A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
Prevalence of Baylisascaris procyonis in Northern Illinois and Larval Migration in the Mongolian Gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus), Diane Mary Sudduth
Force Measurement and Design of a Torquing Highpull Headgear, John William Tabash
Cerestore Alumina Ceramic: Intra-Coronal Cavity Design and Efficacy, Nasreddin A. Takally
The Choice of Vocation to the Priesthood as a Function of Parental Religious Attitudes, Philip Viegas
Examining Criminals' Decisions: A Look at Shoplifting Behavior, Frances M. Weaver
The Behavioral Display of Power and Intimacy Motivation, Jeffrey Robert Wilbert
Rorschach Content Elaboration: An Exploratory Study, Mary Angela Yerkes
Alteration of Eupnea and Apneusis Reversal Induced by Constant Intravenous Morphine Sulfate Infusion in Decerebrate Cats, Andrea M. Zardetto-Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
Metacommunication Abilities in Schizophrenia: An Empirical Investigation of the Double Bind Theory, Keith A. Baird
Behavior of Depressed Subjects in Impersonal and Interpersonal Situations, Linda. Brownell
The Use of Strategy in the Solution of Anagrams, Cathleen M. Campbell
Effects of Cognitive State, Cognitive Trait, and Subliminal Psychodynamic Activation upon Competitive Performance, Robert C. Casas
Rescuer Exertion from the Performance of One-Man Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Technique, Daryl J. Detwiler
Effectiveness of Some Irrigants in the Elimination of Bacteroides Melaninogenicus from the Root Canal System: An In Vitro Study, David Beacom Foley
The Effect of Orally Administered Minocycline Hydrochloride (Minocin) on Moderate Periodontitis in Humans: A Clinical and Microbiological Study, Stephen Alan Folson
Reentry Shock Experienced by American College Students Returning Home from Study Abroad, Heidi Gregori-Gahan
Psycho-Social Stress and the Use of Coping Responses in University Students, George Hartwein
Cerebral Laterality in the Perception of Facial Expression of Human Emotion, Joseph G. Hermes
Cooptation, Strategy and Resource in Local Politics, Sheryl L. Knight
Yves Bonnefoy, Selected Prose Works in Translation, Susanna Lang
Patient Gender, Therapist Gender, and Therapist Experience Level as Influences of Psychotherapy Outcome, Ileen Patrice Liss
A Construct Validity Study of the Adience-Abience Scale, Loretta E. Lobbia
An Intensive Case Study of a Candidate's Experience, Richard F. McGourty