The present bibliography on Ignatian/Jesuit Education is intended to be a helpful tool for those interested in an in-depth look into Jesuit Education. This is a work in progress that aims to offer a comprehensive perspective on all topics related to Jesuit Education. The bibliography will help those involved in scholarly research into the topic and those already engaged in the field looking into ways of improving their practice of Ignatian Pedagogy. It offers basic, official texts on Jesuit Education but it also presents a broad bibliography that reflects past and present discussion and research.


Book Chapters

El 'Principio' y el 'Fundamento' Ignacianos Ante la Actual Fractura del Pensar y la Crisis de Los Grandes Relatos, Galindo Rafael Reyes

La Espiritualidad Ignaciana, una Animacion Prendida Con Afileres?, Galindo Rafael Reyes

A Dimensao Pedagogica Do Teatro: A Perenidade Das Praticas Pedagogicas da Companhia de Jesus, Cristina Mendes Gomes Ribeiro, Miguel Gonçalves (ed.), Carlos Bizarro Morais (ed.), and José Manuel Martins Lopes (ed.)

Aproximaciones a San Ignacio y Al Trabajo en Equipo, Hermann Rodriguez

A Pedagogia Jesuitica: A Actualidade de Uma Proposta, Ana Margarid Rogeiro, Maria Luisa Branco, Miguel Gonçalves (ed.), and Carlos Bizarro Morais (ed.)

A Resposta Comprometida Diante Do Chamado de Cristo, Joao Roque Rohr

A Educacao Jesuitica e a (re) Construcao Dos Saberes Escolares, Joao Roque Rohr, Cecilia Irene Osowski, and Lia Bergamo Becker

A Espiritualidade Inaciana: Uma Maneira de Viver O Evangelho, Mark Rotsaert and François-Xavier Dumortie


Os Colegios Dos Jesuitas, Arlindo Rubert

A Pratica Das Caracteristicas, Armando Rugarcia and Alberto Vasquez

El Espiritu de Discernimiento en la Educación de Los Jesuitas., Robert Rush

Formacion de Profesores del Programa de Licenciatura en Pedagogia Ignaciana, Fabian Salazar Guerrero

A Universidade Henriquina Uma Identidade Recuperar, Teresa Santos, Miguel Gonçalves (ed.), Carlos Bizarro Morais (ed.), and José Manuel Martins Lopes (ed.)

Criterios Pedagogicos para Iluminar Un Proceso Educativo Universitario Hoy, Luís Mario Sendoya

Colaboracion Entre Jesuitas y Laicos en la Educacion Superior de la Compania de Jesus a la Luz de Nuestra Propia Identidad, Sebastian Serra Martinez and Peter-Hans Kolvenbach

Actualidade e Valor Do Modelo Pedagogico Dos Jesuitas, Lino Moreira Silva, Miguel Gonçalves (ed.), Carlos Bizarro Morais (ed.), and José Manuel Martins Lopes (ed.)

Caritas de Eros No Teatro Escolar Jesuitico Do Sec, Maria Jose Morais da Silva, Miguel Gonçalves (ed.), Carlos Bizarro Morais (ed.), and José Manuel Martins Lopes (ed.)

Higher Education and Computer Service, Dennis Smolarski and Martin R. Tripole (ed.)

Teologia Moral y Deliberacion: Un Aporte a la Toma de Decisiones, Mario Roberto Solarte Rodriguez

Teaching Communication in the Light of G.C. 34, Paul Soukup and Martin R. Tripole (ed.)

A Teoria Piagetiana e Sua Influencia Na Pedagogia Inaciana., Danielle Gonçalves de Oliveira Sousa, Maria Estrela Araujo Fernandes, and Josinea de Jesus Lemos

Educacao Inaciana: Formacao para a Vida, Wilma Maria Lins de Sousa and Maria Estrela Araujo Fernandes

Alle Radici Della Pedagogia de Gesuiti: Il Rapporto Dell'uomo Con In Mondo e la Storia Alla Luce Della Spiritualita Degli Esercizi Di Ignazio Di Loyola, Antonio Spadaro and Franco Guerello

Il Problema Educativo Nella Controriforma Cattolica., Emilio Springhetti

O Papel Do Outro Na Experiencia Missionnaria a Partir da China: Identidade Jesuitica Modelada Pelos Chineses, Nicolas Standaert and François-Xavier Dumortie

Apostolic Conciousness: Key to Jesuit Education, Robert Starrat and Carl Meirose (ed.)

Sowing Seeds of Faith and Justice, Robert Starrat and Carl Meirose (ed.)

Students and the Curriculum in an Ignatian School, Michael Stoney and Martin Scroope (ed.)

Os Jesuitas e as Coloniais, Afonso de Escragnole Taunay and Ministério da Educação e Saúde

Higher Standards, George W. Traub and George W. Traub (ed.)

Jesuit Conference of the United States. Communal Reflection on the Jesuit Mission in Higher Education: A Way of Proceeding, George W. Traub and George W. Traub (ed.)

Spiritualities of – Not At – the University, George W. Traub and George W. Traub (ed.)

An Assessment of the 34th General Congregation's Understanding of Justice and Its Role, Martin Tripole and Martin R. Tripole (ed.)

Just Science: Reflections on Teaching Science At Jesuit Universities, Trileigh Tucker and George W. Traub (ed.)

La Propuesta de Ausjal y la Pedagogia Ignaciana, Luís Ugalde, Cecilia Irene Osowski, and Lia Bergamo Becker

Sintese Das Oficinas de Trabalho, Oscar Hernandez Valdes and Alberto Vasquez

A Formacao de Professores a Luz Das Caracteristicas da Educacao da Companhia de Jesus, Alberto Vásquez

Universidade e Identidad Ignaciana: Elementos y Consecuencias, Alberto Vásquez and Carmen Rico De Sotelo

El Modelo Educativo Universitario de Inspiracion Ignaciana, Alberto Vásquez and Alberto Vasquez

Tecendo e Gerando as Caracteristicas, Alberto Vásquez and Alberto Vasquez

Las Características Tradicionales de la Educación Ignaciana, Alberto Vásquez, Alberto Vásquez, and Hilda Hernandez

Propuestas para la Acción Universitaria, Alberto Vásquez, Alberto Vásquez, and Hilda Hernandez

Propuestas para la Acción Universitaria de Inspiración Ignaciana, Alberto Vásquez, Alberto Vásquez, and Hilda Hernandez

El Contexto Mexicano y Las Caracteristicas, Alberto Vásquez, Alberto Vásquez, Navarro y Lourdes Jaime, and Raul Fuentes

O Contexto da Educacao Jesuita Na America Latina, Carlos Vásquez and Alberto Vásquez

Caracteristicas y Pedagogia Ignaciana. Lo Realizado en Los Colegios Jesuitas de Mexico, Victor Verdin, Alberto Vásquez, Navarro y Lourdes Jaime, and Raul Fuentes

La Pedagogia Ignaciana, la Formacion Integral y el Liderzago Javeriano: Una Lectura Desde el Itinerario de Vida de San Francisco Javier, Jose Vicente Vergara Hoyos

A Visao Universitaria da Ausjal, Carlos Vigil Avalos and Alberto Vásquez

Elementos para Un Modelo de Universidad Ignaciana, Juan Jorge Hermosillo Villalobos

Ensino e Cultura No Rio Nos Seculos Xvi e Xvii, Helio Abranches Viotti

O Ensino No Brasil Colonial, Helio Abranches Viotti

Evoking Justice in the Pursuit of Art: The Fine Arts, the Constitutions, and GC 34, Kevin Waters and Martin R. Tripole (ed.)

Qual a Escola para O Novo Milenio?, Mario Zan

Conference Proceedings

Jesuit Higher Education and the Role of Humanities, Carol Nevin Abromaitis and Martin R. Tripole (ed.)

La Pedagogia Dei Gesuiti Alla Luce della Scienza Contemporanea. Analisi Delle Istituzioni, Leone Agnelo, Franco Guerello (ed.), and Pietro Schiavone (ed.)

Aspectos Clave del Decreto 13 y Su Relación Con El Sector de Educación (alocución del Provincial de España en la Iv Asamblea de Rectores/directores, Melecio Agundez

Colaboración Con los Laicos en la Misión, Melecio Agundez

Evolución de los Centros Educativos de la Compañia de Jesús en España en los Ultimos 50 Años, Agustin Alonso, Franco Guerello (ed.), and Pietro Schiavone (ed.)

The Future of Philosophy in Jesuit Higher Education, Ronald Anderson and Martin R. Tripole (ed.)

Models of Catholic and Jesuit Identity: What Has Changed in Recent Years, J. A. Appleyard and Martin R. Tripole (ed.)

What Is Jesuit Higher Education, Robert John Araujo and Martin R. Tripole (ed.)

La Pastoral en El Contexto de Un Centro Ignaciano Evangelizador, Javier López Aríztegui

La Pedagogia Nelle Scuole della Compagnia Di Gesù, Mario Barbera

Sentido y Alcance de la Dimensión Evangelizadora del Centro Educatio, Joaquín Barrero Díaz

The Role of an Academic Dean in Jesuit Education, Robert J. Barth and Martin R. Tripole (ed.)

Jesuit Higher Education and the Role of Science, Robert C. Baumiller and Martin R. Tripole (ed.)

Ignatius Education for Business Preparation for Vocation and Profession in a Global Economy, Thomas Bausch and John T. Wholihan (ed.)

Does Jesuit Higher Education Have a Future on the International Scene?, Charles J. Beirne and Martin R. Tripole (ed.)

I Grandi Principi della Spiritualità Ignaziana Nel Processo Di Educazione Personalizzante, Sergio Bernal, Franco Guerello (ed.), and Pietro Schiavone (ed.)

Jesuit Higher Education and the Student, John M. Bradley and Martin R. Tripole (ed.)

Catholic Identity Vs. Secularization: Whose Choice?, William J. Byron and Martin R. Tripole (ed.)

La Traditio Viva Educandi de la Compañía de Jesús: Algunas Aportaciones Históricas de Su Trabajo Universitario, Xavier Cacho, Alberto Vásquez (ed.), and Hilda Elena Hernández (ed.)

Conscience: Individual, Communal, Objective, Lisa Sowle Cahil and Martin R. Tripole (ed.)

Cura Personalis e Leadership Di Servizio: Fondamento e Progetto della Pedagogia Ignaziana, Rossana Carmagnani

La Pedagogia Dei Gesuiti Dal 500 Al 700, Rossana Carmagnani

What Is Jesuit Higher Education the Service of Faith and The Promotion of Justice?, Denise Carmody and Martin R. Tripole (ed.)

De Una Escuela de Enseñanza a Una Escuela de Aprendizaje: Cómo Responder a Este Reto Desde Nuestra Identidad Ignaciana, Enric Caturla

What Is Jesuit Higher Education – the Service of Faith and the Promotion of Justice?, Francis X. Clooney and Martin R. Tripole (ed.)

Does Jesuit Higher Education Have a Future on the International Scene?, Gabriel Codina and Martin R. Tripole (ed.)

La Red de Educación Superior de la Compañía de Jesús, Gabriel Codina, Alberto Vásquez (ed.), and Hilda Elena Hernández (ed.)

Los Elementos Constitutivos del Modelo Universitario de Inspiración Ignaciana, Gabriel Codina, Alberto Vásquez (ed.), and Hilda Elena Hernández (ed.)

El Documento 'retos y Fines de la Pastoral Juvenil Ignaciana', José Miguel Colina Izal

Contexto Social Y Pedagogía Ignaciana, Conedsi

Contexto Social y Pedagogía Ignaciana, Conedsi

Educación, Misión Compartida, Conedsi

Espiritualidad Ignaciana y Humanismo, Conedsi

El Sistema Educativo Universidad Iberoamericana/instituto Tecnólogico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente, Juan Lafarga Corona, Alberto Vásquez (ed.), and Hilda Elena Hernández (ed.)

Valores Que Promueve El Modelo Educativo del Sistema Uia/iteso, Juan Lafarga Corona, Alberto Vásquez (ed.), and Hilda Elena Hernández (ed.)

Jesuit Schools in the United States, Charles Costello

Academic Culture and Jesuit Intellectualism: A Publishing Proposal, Paul G. Crowley and Martin R. Tripole (ed.)

I Gesuiti e L’umanesimo, Giuseppe Cultrera

Transforming Students: Jesuit Higher Education and the Discourse of Faith and Action, Tara E. Czechowski and Martin R. Tripole (ed.)

L'enseignement Jésuite Au Liban, Salim Daccache

A Espiritualidade Inaciana Como Resposta Ao Desafio Ético, Mariângela Risério D'almeida and João Ramiro (ed.)

GC 34 and the University as Catholic, Anthony C. Daly and Martin R. Tripole (ed.)

Esperienze Di Formazione Permanente in Italia e Brasile, Mario Danieli

A Los Jesuitas Em la Ciudad de Mexico, Adolfo de Nicolás

Discurso en el Congreso de la Federación Latino-americana de Los Antiguos Alumnos, Adolfo de Nicolás

En el Iteso. la Educación Continua Siendo el Gran Reto de la Humanidad., Adolfo de Nicolás

Mensaje Al Encuentro de Flacsi de Rectores de Colegios Jesuitas, Adolfo de Nicolás