Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies

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The COVID-19 crisis is finding the unknown vulnerabilities of many countries, as well as allowing some to show and perform a myriad of unknown resiliencies and strengths. In analysing the source of strength, and vulnerability, we have to explore the myriad dimensions of society and the new inequalities and new social issues that have arisen. The analysis of COVID vulnerability must be understood as analysis not only of the health resources and systems but also the aspects of the society that become important for spreading or alleviating contagion or decreasing or increasing the level of disease mortality. For the Turkish experience, the Syrian integration process is an essential social process that has been analysed by many social scientists in the education, health, economy, and social amity and solidarity dimension. Our paper is the first to look at the Syrian integration in the context of COVID-19 and understand the specific health vulnerabilities for the Syrian refugee population, which are in a unique legal and socioeconomic position in the overall Turkish society.

Journal Title

Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies




Middle East Economic Association and Loyola University Chicago






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