"Positive Behavior Intervention Supports and Relational Trust in an Ele" by Marilou Salcepuedes Rebolledo

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Education


School discipline continues to this day to be the most challenging issue in education often resulting in students being excluded from their classroom and instruction. Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) is a necessity to ensure that students are in classrooms learning and supported socially and emotionally. The purpose of this self-study is for me to examine and identify ways that I as a leader engage the school community in building a positive learning environment through implementation of relational trust and common school-wide PBIS and expectations. The result of this study will provide leaders in elementary urban schools the tools necessary to engage their staff, students, and parents in building relational trust and implementing PBIS with fidelity. As we have the tools to engage, learn, and commit to relational trust and clearly defined PBIS, we would expect improvements in our supportive environment and student achievement school-wide. This self-study will address the research questions that identify how I as a school leader can engage the school community in building a positive learning environment conducive to students' social emotional learning needs and that impact supportive environment and student academic achievement. Self-study will be the methodology used and aligned to the PBIS Implementation Blueprint Framework (U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education, 2015) and Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (2008) conceptual framework. Through this dialogue, collaboration, and restructuring, I will be able to reflect on the success and implications of the problem through reflective journals, reviews of Professional Development (PD) agendas, materials, exit slips, and critical friend interviews. One elementary public school located in the near west side with 550 students in grades kindergarten through 8th grade representative of various areas in Chicago will be the sample for this self-study.

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