Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Education


Students arrive at school each day with a great disparity in emotional and learning readiness. This is caused by a multitude of factors such as chronic stress, family separation, poverty, the COVID-19 pandemic, sexism, trauma, ACEs, racism, and lack of access to resources. Students need daily assistance in understanding and regulating their emotions. Schools have become the central place for supporting students' mental health, yet teachers are generally overworked and underprepared in the area of supporting mental health. The purpose of this dissertation was to determine the impact of a universal tier one self-regulation intervention on student engagement and reading comprehension. The intervention was rooted in cognitive behavioral therapy and included techniques related to breathing, self-affirmation, meditative listening, and emotion labeling. The intervention was meant to be simple, so that it could be applied to a variety of grades, content areas, student readiness, and staff experience. The results of this study indicate that the intervention positively impacted student engagement and reading comprehension scores.

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