"Parents' Satisfaction in Non-Title-I and Title-I Schools within the Ar" by Alex Hill

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Education


Parents' attitudes about their children's schools matter. Their views can shape their children's attitude about school and influence their residential and school enrollment decisions. This paper describes the use of two survey scales, an existing survey, Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey and a survey developed by the research, Parent Survey, to assess parents' level of satisfaction at their child's school. Specifically, one Catholic school that has students who are recipients of Title-I funds and one Catholic school that does not have students who are recipients of Title-I funds were used in this study. The Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey is a Likert scale used to measure parents' satisfaction based on the schools' accreditation body's standards. The researcher's survey, Parent Survey, is a Likert scale that measured parent satisfaction levels based on seven school factors and explored parents' open-ended responses to two questions. When the data were analyzed, it was found that parents' level of satisfaction to the schools' adherence to the accreditation body's standards were similar, but parents' level of satisfaction, in comparison to each school, differed in school factors. Parents' responses to the open-ended questions offered recommendations that were different for each school. The researcher concludes by discussing how the schools can use the results to aid the school improvement efforts.As the number of Catholic schools close and the number of students enrolled in Catholic schools dwindle in our nation, researchers and schools may want to examine what factors drive parent satisfaction. Catholic schools' closings, in Chicago, will likely continue to increase; therefore, it is critical for the Archdiocese of Chicago to understand the scope of their parents' satisfaction.

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