Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)




Organizational theorist have studied institutions on a macro level in order understand how these structures operate at a social level, accounting for the nature of the written rules and regulations where the involved individuals act both in the internal and external settings. Recently, scholars have focused on the micro level of interactions of individuals within organizations in which they attempt to identify themselves in their given prescript roles. Attempting to understand the interactions of actors within an organization and studying the formation of relationships between organizations, my investigation will also discuss the nature of food distribution in poor communities. Because much of the restaurant industry have been focused on the cultural aspects of food preparation and the roles of culinary experts, my research will focus on the flow of food resources. In that regard, scholars also have studied food production on a macro level; however, my research would like to show this process on a micro level. Attempting to focus less on the cultural aspect of food, I will show how food distribution and resources are a social issue of combating the issue of hunger in poorer communities. In fact, the interviews with Food Pantry leaders will reveal the processes that allow them to allocate necessary resources. Therefore, my research will investigate the nature of Food Pantries as these organizations attempt to combat hunger and how the importance of these leaders are viable to these organizations in order to obtain food resources for the poor.

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