Dissertations submitted in candidacy for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at Loyola University Chicago.
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Theses/Dissertations from 1959
A Comparison of a Factorial and a Multidimensional Approach to the Scaling of Psychological Data, Joseph Reynolds Devane
Synthesis and Pharmacological Actions of 5' Adenylmethylenediphosphonate: An Analog of APT, James Wendell Flesher
An Empirical Avaluation of the Theory of Manifest Structure Analysis, Lucille Armstrong Foster
A Re-Standardization of the Loyola Language Study on a Far Western Population, William Anthony Guppy
An Analysis of Written School Board Policies in Certain Districts of the State of Illinois, Melvin P. Heller
Investigation of Quantitative Polarographic Measurements of Oxygen Tension in Tissue, Albert Frederick Kelso
Differential Vocational Interest Patterns of Successful and Unsuccessful Foreign Mission Seminarians, Charles E. Kenney
An Experimental Study of the Relation between Perception of Self and Evaluation of Another, Henry Joseph Lambin
Changes in Impulse-Control Balance Following General and Specialized Treatment of Institutionalized Delinquent Boys, George Ridley Lewis
The Use of Prochlorperazine with Brain-Damaged Children, John Michael McCauley
A Study of the Relation between Deductive and Inductive Reasoning Ability and Adjustment in Adults, Mary McNeil
The Structured Diary as an Aid in Counseling Parents, Helen K. Pancerz
A Study of the Administration of the Henrician Act of Supremacy in Canterbury Diocese, Mary Justine Peter
A Tat and Picture-Frustration Study of Naval Offenders and Non- Offenders, Francis Bernard Petrauskas
The Privy Council and Economic Management in the Reign of Elizabeth, 1558-1578, Vincent Ponko
Aptitude and Interest Measures Predictive of Ninth Grade Woodshop Performance, Donald Joseph Racky
Thermal Reflex Sweating in Normal and Paraplegic Man, Russell C. Seckendorf
Studies of Phenethylbiguanide, an Oral Hypoglycemic Compound, Herndon Guinn Shepherd
Measurement of Attitude and Information Changes in Mental Health Concepts Among Seminarians, Neil John Webb
The Usefulness of the Spranger Values in the Determination of Basic Values, Eugene Henry Welsand
Theses/Dissertations from 1958
Technical Manual Editor Analysis Profile: Test Construction and Preliminary Standardization for Personnel Selection, Aurelius Anthony Abbatiello
An Investigation of Some Factors Relating to the Identification of Eighth Grade Children Possessing Musical Potential , Wesley Francis Amar
Selected Personal and Social Factors for Transient and Non-Transient Pupils of a Minority Group in a Large Metropolitan Elementary School , A. John Brinkman
Characteristic Differences, Determined By Tat Sequential Analysis, between Teachers Rated By their Pupils At the Extremes in Teaching Efficiency , Mary Innocentia Burkard
The Actions of Selected Central Nervous System Acting Drugs on Certain Mono- and Poly-Synaptic Pathways Affecting the Patellar Reflex , Salvatore Joseph DeSalva
A Comparison of Normal, Vitamin E Deficient and Denervated Skeletal Muscle in Experimental Animals By Means of Electrodiagnostic, Electromyographic and Pharmacologic Criteria , John Joseph Fudema
A Guide to the Teaching of Civics in the High Schools of Kerala State, India, Based on a Critical Survey of Civics Curricula in Selected School Systems in the United States, Teresa K. Kalathiveetil
Cardiovascular Responses Elicited By Electrical Stimulation of the Hypothalamus , John William Manning
Opinions About the Priesthood in Catholic High School Boys and Minor Seminarians, David DeSales Markert
An Investigation of a New Method of T.A.T. Analysis By a Prediction Study of High and Low Academic Achievers , Leo Alex McCandlish
The Psychologist, His Training and Functions: A Survey of Graduate Psychologists from Loyola University (1930-1954), Robert Francis Medina
A Study of the Motivation of Leaders Followers and Isolates in a Group of Delinquent Boys, Robert G. Milligan
Guidance Practices in Selected Elementary School Districts of Illinois, Ely Sires
A Comparative Study of Cerebral Palsied and Normal Adults on Two Forms of Raven's Progressive Matrices , Vernon Sloan. Tracht
Studies on the Dubos-Middlebrook Cytochemical Virulence Test for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Harry Youmun Wong
Theses/Dissertations from 1957
An Experimental Investigation of Psychogalvanic Responses in a Threat Situation , Eugene Joseph Albrecht
The Predictive Value of the Cattell Infant Intelligence Scale, Patricia Bledsoe
A Study of the Relationship between a Real Mobility and Standardized Test Performance of 4300 Graduates of Chicago Public Elementary Schools , John Peter Byrne
Religious Attitudes and Beliefs in Relation to Adjustment , Gerd Maximilian Cryns
The Discriminatory Power of the Loyola Language Study in Schizophrenia , Anthony James Del Vecchio
Speed and Accuracy of Decision Among Normals and Neurotics , Warren Freiband
The Effect of Some Aromatic Sulfur Compounds on the Growth of the Walker 256 Tumor , Jonas Antanas Gylys
An Analysis and Evaluation of Admission Policies of a Catholic Liberal Arts College , Ernest Joseph La Mal
A Paper Chromatographic Study of the Adenosine Triphosphate Complexes with Sodium and Potassium Ions , Charles I. Lupu
Studies on the Purification of the Parathyroid Hormone , Paul Melius
Catholic Spiritual Revivals, Parish Missions in the Midwest to 1865 , John V. Mentag
Mitotic Activity in the Human Epidermis , Lawrence Einar Scheving
Saint Thomas More's Letter to John Bugenhagen Translated and Annotated, with a Study of His Thought, Method and Style as a Religious Controversialist , Mary Aelred Sinclair
A Study of Rorschach Characteristics of Asthmatic Children , Robert Neil Traisman
The United Nations Commission on Human Rights and the Relationship of the United States to It: 1945-1953, Mary Samuel Van Dyke
A Study of the Reliability of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale with Eighteen and Nineteen Year Olds , Fred Donnel Whelan
Theses/Dissertations from 1956
Hugh Blair : A Study of His Rhetorical Theory, Edward P.J. Corbett
An Investigation of Personality Correlates of Some Common Patterns of Level of Aspiration Response in Children, Therese Lorraine De Sousa
Oregon Boundary Settlement, Edward J. Doherty
Studies on Phosphate Exchange in Mammalian Heart and Erythrocyte, John Martin Ginski
A Study of the Motives, Attitudes, Achievements and Decline of the American Colonization Society from Its Inception to 1840, Leonard Gittings
The Chicago Junior High School, Ellen Gonnelly
A Normative Intra-District Cost-Quality Study of a Selected Group of Chicago Public Elementary Schools , Ira Hobart Monell
A Comparison of the Vocational Interests and Aptitudes of Delinquent and Nondelinquent Adolescent Girls, Daniel Francis Novak
Isolation of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis from Clinical Materials by Pepsin Digestion and Interface Concentration with Pentane, M. Imogene Palen
An Appraisal of the Accelerated Program of the Covington Latin School, Covington, Kentucky, John A. Reifsnyder
The Action of the Thyroid Gland in the Induction of Experimental Medial Arteriopathy, Adolph Peter Roszkowski
An Investigation Into the Use of Psychological Tests as an Aid in the Selection of Candidates for the Diocesan Priesthood, LeRoy A. Wauck
Theses/Dissertations from 1955
The Functional Morphology and Phylogenetic Significance of the Deglutitional Mechanism in the Generalized Culubrid Elaphe Obsoleta Quadrivittata, Raymond Gerard Albright
The Influence of Social Factors on Group Conformity in Normal and Abnormal Personalities : A Study of Perception of Unstable Stimuli and Attitude Formation, Salvatore Vincent Didato
A Taxonomic Study of Some Lophotrichous Alcaligenes, Thomas Paul Galarneault
Comparison of the Binding Mechanisms of the Plasma Proteins and Polyvinylpyrrolidone, Robert Harry Spitzer
Fractionation of Pituitary Tissue by Differential Centrifugation, Daniel Martin Ziegler
Theses/Dissertations from 1954
The Effect of Local Heat Application on the Human Skin, Fred Berthold Benjamin
A Study of the Humor of Ronald Firbank as Revealed Through Critical Analysis of His Novels, Agnes McNeill Donohue
Rorschach and Wechsler-Bellevue Changes Following Electric Shock Therapy in the Aged, James Joseph Flynn
The Utilization of Sulfur Amino Acids During the Healing of Experimental Wounds, Herbert Jerome Fromm
A Study of the Imaginal Qualities of Poetry Based on Descriptive Passages of Milton and Coleridge, John Sebastian Gerrietts
A Critical Evaluation of Electromigration in Stabilized Electrolytes, Edward Philip Marbach
A Study of the Influence of the Temporal Position of Success and Failure upon Level of Aspiration, Robert Clair Nicolay
Iontophoresis: Fundamental Experimental Studies Using Radio-Isotopes, Edward Paul O'Malley
Studies on the Structure of Pepsin : An N-Terminal Sequence and the C-Terminal Groups, John Martin Passmann
Study of the Primary Salt Effect and of the Change in Dielectric Constant of the Medium on the Kinetics of the Urease-Urea Reaction, William R. Pasterczyk
A History of Catholic Orphan Homes in the United States, 1727 to 1884, Mary Viatora Schuller
Study of the Sequences Ascribed to Adam of St. Victor, Marie Bertrand Shigo
An Experimental Approach to the Quantification of Ionographic Value, Matthew Charles Urbin
Metabolism of Carbohydrate and Phosphate Compounds in the Thirteen-Striped Ground Squirrel (Citellus Tridecemlineatus) During Hibernation, Marilyn Lucile Zimny
Theses/Dissertations from 1953
A Stem Craft Program in the Elementary School Curriculum, George Raymond Balling
An Evaluation of the Counseling and Guidance Services in Seven Catholic Liberal Arts Colleges for Women, Margaret Burke
A Study in the Psychology of Sex Modesty and Shame, John J. Evoy
The Genus Alcaligenes and Related Organisms, Rudolph Hugh
Thrift-Education in the High School Curriculum, Edwin Alexander Lederer
The Immunology and Serology of Some Representative Members of the Parasitic Protozoan Flagellates, Nicholas J. Menolasino
Intelligence and Social Maturity Changes in Feebleminded Children, Marguerite Jean O'Brien
The Influence of Quinine, Cortisone, d-tubocurarine, and Prostigmine on the Responses of Mammalian Striated Muscle, John Faust Polli
John Dewey's Philosophy of Education in Relation to Inquiry as Method and Process, Mary Dolores Schorsch
An Evaluation of Different Aspects of the Interscholastic Athletic Program of a Large City High School by Various Groups, James Harold Smith
Personality Differences between High and Low Academic Achievers in High School; a Rorschach and Thematic Apperception Test Study, Louis Bernard Snider
A Comparison of Structured Tests, Projective Techniques and Laboratory Procedures as Devices for Assessing Neurotic Personality, Francis J. Sweeney
Theses/Dissertations from 1952
An Analysis and Appraisal of Induction Programs for New Elementary School Teachers with Reference to the Development of a Program for Chicago, Marion Benedict Amar
Administrative Services for the Improvement of Reading in a Diocesan School System with Special Reference to the Retarded Reader, Richard John Kleiber
The Analysis and Appraisal of the Master of Education Degree Program at Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1934 to 1951, Arthur Peter O'Mara
Group Effects on Reasoning Functions, Walter Joseph Smith
Process Analysis of Rorschach Interpretation, Anthony B. Tabor
A Study of Some Interactions between Newcastle Virus and Certain Animal Parasites., Viola Mae Young