"Home/school Collaboration and the Development of a Growth Mindset With" by Lauren A. Carlson

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Education


Studies show that curricula related to mindset can have a positive effect on increasing growth mindset in students. Literature also suggests that messages students receive from parents about their skills and hard work can have implications for mindset development. In this project, the researcher explored the knowledge, exposure, and involvement of parents of gifted students in a small suburban K-8 school district with regard to growth mindset instruction. The researcher also explored how teachers can increase home school collaboration in regards to growth mindset concepts. The researcher used a survey questionnaire and a semi-structured interview through a focus group format in a mixed-method case study design. Descriptive statistics and constant comparison analysis was used. The following research questions were asked: (1) What impact has the current growth mindset practices in grades 5-6 gifted classrooms within a small suburban K-8 district had on parents? (2) How do parents of students in grades 5-6 gifted classrooms within a small suburban K-8 district want home school collaboration regarding growth mindset to look moving forward? (3) How do gifted teachers of students in grades 5-6 gifted classrooms within a small suburban K-8 district want home school collaboration regarding growth mindset to look moving forward? The researcher found that parent participants demonstrated a relatively high basic knowledge of growth mindset concepts as well as a relatively high level of exposure to these concepts. However, parent participants indicated a moderate, but variable, level of involvement with these concepts. Teachers report feeling a parent's role is to reinforce growth mindset concepts at home with the support of a classroom teacher. In addition, collaboration could improve through the use of workshops, discussions during parent teacher conferences, student assignments, and collaborative goal setting. Limitations of the current study and directions for future research are discussed.
