Call for Papers

The Computer Science Research Symposium (CSRS) accepts submissions on a continuous basis. We review submissions in April for Spring semester and November for Fall semester. We also conduct special review of submissions received at any time of year.


Submissions are accepted throughout the year and will be reviewed every month.

Types of Contributions

We welcome the following types of contributions. If you are unsure whether your submission fits into any category, use the lightning talk format.

Research Paper

The research paper is primarily intended for polished undergraduate and graduate research. The work can be based on work already presented at a peer-reviewed workshop or conference.

  • submissions for a full paper include a final paper
  • the final paper may be a preprint of work submitted to or accepted at an academic conference (e.g. ACM/IEEE)
  • a full paper should include a detailed review of research, project development, or associated work
  • the paper length should be approximately 6 or more pages
  • the paper should be prepared with the IEEE Conference Template or ArXiv
  • 15 minutes time slot per full paper presentation at annual celebration, if able to attend the annual celebration
  • all contributing authors (students and faculty, including research supervisors) must be included in the author list for this category

Technical Report

The technical report is primarily intended for presenting work in progress. However, the expectation is that there is a reasonably well-worked out paper with strong technical content.

  • submissions for a technical report include a final paper
  • a technical should include sufficient detailed research, project development, or associated work in progress
  • the paper length should be approximately 3 or more pages
  • the paper should be prepared with the IEEE Conference Template or ArXiv
  • 10 minutes time slot per full paper presentation at annual celebration, if able to attend the annual celebration
  • all contributing authors (students and faculty, including research supervisors) must be included in the author list for this category


The demonstration is primarily intended for presenting technical work where the focus is more on the technology as opposed to a research outcome, e.g. a paper.

  • submissions for demonstrations include a video and source code
  • demonstrations may include class projects, Independent Study demos, and similar lighter weight project and research work
  • a 1 to 2 page paper is required with a link to the project’s GitHub/GitLab repository using the recommended templates for papers
  • no proprietary works will be accepted
  • 5 to 10 minutes time per demonstration at annual celebration, if able to attend the annual celebration


The poster may be used to present any stage of research or development. It may even be a poster that was presented at a workshop or conference already.

  • a poster document and/or brief video demo may be submitted
  • the poster should be prepared with an appropriate LaTeX Poster or PowerPoint template that can be printed/displayed at the annual celebration and/or department offices in Doyle Center
  • this option does not provide a speaking slot

Lightning Talk

The lightning talk format may be used for anything that does not quite fit into the above categories. If unsure how to position your work, you should consider this category.

  • an abstract of approximately 250 words is required with a Pecha Kucha slide presentation; a video is strongly encouraged
  • suitable as a quick introduction or overview of a project, research, or similar material
  • 5 minutes maximum time slot per lightning talk at annual celebration, if able to attend

All submissions will undergo peer review by department faculty.