Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




In African theology, experience is the leading source for theological reflection, ahead of scripture and Tradition. Since the last quarter of the 19th Century, colonialism has shaped African experience such that today, it is a major factor in theological reflections and other intellectual enterprises from the continent. Much African theology understands contemporary African experience as one of disruption of a "true" or pre-colonial African experience by European colonial forces. Hence, Contemporary African Theology has been about recognition and recovery of pre-colonial African experience or rehabilitation of Africa from effects of colonialism. However, such a view of colonial experience excludes and overlooks some important integrative features of contemporary African experience in urbanization processes that took place during colonial era. In this dissertation, I argue that in order to fully grasp and engage African experience as a source for contemporary African Theology, processes of urbanization must be understood and incorporated. The growth of urban centers as contemporary locales of African experience requires that colonial experience be viewed as one of not only disruption, but also integration. Experiences of faith, when examined as part of both disruption and integration, can give African theology global character akin to the one found in African cities today. They can move African theology from an identity theology to a theology with significance beyond Africa.
