Articles, papers, presentations, and other materials authored by faculty from the English department of Loyola University Chicago's College of Arts & Sciences.
Submissions from 2004
Review of Race and the Modern Artist, John Kerkering
Submissions from 2003
Using Music to Teach the Sounds of Poetry: Some User-Friendly Advice for the Non-Musician, Jayme Stayer
Submissions from 2001
“Of Me and of Mine”: The Music of Racial Identity in Whitman and Lanier, Dvořák and DuBois, John Kerkering
"We Are Five-and-Forty": Meter and National Identity in Sir Walter Scott, John Kerkering
Submissions from 2000
How Do We Keep Desire from Passing with Beauty?, Pamela L. Caughie
Submissions from 1999
Passing, Pamela Caughie
‘Supernatural, or at Least Romantic': the Ancient Mariner and Parody, Steven Jones
Submissions from 1997
Let It Pass: Changing the Subject, Once Again, Pamela L. Caughie
Submissions from 1995
Bringing Bakhtin to Beethoven: The Ninth Symphony and the Limits of Formalism, Jayme Stayer
"Exploring the Boundaries of Academic Freedom", Jayme Stayer
Submissions from 1991
Virginia Woolf & Postmodernism: Literature in Quest & Question of Itself, Pamela L. Caughie
Submissions from 1989
Virginia Woolf's Double Discourse, Pamela L. Caughie
Submissions from 1985
Sir Thomas Browne and Orlando, Pamela L. Caughie