Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




This dissertation explores the significance of ritual inoperativity for political theology. Drawing from representative interpreters of biblical/traditional sources, contemporary philosophical reflection, and practical analysis of rituals, this study argues that rituals such as Sabbath, vigil, shmita, and fiesta paint a unique image of human identity and authority in the world. This image is starkly opposed to the common political-theological framework in which God is defined through action, and human beings are similarly defined as action-producing beings. in contrast, ritual inoperativity depicts God's identity and authority as one who gives rest or €œlets be.€ for this reason, human identity and authority should follow a similar model. This study argues that this perspective of political power could be enormously important for addressing the most significant political challenge in the contemporary world: climate change. It concludes by suggesting how a climate-healing Sabbath ritual could function.

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