Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education (EdD)
School of Education
There is a growing need for school psychologists to reform and restructure their roles in order to meet the mental health needs of student populations (Adelman & Taylor, 2003). Many school psychologists, district (school psychologists serving multiple schools) and building (school psychologists serving one school) are in favor of changing roles and responsibilities, but are faced with resistance from administrators when advocating for change (Adelman & Taylor, 2003). The purpose of this research study was to investigate elementary principals' perceptions about school psychological services. Survey research was utilized to measure elementary principals' perceptions of school psychological services provided by district (school psychologists serving multiple schools) and building (school psychologists serving one school) staff and general perceptions of school mental health providers. Of the 1683 voluntary participants e-mailed, a total of 194 participants participated in the survey research, for a total response rate of greater than 10%. Of the 194 participants that agreed to participate in research, 167 completed the survey in its entirety, which leads to a response rate of 86% for each question asked. Per research findings, the majority of elementary principal participants indicated that school psychological services are provided by district school psychologists. Additionally, less than 10% of participants indicated that current mental services are highly effective, and less than 10% of participants indicated that current social-emotional programming is highly effective. Participants further indicated that school social workers are the predominate mental health provider in their elementary schools. Research findings further indicated that elementary principals with district school psychologists regard and utilize their school psychologists more as mental health providers than elementary principals with building school psychologists.
Recommended Citation
Voight, Tiffany Marie, "Elementary Principals' Perceptions of School Psychological Services" (2017). Dissertations. 2869.
Copyright Statement
Copyright © 2017 Tiffany Marie Voight