"Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Generational Status and the Successful Im" by Michael Allen

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Education


As education in the United States becomes more complex to provide for increasingly diverse students, it is extremely challenging to develop, recruit, and hire administrators to effectively lead 21st century schools. Many school districts all over the country are counting on their principals to successfully transition their schools to full implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The purpose of the research was to explore whether there was a correlation between emotional intelligence (EQ), generational status and principals' leadership abilities for the successful implementation of the CCSS.

Participants of this study included ten principals (two from the Baby Boom Generation, five from Generation X and three from Generation Y (also referred to as Millennials) in various school districts in Lake and Cook counties in Illinois. To better examine whether there was a correlation between emotional intelligence (EQ), generational status and principals' leadership abilities for the successful implementation of the CCSS, these participants were asked to complete the Common Core Implementation Inventory as well as the Emotional Intelligence Appraisal ®. Additionally, and they participated in a 45-60-minute interview.

The findings in the study revealed a modest connection between EQ (especially relationship management) and generation in relation to the successful implementation of CCSS, and potentially important and helpful findings regarding

consistently preferred and consistently implemented leadership strategies that contribute to the successful implementation of CCSS.
