A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
To Be Fair: Colorism and Online Dating Among Young South Asians, Kajal S. Patel
Influences of Latino Caregivers’ Input and Acculturation on Children’s Bilingual Development: A Speech Sample Analysis, Jordan Sierra Perry
Rapid Radiation of Zeiformes Revealed Through Comparison of Jaw Morphologies, Jeffrey Peters
Investigating the Role of Nagc Reveals it to Be a Global Regulator, Natasha Peterson
Institutionalism, Peer Culture, and Cultural Reproduction in Active Shooter Drills, Lillian Wynne Platten
Constructing Planetary Citizens Through Ecopedagogy in U.S. Social Studies Standards, Madeline Anne Rainey
Positive Affect Facilitates Reduction in Depression Symptoms During a Mobile Mindfulness-Based Intervention, Andrew Rauch
How Black Are You?: The Influence of Racial Centrality on Stereotype Threat in the Courtroom, Kendall Cathleen Redwood
The Impact of Perceived Discrimination and Stigma Consciousness on Connectedness, Trust, and Satisfaction in Healthcare Domains During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Devon Richardson
Role of Tetraspanins in SARS-CoV-2 Fusion and Entry, Marcos Saul Santiago Figueroa
The Role of Identification in Black Individuals' Goals to Challenge Racism Through Confrontation and Collective Action, Efrata Sasahulih
Phylogenetic Relationships Among Fishes in the Order Zeiformes Based on Molecular Data from Three Mitochondrial Loci, Lindsay Scarpitta
Calcium-Mediated Induction of Vibrio Fischeri ES114 Biofilms, Katia Elizabeth Semenchuk
Taking It Too Far? Examining Derogation in Sexism Confrontations, Bayleigh Smith
Integrating Current Analyses of the Breast Cancer Microbiome, Sidra Sohail
Acculturative Stress Trajectories and Mental Health Among Mexican Immigrant Families, Susana Sarai Sosa
Youth Culture, Organizational Values, and Participatory Politics in the Digital Spaces of Youth-Led Anti-Gun Violence Movements, Julie M. Szamocki
Comparison of Feeding Functional Morphology Development in North American Esocids, Cheryl Theile
Connecting School Climate and Trust: A Content Analysis of Elements of Trust in Student and Staff School Climate Surveys, Katherine Thyen
Migration Across Institutions of Race: How Immigrant Women from Latin America Construct Ethnoracial Self-Identities in Sending and Receiving Societies, Juanita Vivas Bastidas
Delayed Testosterone Treatment in a Rodent Model of Repeat Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Attenuates Mechanisms of Cellular Death in the Vestibular Nucleus, Michael Volyanyuk
Queer Church Construction: Dialoguing Ecclesiology and Queer Theory, Daniel Ryne Warwick
Randomness Distillation to Improve Key Quality for Context-Based Authentication Schemes, Jackson West
Abolition Is Not Abstract: Zines and the Transmission of Revolutionary Cultural Capital, Austin Wonder