Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Education


In the recent past, the concept of STEM education has become a “buzz phrase” in the Zambian education system, and yet, very little is known about STEM education let alone what those involved in STEM think or know about STEM in the country. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate key STEM stakeholders’ perceptions of STEM education in Zambia. To better understand STEM in the country, it was critical to explore the perceptions of STEM held by STEM teachers, STEM administrators, and STEM policymakers in the perception domains of STEM vision, STEM definition, STEM purpose, STEM relevance, and STEM learning and teachingThe study used a convergent mixed methods design. Quantitative data were collected through survey questionnaires, while qualitative data were collected through surveys and interviews. The key findings of the study show that despite minor disagreement within and between stakeholder groups about the understanding of STEM, there was a general agreement between stakeholders about STEM education in the country. The findings revealed cohesion within and between groups regarding STEM education. Furthermore, the results of the study also indicated that there is a general passion among stakeholders to see a successful implementation story of STEM in the country. The results show that the stakeholders expressed their interest in STEM and pointed out that STEM is the way to go if Zambia must traverse the economic, scientific, environmental, technological, and social-cultural terrains of the 21st century. The findings of this study imply that the study will inform and inspire STEM conceptualization, understanding, and practices in the country. At the level of practice, this study will not only inform the general practices of STEM but also classroom practices and conceptualization for STEM practitioners. Furthermore, the study will guide and inform curriculum development and policy formulation in the country

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