Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Education


School violence has become increasingly more prevalent among adolescent females over the last ten years. As administrators, teachers, parents, and law enforcement officials try to control and decrease the number of violent incidents that occur in our schools, adolescent females continue to exhibit inappropriate and violent behavior at an alarming rate within our school communities. Adolescent females who behave badly have historically been overlooked or ignored, as girls have often been perceived as being incapable of demonstrating hostile conduct in an academic setting.

The purpose of this study was to investigate, describe, and analyze the frequency and nature of violent incidents committed by adolescent females in the Chicago Public Schools during a four year period. The findings from this study will seek to establish the severity of the problem, offer insight into possible solutions, and provide relevance for future studies.

This study utilized a descriptive quantitative approach to analyzing archival data that highlighted adolescent females that committed serious Group 5 and Group 6 misconduct violations as outlined in the Chicago Public Schools student code of conduct handbook. A comparison throughout the data was conducted based upon factors such as race, age, socio-economic status, location, and disability.

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