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Restricted Access Capstone

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Students at West Middle School have a high number of social-emotional and behavioral needs that are not being addressed through a comprehensive school-wide system. Local site data indicates that only 39% of students are on-track in behavior and six percent are on track for social-emotional learning. West Middle School students are performing below the tenth percentile in the areas of behavior and social-emotional learning when compared to national norms. These same students are impacted by academic achievement gaps reflecting issues of inequity and social injustice. While a Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) is used at West Middle School to address and improve student academic needs through identification of students who need academic support and interventions. This process is not used to address the whole child with social, emotional, and behavior supports. Social-emotional Learning has been touted as a way to address mental health and behavior concerns. This project aims to use implementation science framework to integrate social-emotional programming into West Middle School’s current MTSS framework to increase mental health and academic achievement outcomes for students at West Middle. The MTSS Fidelity of Implementation rubric will be used to monitor progress and evaluate the effectiveness of this project.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

Available for download on Monday, May 08, 2028
