A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
Personality and Emotional Factors in Learning Disabled Children, Richard M. Volden
The Relationship between Acculturation and Illness Referral Systems among Urban Mexican-Americans, Heidi Vyhmeister
An Observational Study of the Self-Perceptions of Clinical Competency in New and Experienced Pediatric Staff Nurses, Roseann M. Zahara-Such
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
Investigation of Several Procedural Modifications to Delta Plot Methodology, Rita Karwacki Bode
Affect Fluctuation During the Menstrual Cycle in Depressed and Nondepressed Women, Marlys Ann Conrad
The Missouri Children's Picture Series: The Development of a Two-Point Configurational Analysis System, Elida Cristina Cox
Identification of Langerhans Cells in Human Gingival Epithelium, Charles Frank DeFranco
A Histologic Bioassay of the Effect of Endotoxin of Escherichia coli 0111:B4 Strain Injected Into Guinea Pig Oral Mucosa, Juan Jose de Obarrio
Research on Health Promotion: Evaluation of a Health Seminar, Christine Ovcharchyn Devitt
Continuity and Change: Childrearing Practices and Values of Filipino Parents in Metropolitan Chicago, Heda K. Dimasuay
Religious Orientation and Death Attitude Factors: A Correlational Study, Margaret R. Dorsher
An Ultrastructural Study of the Encapsulation Response of the American Cockroach, Periplaneta Americana, Candace Ann Ennesser
Depression and Neuropsychological Impairment, Diane Goulet Fisher
Psychiatric Diagnosis and Length of Illness as Predictions of Outcome, Judith Lechert Fudala
The Relationship between State and Prandial Condition in High-Risk and Healthy Infants, Lorraine M. Hall
A Proposed Format for Mandibular Displacement Analysis in Fixed Prosthodontics, Timothy O. Hart
Selected Properties of Hard Setting Calcium Hydroxide, Mohamed S. Hwas
The Relationship of Gender and Level of Depression to Perceptions of Therapist Nonverbal Behavior, Robert Jeffrey Jackson
Influence of Stress Due to Circumcision on Sleep State Organization in the Neonate, Dalma Kalogjera
Staff Nurses' Knowledge of Diabetes Mellitus and Their Confidence in That Knowledge, Melanie Kay Karl
A Schedule for Rating Lifetime Psychopathology and Course of Illness, Carol Fuchs Kaufman
Adults' Responses to Infant State Patterns, Linda Vest Klein
A Comparison of Two Methods for Detecting Test Item Bias, Elaine Kopera
A Study of the Relationship between Neonatal Characteristics and Attachment Behavior in Infants at Twelve Months, Janice M. Kowalski
Ethics and Science in Psychotherapy, Jeffrey M. Kunka