A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1979
Effect of Self-Curing Acrylic Treatment Restorations on the Crevicular Fluid Volume, Patrick Harold Garvin
The Relationship of Selected Cognitive Style Dimensions and Piagetian Levels of Cognitive Development, Luisa B. Gutierrez
Relatedness of Strains of the B6 Group of Agrobacterium Tumefaciens Showing Altered Host Specificity, Suzanne E. Hamada
Agency Structure, Target Populations, and Funding: An Analysis of Chicago's Private Social Services, Karen Hansen
A Comparison of the Accuracy and Dimensional Stability of Four Interocclusal Registration Materials, Yvonne Balthazar Hart
Global Meditative Effects of Tai Chi Chuan, Brad R. Heinz
Interview Intake Procedures: A Client Satisfaction and Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation, Elicia J. Herz
The Effect of Educational Structures on Professional Socialization, Karole Schafer Heyrman
John Stuart Mill--Individuality or Utility?, William Hoffman
Localization and Properties of Arginase in the Developing Quail Embryo, Coturnix Coturnix Japonica, Peter Houtman
A Histologic Evaluation of Periodontal Tissues Adjacent to Root Perforations Filled With Cavities, Ronald C. K. Jew
Torquing Forces Coincident to Archwire Dimension and Composition in the Straight Wire Appliance, John Katsis
Knowledge of Spouses' Real and Ideal Family Concept and Family Adjustment, Patrick J. Kennelly
The Incidence and Nature of Orofacial Injuries in Child Abuse Cases Reported by Selected Hospitals in Cook County, Illinois, John Patrick Kenney
A Multiple Regression Prediction Analysis of Preadmission and Postadmission Testing for Dental School, James Nicholas Kouracos
Fat-Mobilizing Substance (FMS), Dorothy A. Krupa
The Immature Stages of the Rose Curculio meryhynchites Bicolor (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Rhynchitidae): With Notes on Its Biology in Northern Illinois, Sheila S. Kuritsky
A Perceptual Measure of Approach and Avoidance in Process and Reactive Schizophrenics, Vickie M. Mays
A Study of Factors Affecting Healing of Developing Periapical Lesions in Immature Teeth of Dogs, James Edward McCormick
An Investigation Into the Relationship between Sex Role Attitudes and Sex-Typed Behaviors, Kimberly Evans Merrill
Microelectrophoresis as a Means of Comparing Acid Phosphatase Isoenzymes in Aging Campanularia flexuosa, Paul Joseph Meus
The Effects of Feedback and Knowledge of Response on the Voluntary Acceleration of Heart Rate, Sharon A. Moskowitz
Comparison of the Physical Exertion of Two-Man Alternating and Two-Man Simultaneous Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Techniques, Ronald Myczek
Variations in Mood During the Menstrual Cycle in Relation to the Personality Factors of Trait-Anxiety and Androgyny, Mary Leslie Smith O'Connor