"Tweeting in the Agora: An Historical Documentary of Educational Struct" by Jill Maraldo

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Education


This dissertation focuses on the systems and structures of formal and informal education in Ancient Greece under the leadership of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle and the systems and structures of education and discourse on social media, specifically on blogs and Twitter. Using historical documentary research methodology of primary and secondary sources, the researcher analyzed, compared and contrasted these systems and structures and examined the implications for today's educational leaders.

The four research questions of this study were:

1. According to select primary sources from 400 B.C.- 322 B.C. (heretofore referred to as ancient times) and historical secondary sources about that time period, what was the system and structure of formal and informal education and discourse?

2. According to select primary and secondary sources from 1990-2013 (heretofore referred to as modern times) what is the system and structure of formal and informal education and discourse?

3. How do the systems and structures of formal and informal education and discourse of ancient times compare and contrast to the systems and structures of formal and informal education and discourse of modern times?

4. What are the implications of this study for today's educational leaders?

Throughout the research process, several lenses were examined through select primary sources from 400 BC-322 BC and historical secondary sources about that time period and select primary and secondary sources from 1990-2013 to determine how the systems and structures of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle's practice and the systems and structures of educational leaders on social media address many issues such as equity of access, leadership and communal learning spaces.

Analysis of ancient and modern times, as well as the comparisons and contrasts between both periods was done to determine the impact of such systems and structures on today's educational leaders and the implications for the future.

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