Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Women's Studies and Gender Studies


This research explores the intersection of abortion, Medieval Christianity, and the Christian far-right, with a focus on the harms of rhetoric and the misconstruing of history. The study argues that a selective reading of history is being used by the Christian far-right to justify violence against reproductive rights activists, including police brutality and mass shootings, as well as to promote forced sterilization and other forms of reproductive control. This thesis examines the harms of rhetoric and misconstruing the past in the abortion and medieval Christianity debate. By analyzing the role of language, symbols, and history in shaping the abortion debate and the Christian far-right's understanding of medieval Christianity, this study aims to provide a nuanced and historically accurate perspective. Through examination of primary and secondary sources, this study seeks to uncover the complexities and diverse beliefs of medieval Christianity and the realities of abortion. By taking a critical and interdisciplinary approach, this thesis aims to contribute to a more informed and respectful conversation around these issues. The findings of this study have important implications for understanding the power of rhetoric as well as historical misconceptions in shaping political discourse and dividing society.

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