource Labor, Gabriela Perez Laurent
Positive Affect Facilitates Reduction in Depression Symptoms During a Mobile Mindfulness-Based Intervention, Andrew Rauch
Religiosity, Knowledge of Evolution, and Political Ideology as Predictors of Attitudes Towards the Evolution v. Creationism Controversy, Nikolaus Philip Schuetz
In Search of Evidence of Cultural Occupation of the Most Northerly Point in Ireland: Focus on Contemporary Irish Archaeology, Walter Smithe
Predicting Suitable Habitat Decline of Midwestern United States Amphibians and Quantifying the Consequence of Declines Using Pond-Breeding Salamanders, Brock Struecker
An Investigation of the Role of Vibrio Vulnificus rbdA and Vibrio Parahaemolyticus sypA in Biofilm Formation, Cecilia Thompson
The River Continuum Redux: Aquatic Insect Diets Reveal the Importance of Autochthonous Resources in the Salmon River, Idaho, Kathryn Vallis
An Elucidation of the Arboreal Theory of Primate Evolution: A Behavioral Comparison of the Manus of the Squirrel Monkey, the Tree Shrew, and the Gray Squirrel, Catherine Anne Walla-Murphy
Anthropogenic Litter in Illinois Streams: Monitoring, Distribution, and Relationship to Biological Indicators of Stream Health, Lauren Wisbrock