"Australia v. USA: Indian Engineering Students Pursuing Graduate Degree" by Louis Berends

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


School of Education


The global market of higher education is growing at a rapid pace. Prospective graduate students in engineering have more options - domestically and internationally - than ever before. At this moment, the international setting of engineering graduate programs continues to shift and expand. This study analyzes the decision-making processes of students from India who pursue graduate education in Australia and the United States of America. In this setting, decision-making processes of student choice were examined after study participants selected higher education institutions in Australian and U.S. The research question is: why do graduate degree-seeking engineering students from India pursue studies in the United States and Australia? In addressing this central question, this study seeks to understand the decision-making processes of students from India by undertaking a multi-methodological approach to the study of selection and choice of graduate institutions abroad.

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