Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies

Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies


Proceedings of the Middle East Economic Association

Editor of Online Journal:
E. Mine Cinar

Selected condensed and edited papers presented in the annual meetings of Middle East Economic Association and other associated conferences. Full papers can be requested from the authors. Presentation of the articles in the Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies was made possible by a limited license granted to Loyola University Chicago and Middle East Economics Association from the authors who have retained all copyrights in the articles.

The official website of Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies is here. Email Mine Cinar, Editor and Publisher, at with questions.


Submissions from 2012


The Impact of Broadband Infrastructure on Economic Growth in Some Arab and Emerging Countries, Mona Farid Badran


Environmental Performance of Developing Countries: A Comparative Study, Salpie Djoundourian


Diversifications in Turkish Industry and Trade, A. Suut Dogruel and Fatma Dogruel


Youth Unemployment in Tunisia: Characteristics and Policy Responses, IIham Haouas, Edward Sayre, and Mahmoud Yagoubi


Coral Reefs and Tourism in Egypt's Red Sea, Nathalie Hilmi, Alain Safa, and Stéphanie Reynaud


Economic Development in the Southern Mediterranean Countries through Population Growth and International Trade: A Comparative Focus, Wai Mun Hong, Alejandro Lorca, and Eva Medina


Can Productivity Increases Really Explain The Lira Appreciation: Questions For The Central Bank Of The Republic Of Turkey, Kenan Lopcua, Almila Burgacb, and Fikret Dulger


Effects of Structural Changes in the Turkish Banking Sector Since 2001 Crisis and a Risk Analysis for the Sector, Kenan Lopcu and Süleyman Bilgin Kilic


Quantification of the Relationship Poverty-Education in Algeria: A Multinomial Econometric Approach, Samir B-E. Maliki, Abderrezak Benhabib, and Abdelnacer Boutedja


Determinants of Private Saving and Interaction Between Public & Private Savings in Turkey, Eser Pirgan Matur, Ali Sabuncu, and Sema Bahçeci


The Arab Spring in the MENA Region: it is not the economy!, José García Montalvo


The Impact of Climate Change on Coastal Tourism in MENA Countries., Alain Safa and Nathalie Hilmi


A Study of the Socioeconomic Determinants of the Performance of the New Lands Cooperatives, Ashraf S.E. Saleh


Assessing the preliminary impacts of the Libya's crisis on the Tunisian economy, Emanuele Santi, Saoussen Ben Romdhane, and Mohamed Safouane BenAïssa


The Sustainability of Economic Growth in Abu Dhabi – a Dynamic CGE Approach, Bram Smeets and Ali Bayar


The Impact of Workers' Remittances on Macro Indicators:The case of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Majid Taghavi


Islamic Finance and Global Financial Crises: How to Keep Finance on Track?, Ayman Zerban, Eslam H. Elkady, and Rafik F. Omar

Submissions from 2011


Parametric Social Security Reforms and Saving: Evidence from Turkey, Yigit Aydede


Revolt on the Nile: Economic Shocks, Religion and Political Influence, Eric Chaney


Neighbors Make a Difference: Mixed Strategies for Resolving Conflicts in Middle East and North Africa, Mine Cinar, Robert Lapointe, and Timothy Nelson


Economic Growth with Unlimited Supplies of Labor: Theory and Some Evidence from the GCC, Tarek Coury and Mohamed Lahouel


Convergence of North African Countries to the Level of Southern Europe Income: An Empirical Evaluation, Meriem Djennas, Mohamed BenBouziane, and Mustapha Djennas


Sectoral Composition and Unemployment in Turkey, Fatma Dogruel and Yasemin Ozerkek


Trade Liberalization and Export Diversification in Selected MENA Countries, Suut Dogruel and Mahmut Tekce


Tribal Diversity, Political Patronage and the Yemeni Decentralization Experiment, Daniel Egel