A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1963
An Investigation of the Effects of Item Placement on Test Performance, Thomas John Ginley
Hartshorne's Conception of God, James Patrick Godar
An Electromyograpic Study of the Behavior of the Masseter and Temporal Muscles Before, During and After Orthodontic Treatment: Part X. Six Months After Removal of Orthodontic Appliances, Oliver Gilbert Grimm
The Labor Press Comment on Steel Price Rise 1962, William Arthur Harper
The Significance of Transcendental Object in the Critique of Pure Reason, John W. Hauch
An Analysis of the Reaction of American Newspapers and Secular and Religious Periodicals to the Encyclical, Mater et Magistra of Pope John Xxiii., Max D. Hochanadel
The Methodist Episcopal Church and the Slavery Controversy, 1828-1844, Harold C. Howard
A Study of the Recent (1958 and 1960) Educational Reforms in Communist China, Chii-Ming Hwang
Industrial Relations Game: A Simulation for Use in Management Development, College Courses, and Research, Philip S. Jaynes
A Comparison of the Ground-Substance of the Connective Tissue of the Alveolar Mucosa and the Ground-Substance of the Connective Tissue of the Eruptive Mucosa, Anil Prabhakar Joglekar
A Study of Selected Social Factors Associated with the Enrollment and Drop-Out of Evening Students in a Large University (Loyola University, Chicago) 1945-1958, Harriet Lois Kaufman
A Roentgenographic Study of the Orthodontic Movements Exhibited by the Mandibular First Molar Teeth During Class Ii Forces Utilizing Edgewise Mechanics and Light Wire Mechanics, Robert E. Krvavica
Problem Areas of the Undergraduate Resident Students at Loyola University, Where They Go for Help and Why, Elizabeth Hickok Langley
Madison and the Powers Reserved to the States, Robert E. Larkin
The Digit Symbol Subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale as an Indicator of Learning, Marilyn Lindahl Luotto
The Histogenesis of the Osteoclast, John J. Magon
Frederic Remington: Artist on Horseback, Spencer John Maxcy
The Idea of Freedom in the Philosophy of William James, Eugene Lawrence McCarney
A Comparison of Union Organization of White-Collar Workers in Sweden and the United States, Francis Joseph McVeigh
The Change of the Status and Role of the Chief in East and Central Africa, William Francis Moroney
The Isolation of Intermediary Metabolites of L-lysine-U-C₋p1₋s₋p4₋s from Tissues of Tumor-Bearing Rats, Robert N. Morris
The History of Portland's Secondary School Guidance Programs, with Special Reference to Provisions for the Gifted Child, Athlyn Rose Petey
Some Social Determinants of Political Preference in Kerala State, India, Mathew Pulickaparampil
A Study of the Relationship between Complex Problem Solving Ability and a Measure of Scholastic Aptitude, Robert G. Riedel