"Latino Parents' Acculturative Stress and Their Preschoolers' Prosocial" by Zahra Fatima Naqi

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)




Studies increasingly recognize the importance of cultural factors when studying the development of immigrant children from low-income backgrounds. There is reason to believe that parents' acculturative stress may be linked to children's prosocial development, via parenting. the present study included a sample of immigrant Latino parents of 3- to 5-year-old Head Start preschoolers (N = 28) to examine how parents' acculturative stress might be associated with children's prosocial behavior at home, as reported by parents, and at school, as reported by teachers. Furthermore, it studied whether this linkage is mediated by warm, supportive, and hostile parenting practices. Results indicated that parents' pressure against acculturation was negatively associated with teacher reports of children's cooperation, prosocial actions, and motivation for prosocial behavior. in addition, the pressure to acculturate was negatively related to teacher reports of children's motivation for prosocial behavior. Neither warm and supportive parenting nor hostile parenting mediated these associations. These findings highlight the importance of considering cultural and contextual factors when studying the prosocial development of Latino children from low-income backgrounds.

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