Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




Ultraviolet B radiation (UVB) is responsible for approximately 5.5 million annual skin cancer diagnoses in the United States. UVB is known to induce inflammationthrough multiple mechanisms which contribute to photocarcinogenesis. However, UVB is well known to induce apoptosis, a non-inflammatory and tumor suppressor cell death mechanism. Thus far, no cell death pathway has been implicated inflammation resulting from UVB. Utilizing a variety of techniques including live cell imaging, CRISPR-Cas9 knock- out and mouse models we were able to investigate additional cell death pathways occurring after UVB exposure. We found that human keratinocytes do not exhibit a compromised membrane for many hours after UVB exposure. We also found that RIP3 knock out mice exhibited reduced immune infiltrate after UVB exposure. Together, these data indicate that UVB induces a necrotic type of cell death, possibly necroptosis, which can be inhibited hours after UVB, potentially reducing UVB- induced skin inflammation and photocarcinogenesis.

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Available for download on Thursday, October 29, 2026
