Dissertations submitted in candidacy for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at Loyola University Chicago.
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Theses/Dissertations from 1977
Teaching Critical Life Issues in Nursing: A Philosophical Analysis, Evelyn G. Hartigan
Accumulation of fructose-1,6-diphosphate in Non-Growing Staphylococcus aureus, Charles Frederick Huettner
An Exploratory Assessment of the Effects of Specified Cultural and Environmental Factors on the Performance of Nigerian Students on Selected Verbal and Nonverbal Aptitude Tests Developed for Use in Western Countries, Victoria Belle Chigoziri Iwuji
Simulated Patient Situations in a Continuing Education Course for Practical Nurses, Faith Mahleah Jones
Differences between Guilt Proneness and Anxiety Proneness on Field Independence, Locus of Control, Empathy, and Religiousity, Gerald P. Joyce
Topographica Cretica: Topoi of Classical Crete with Testimonia, Kenneth Francis Kitchell
The Autonomic Control of the Canine Left Ventricle, David B. Lippincott
Effects of Two Human Development Course Models at a Community College, Michael Joseph Patrick Maloney
Education of Ethnic Leadership: A Case Study of the Ukranian Ethnic Group in the United States (1970-1974), Daria Markus
A Study of a Procedure for the Scaling and Calibration of Personality Test Items Applicable to the Circumplex Model, Clarence C. McCormick
Aristotle's Attitude Towards Homer, Donald J. McGuire
Shifts in Self-Concept and Locus of Control in College Students as a Function of Volunteering with Emotionally Disturbed Children, Patrick Joseph McKian
Alumni and Giving: A Study of Student Personnel Services and Alumni Philanthropy, John William McNulty
Achievement Motivation in Women: A Developmental Perspective, Elizabeth Suzanne Miller
Desegregation in Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Chicago, 1964-1974, Including a Case Study of a Catholic High School, James Charles Moses
An Examination of Executive Development Programs in Private Illinois Colleges and Universities, Thomas E. Murray
A Construct Validity Inquiry of the Mosak-Shulman Theory of Neurosis, Maria Pappas Nikolas
Studies on the Mechanism of Inhibition of RNA Synthesis by Template Inactivators, Nikos Panayotatos
The Effectiveness of Career Awareness Workshops with Fifth Grade Girls, Jane M. Podall
The German Socialist Emigration in the United States, 1933 to 1945, Albrecht Ragg
Impact of Age-Segregated Public Housing upon Self-Actualization and Other Personal-Adjustment Variables Among the Aged: A Ten Month Follow-Up, Gerald Raymond Rak
Personality Correlates of Hypnotizability in College Students, Cheryl R. Rampage
A Measurement Study of Assertive Behavior in Elementary School Boys, Richard Crawford Reardon
An Analysis of Systems Utilized in the Evaluation of School Superintendents, Robert J. Roelle
Analysis of Student and Teacher Variables Among Students Referred for Psychological Testing, David M. Rosen
Education and Social Mobility in Tamil Nadu, India: An Empirical Study of Intergenerational Occupational Mobility and Occupational Aspiration, Savarimuthu Savarimuthu
Factors Associated with Intellectual Development: Birth Order and Family Size Effects for a Select Population, William Maurice Schaefer
Developmental Logic, Harvey Jack Schiller
Characterization of Corynebacterium Vaginale Soluble and Cellular Antigens, Mary Frances Smaron
Conscious Construction: The Concept of Plot in Five Novels by Women, Nancy McKeon Taylor
Lipid and Ultrastructural Changes in Brain After Induction of Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency During Development, Bruce D. Trapp
The Irish Army Mutiny of 1924, Maryann Gialanella Valiulis
Emile Boutmy: The Political Education of the Third Republic, Louis J. Voskuil
The Defeat of Major General Arthur St. Clair, November 4, 1791: A Study of the Nation's Response, 1791-1793, William Patrick Walsh
Explanation Paradigms: Their Application Potential in the Field of Tennis Instruction, Dennis Watanabe
Three Techniques for Measuring Student Achievement of Guidance Objectives, William Roche Watts
Three Techniques for Measuring Student Achievement of Guidance Objectives, William Roche Watts
Japanese American Experiene of Misei Parents and Their Sansei Children and Implications for Education, Seiichi Michael Yasutake
Theses/Dissertations from 1976
Study of Achievement Motive, Nurturance Motive and Satisfaction in Mothers of Preschool Children, Ann Connell Adams
The Effect of Male-female Stimulus Variables on the Reliability of the Motivation Index of the Thematic Apperception Test, Roger S. Arnold
The Effects of Attack and Retaliation on State Measures of Depression and Hostility: A Replication with the Addition of a Confederate Examiner, Carolyn J. Atkinson
A Comparison of Two Science Teaching Methods for Educable Mentally Handicapped Children, Walter E. Bacon
Interaction of Descending Sympathetic Pathways and Afferent Nerves in Cardiovascular Regulation, Susan Marie Barman
The Effects of a Pretesting Session on the Scores Obtained by Adults on a Nonverbal Test of Intelligence, Carole Ann Bauer
Streptococcal-related Glomerulonephritis: An Immunological and Immunochemical Analysis, William Thomas Blue
The English Clerical Diplomats, 1327-1461, Mary Smoley Blust
The Analysis and Classification of Tooth Contacts in Non-extraction Orthodontic Angle Class I Occlusions, Charles Frederick Bohl
Status Incongruence and Support for Change in Sex-role Ideology: A Study of Women in Various Professions, Mary J. Brooke
John Donne and the Countess of Bedford, Marcia Mascolini Brown
Contextual Memory Effects in Problem Solving, John Robert Buri
A Study of Black Student Alienation at Small Private Liberal Arts Colleges, David Claerbaut
This Dappled World: The Poetic Vision of Gerald Manley Hopkins, George Leonard Cochran O.P.
The Effects of Written Modeling and Reinforcement of Self-affect References in Unstructured Personal Documents, Carol McDowell Collins
A Critical Text of the Ordo Ubium Nobilium, the Ludus Septem Sapientum, and the Caesars of Decimus Magnus Ausonius, James Patrick Conley
Age of Majority and a Private College, James R. Cunningham
The Social Correlates of Authority Conflict Among American Diocesan Clergy, Emil S.J. DC̓ruz
An Historical Analysis of the Fellowships Programs at the Johns Hopkins University, 1876-1889: Daniel Gilman's Unique Contribution, Arthur Serfass Eichlin
A Study of Ego-Strength as It Relates to Homogeneous-Heterogeneous Grouping in Group Process, Evelyn Evans
Rudyard Kipling : A Study in Popular Education During an Imperialist Era, Marilyn Ruth Fiduccia
A Comparison of Three Methods of Teaching Mathematics in Fourth Grade: Cognitive and Affective Dimensions, Daniel Gilbert
Alienation in the Life and Works of Richard Wright, Theresa Drew Haymon
Effects of d-Tubocurarine on Facilitation and Depression of Neuromuscular Transmission, Donald J. Hinman
Synthesis and Biochemical Pharmacology of Oxoazopurines, Arun Laxman Jadhav
Strabo and Homer: The Homeric Citations in the Geography of Strabo, William Kahles
The Relationship between Mode of Communication and the Development of Self-esteem in the Deaf Child of Hearing Parents, Marie Kelliher
The Interaction of Phenanthridinium Derivatives with Nucleic Acids, Antonis Kindelis
The Relationship of Wet Weight and Lactate Concentration to Age in the Crystalline Lens of Peromyscus Maniculatus Bairdii, Robert Kinders
Early Evaluation of the Novel: Periodical Reviews of Mid-Eighteenth-Century London, Karen Jo Ann Koenigs
The Effect of Level of Provocation and Attributions About the Provoker on Aggression and Anger, John F. Kremer
A Cross-Cultural Comparison of the Symptoms of Maladaptive Functioning and the Attitudes of Psychiatric Staff Members Toward Mental Illness in Nigeria and America (U.S.), Supo Ayodele Laosebikan
Human Differences in the Ability to Differentiate Spoken Lies from Spoken Truths, Paul John Lavrakas
The Treatment of China in American Comparative Education, 1911-1970, Kuo Jow Lee
Synthetic Item Analysis: An Application of Synthetic Validity to Item Analysis, Jerome David Lehnus
Pattern-maintenance and Integration Within a Normative Organization: The Roman Catholic Priesthood in the United States, Zondra G. Lindblade
Education in the Nation of Islam During the Leadership of Elijah Muhammad, 1935-1975, William A. Marshall
The Philippine Nurse: Implications for Orientation and in-service Education for Foreign Nurses in the United States, Clarita Go Miraflor
Sex-Role Identity in the Aged, Dana McDermott Murphy
A Study to Assess Career Choice Certainty Among Community College Students, James Murray
An Analysis and Comparison of the Actual and the Expected Role of Secondary School Assistant Principals, Jerry Neumann
An Examination of Relationships of Superintendent's Role Perception, School District Population Size and School District Wealth to Central Office Administrative Staff Size, Organizational Structure, and Staff Utilization, Morven Simon Welton Ngaiyaye
Assay of Desmosines in the Study of Elastin, William P. Nijm
Influence of Pre-Induction Instructions, Induction Format, Sex, and Locus of Control Expectancies upon Hypnotizability, Robert O'Connor
Costa Rica in the World Community of Nations, 1919-1939: A Case Study in Latin American Internationalism, Suzanne O'Connor
The Judgment of Knowing as Related to Practice, Ease of Learning Judgments, and Individual Differences, Stanley J. Pasko
A Critical Text of the Epigrammata of D. Magnus of Ausonius, Pauline Pate
Education and Modernization in Montenegro, 1831-1918, Helen A. Pavichevich
Rabindranath Tagore's Philosophy of International Education, Asirvatham Periaswamy
Characteristics of an Aftercare Population in a Therapeutic Social Club, Lorrie Peterson
A Study of the Relationships between Self-actualization and Job Satisfaction in Teaching, Paul Pusateri
The Relative Efficacy of Three Short-term Analogues in the Reduction of Anxiety, Michael Rabin
A History of the Amherst Project: Revising the Teaching of American History 1959 to 1972, Charles Samec
The Effect of Diagnostic Labeling on the Clinician's Perception of Behavioral Abnormalities, Clifton Joseph Saper
Changes in Personality Characteristics and Values During the Early Formation Period in Religious Vocation, Julie C. Shainauskas
Marital Interaction, Drinking Behavior, and Life Adjustment Following Treatment for Alcoholism, Patrick Shields