Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




Repetitive mild traumatic brain injury (rmTBI) increases an individual’s risk for developing persistent deficits in recognition memory with symptoms experienced by up to 30% of rmTBI patients. Cellular senescence has been suggested as an underlying mechanism of persistent rmTBI symptoms; however, the subacute progression of cellular senescence following rmTBI has not been evaluated. Furthermore, the use of subacute testosterone administration to treat persistent recognition memory deficits and the cellular and molecular underpinnings has yet to be well characterized. Our lab utilizes a 5-hit closed-head rmTBI rat model to induce deficits in recognition memory and determine the effects of subacute testosterone administration at a clinically relevant time point on recognition memory and cellular senescence. We determined that subacute testosterone treatment mitigates persistent recognition memory deficits, and the progression of cellular senescence can be altered with subacute pharmacological intervention. These exciting findings provide hope to those suffering the long-term ramifications of rmTBI.

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