Date of Award

Summer 2023

Degree Type

Restricted Access Capstone

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School Psychology

First Advisor

Leah Marks

Second Advisor

Don Sibley

Third Advisor

Ashley Mayworm


Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is a growing concern within a regional, northeastern secondary school district. Based upon reported internalizing behaviors and self-harm behaviors exhibited by students, the need for consistent procedures in identifying, assessing, and responding to youth engaging in NSSI is paramount (Youth Voices Count, 2021). Due to the inconsistencies in practice, youth are not being served in a consistent manner to meet the needs of the district as the District evolves socioeconomically. In order to conceptualize a common understanding of NSSI, current research was reviewed as best practice on behavior and threat management and suicide risk assessments. Given the significance of NSSI on future suicidal behaviors, appropriate and consistent identification, assessment, and response by various school-based mental health providers within the district allows for equitable and just practice. Therefore, an implementation plan surrounding work with various school and community based stakeholders is imperative to allow for consistency in procedure and practice while ensuring fidelity in implementation.

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