A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1980
Justification of Civil Disobedience by Groups and Individuals, Gregory Kepferle
The Prevalence of Childhood Depression Among 6-11 Year Old Boys Seen by a Community Mental Health Center, Fred M. Kerman
The Relationship of Caries Incidence to Caries Activity in Pre-School Children, Maria Virginia Solis Kitsu
Studies on the Mechanism of Reaction of Papain with N-Acetyl-L-Phenylalanyl Glycinal, a Model for an Elementary Step in Catalysis, Thresiamma Kuppy
Rotational Limits of Rectangular Wire in Pretorqued Buccal Tubes, Richard Lewis Lang
The Use of Conceptual Models in Loss Counseling, Jean Lawrence
Racial Differences in Reactance and Learned Helplessness, Sandra Elveta Lowe
Student Perceptions and Use of a University Health Service, Susan A. Lueger
Effects of Seed Extracts of Pisum sativum on Tobacco Mosaic Virus Infectivity, Douglas G. Mack
Some Properties of a New Temporal Illusion, Kathryn A. Markell
Religious Experience, Personality Style, Moral Character, and Social Intelligence in Relation to Performance on Interpersonal Helping Skills, Donald Joseph Miro
A Roentgeno Cephalometric Study of Seventeen-Year Old Japanese Using Several Analyses, Seiji Mitani
The Use of Immunoperoxidase Method for the Identification and Distribution of I G, I A, I M and C3 in Human Inflamed Gingiva, Cesar Ruiz Morales
The in Vitro and in Vivo Effects of SM-1213 Drug Therapy on Pathogenesis and Host Defense in Experimentally Induced Candidiasis, Christine Joy Morrison
Locus of Control Beliefs, Territoriality and Feeling of Safety in Elderly Urban Women, Janice Normoyle
Misunderstood Mystic: An Analysis of Alfred Loisy's Un Mythe Apologetique, Patricia Prendergast
Inter-Racial Attitudes, Friendship Choices and Preferences in a Desegregated School, Pramod Raikar
A Systematic Presentation of Development of Dogma in the Theology of Karl Rahner, Linda Rasinski
Dromotropic Influences of the Individual Cardiac Nerves at the Atrioventricular Junction of the Canine Heart, Lynn E. Rinkema
A Psychometric Study of an Evaluation Instrument Designed to Measure Adults' Health Knowledge and Attitudes, David William Rivers
An Investigation Into the Dynamics Underlying Men's Attitudes Toward the Social Role of Women, Carl Robinson
Pregnant Women's Expectations of Newborns, Margery Salter