A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
Observations on the Adherence of Bacteroides Bivius to Female Genital Tract and Oral Epithelial Cells, Susan V. Meade
Burglary Targets: A Spatial Perspective in the Hyde Park-Kenwood Community Area, George Henry Myers
Product Identification of Ameloblastoma, Hasan Nadimi
Depression and Identity in Women, Laura Lynn Pauly
Discordant Twins: Personality and Cognitive Development, Cynthia Schroeder
Causes and Prevention of Juvenile Delinquent Behavior, Brian E. Scruggs
Teachers and Stress: An Investigation of Stressors, Strain, and Methods of Coping, Kerry Smith-Bandy
Racial and Gender Differences in Self-Efficacy Among Black and White Urban College Students, Sidney C. St. Leger
Factors Affecting Germ Tube Formation in Candida albicans, Walter A. Tatarowicz
The De Novo Biosynthesis of Cytokinins by Cell-Free Extracts of Baker's Yeast, Debra A. Tonetti
A Radiographic Study of Artificially Created Bone Defects in the Mandibles of Human Cadavers, Paul S. Valasek
An Empirical Study of Student Compositions and Their Improvement, Donna Van de Water
Comparison of Standard MMPI and MMPI-168 Scores in a Non-Psychiatric Population, Ramon Verdaguer
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
New Faculty Offices: An Evaluation, Laurie Anderson
The Quality of Stainless Steel Crowns Related to Crevicular Fluid Flow, Renee Balthazar
The Effect of Body Position and Head Rotation on Intracranial Pressure Readings in Premature Infants with Ladd Monitoring, Martha J. Barthel
A Signal Detection Theory Analysis of Several Psychophysical Procedures Used in Lateralization Tasks, Joseph N. Baumann
Rate of Flow and PH of Parotid Fluid Stimulated by Various Combinations of Mechanical and Chemical Elements, Raymond J. Bielinski
A Sentence Completion Measure for the Intimacy Motive, Theodore Constantine Bililies
Catholic Men's and Women's Discriminations between Morality and Convention, Jean Marie Bradt
A Histological Evaluation of Experimentally Produced Periapical Pathosis in the Adult Beagle Dog, Ronald Brown
A Survey of the Living Hermatypic Corals on the West Fore Reef of Discovery Bay, Jamaica After the Occurence of Hurricane Allen, James Arthur Crawford
Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte Count Within Healing Wound Sites in Non-Diabetic and Diabetic Rat Oral Mucosa, James L. Discipio
Parental Presence and Pain Perception in the School-Age Child, Sandra Baran Englert
Lipogenin, James William. Fitzsimons