"Examining the Experiences of Latinx Stem Baccalaureates" by Marlene Chavez

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Education


Examining the Experiences of Latinx STEM Baccalaureates is a qualitative research study of Latinx who graduated with a bachelor's degree in an area of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). The purpose of this dissertation was to learn about the experiences of Latinx who have attained a STEM degree at a four-year university. This study holds implications for educational institutions, policymakers, and educational researchers that serve Latinx populations. More importantly, this dissertation will share the voices and knowledge of Latinx that have attained STEM.

This dissertation examined the following questions: What are the undergraduate educational experiences of Latinx students who major in STEM? What factors impact Latinx students' decision to pursue STEM degrees? What factors drive Latinx students' persistence in STEM? How do various forms of capital, specifically those identified in Yosso's (2005) theory of Community Cultural Wealth, impact Latinx STEM undergraduates in their pursuit of a STEM degree?

The design methods, rooted in Latino Critical Race Theory and Community Cultural Wealth, included: (1) semi-structured interviews of ten Latinx participants that graduated with a STEM degree and (2) data analysis that focused on students' challenges as well as the cultural assets they identified and applied in attaining STEM.

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