A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1981
The Relationship of Depression to Associations and Immediate Recall, Karen Eggen Gundersen
The Development of Two Performance Appraisal Systems for Firefighters, Robert L. Holmgren
The Ability of Standard Cephalometric Techniques to Determine Accurately Repositioning of the Hyoid Bone Through the Use of a Tongue Crib, Michael James Inda
A Comparative Examination of Three Theoretical Models for Dealing with Alcoholic Marital Problems, Michael M. Kagan
The Design of an Adjustable Orthodontic Bracket, Stephanos Karakussoglu
A Histologic Evaluation of Circumferential Filing Versus Reaming in Canal Debridement, Terry Lee Kippa
Apparent Rotation: Apparent Movement in Depth Induced by the Alternate Presentation of Disparate Stimuli, Linda Lawler
Rescuer Exertion During Two-Man Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Edmund A. Lipskis
Correlation of Injected Amygdalin and Urinary Thiocyanate in JAX C57 BL/KsJ Mice, Maria A. Manhardt
A Methodological Treatment of the Programatic Use of Real Time Attitude Assessment Techniques, S. R. McNeal
Social and Psychological Factors in Childbearing: The Self and Self-Esteem, Ellen Jeanne Meyers
Determinants and Validity of Dispositions Made in Psychiatric Emergencies, Mary Catherine Moore
Christology as the Unifying Factor in the Life and Work of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Michael L. Morison
The Effects of Tissue Culture Medium (T199) on Perichondrium of the Mandibular Condyle in Rabbits, Augustin Lopez Oteo
Expansion of the Lower Arch Concurrent with Rapid Maxillary Expansion, Robin Sandstrom Papaconstantinou
Characterization of Healthy Orthodontic Patients on the Basis of Metabolic Tests, as a Function of the Presence Or Absence of Moderate to Severe Generalized Root Resorption, Stavros D. Papaconstantinou
Temporal Factors in Auditory Discrimination by the Goldfish: Amplitude Modulated and Pulsed Signals, Betty. Passow
A Study of Temporal Integration in the Auditory System of the Goldfish (Carassius auratus), Marian L. Patricoski
The Role of Suppressor T Lymphocytes in Renal Allograft Rejection, Fred Barry Pearlman
An Interpretation of Structural Features of the Cayson Site in Northwest Florida, Regina M. Pitaro
Bidimensional Rule Difficulty and Problem Solving Strategy as a Function of Intelligence and Conceptual Task Type, Donald E. Raney
The Katun Prophecies of the Paris Codex, James V. Rauff
Depression and Irrational Thinking: A Vicious Circle, William P. Reich
The Effect of Local Tetracycline Therapy on the Subgingival Microflora and Various Clinical Parameters in Juvenile Periodontitis, Frank Anthony Riccoboni