"Erasing Mexican Chicago: The Role of Community Based Organizations and" by David Orta

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)




This study explores the effects of gentrification in Chicago's Pilsen neighborhood, a historic port of entry for Mexican immigrants and a basin for community organization and other resources. The research questions of this study first query the effects of gentrification on the informal immigrant networks that make Pilsen a site for community resources for new immigrants. Second, the study explores the effects of gentrification on community-based organizations in a rapidly changing environment. As the racial and economic demographics of the neighborhood shift, community based organizations must adapt. Finally, this study examines the relationship between neighborhood residents and community based organizations. This relationship is examined through a comparison of perceptions about neighborhood change.

This project finds that community based organizations in Pilsen frame their work in a "Latino community" context as opposed to a conventional neighborhood-level "community" based organization context. In essence, these organizations seek to expand the parameters of their operations to include the Latino neighborhoods throughout Chicago. In doing this, these community based organizations fail to fully address issues facing the neighborhoods they are based in. Neighborhood residents continue to utilize the services provided by their community based organization, even after they leave the neighborhood. This project also finds that present and former neighborhood residents

have different concerns with regard to the neighborhood than the community organizations seek to address.

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