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Conference Proceeding

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The IEEE World Forum on Public Safety Technology (WF-PST), Washington DC, USA



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Due to the increased prevalence of cyberbullying and the detrimental impact it can have on adolescents, there is a critical need for tools to help combat cyberbullying. This paper introduces the ActionPoint app, a mobile application based on empirical work highlighting the importance of strong parent-teen relationships for reducing cyberbullying risk. The app is designed to help families improve their communication skills, set healthy boundaries for social media use, identify instances of cyberbullying and cyberbullying risk, and, ultimately, decrease the negative outcomes associated with cyberbullying. The app guides parents and teens through a series of interactive modules that engage them in evidence-based activities that promote better understanding of cyberbullying risks and healthy online behaviors. In this paper, we describe the app design, the psychology research supporting the design of each module, the architecture and implementation details, and crucial paths to extend the app.


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