A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1958
In Vitro Effect of Parathyroid Gland Extract upon the Ultra-Violet Absorbtion of Reduced Coenzyme Ii, Leo Edmund Reichert
An MMPI Study of Religious Seminarians , Patrick John Rice
A Comparative Study of the Development of the Notion of Concept in the Psychology and Philosophy of William James, Paul Vincent Robb
White Jacket: A Study of Herman Melville's Literary Technique in Nautical Fiction, Henry Alphonso Robertson
Firmitas Animae : a Study of Fortitude in the Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas, James William Sanders
Area Agreements with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Made By One National Company, 1940 to 1957 , Edward William Sexton
A Study of Coleridge's "Dejection: An Ode", William. Shurr
Actual, Virtual, and Habitual Intention in St. Thomas Aquinas, Edmund Robert Skrzypczak
The Family Court of Cook County Illinois: Structure and Function, Joel Francis Tenore
The Family Court of Cook County Illinois: Structure and Function, Joel Francis Tenore
Human Love and Struggle in the Poetry of Robert Frost, John T. Trahey
A Comparison of Free and Controlled Association on the Loyola Language Study , John J. Trainor
Roscoe Pound and His Theory of Social Interests, Joseph Clarence Verhelle
The Problem of Motivation in Graham Greene's the Heart of the Matter, Thomas John Walsh
The Effect of Values on Classroom Achievement , Neil John Webb
Objectives of Interscholastic Athletics and Factors Affecting Their Achievement, Aloysius Albert Zimmerman
Theses/Dissertations from 1957
An Exploratory Investigation of Anxiety in Alcoholics , Daniel John Anderson
A Recent Controversy on the Common Good , James Lee Anderson
A Study of Memory Span with the Bernreuter Memory Test , Joseph Michael Angileri
The Concept of Social Stratification According to Saint Thomas Aquinas , Mary Ann Frances Biesel
Henry James: The Achievement of Selfhood in the Transitional Phase, 1890-1900, as Related to His Later Work, Phyllis J. Brown
An Experimental Investigation of the Relationship between Personality Traits and Social Preference of Classmates , Mary Brudny
Fate and Free Will in the White Devil and the Duchess of Malfi , Robert Edward Cahill
The Administration and Maintenance of Salary Administration Programs Through Job Evalution , Thomas Senan Carey
The Criminal Law Reforms of Sir Samuel Romilly , Martin Francis Conley