A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
Use of the Relaxation Response in Cardiac Rehabilitation of Post-Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients, Ruth Higgins Schleyer
Arthropod Species Diversity, Composition and Trophic Structure at the Soil Level Biotope of Three Northeastern Illinois Prairie Remnants, with Botanical Characterization for Each Site, Dean George Stathakis
Metabolism of N⁶- Δ ²-Isopentenyladenine in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Kast Carol Anne Van
Civil Military Relations in Lithuania Under President Antanas Smetona 1926-1940, Robert A. Vitas
The Theological Anthropology Developed in Origen's Interpretations of Genesis 1:26-30 and Genesis 2:4-9, Margaret M. Watzek
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
Cephalometric Soft Tissue Profile Analysis of Young Adult Koreans and Comparison with Caucasians, Joong-Chul Ahn
A Survey of Counseling Interventions for Treatment of Underachievement in Cook County High Schools, Laura Jill Balson
The Relationship of Gender and Personality to Fantasy Patterns, Eileen F. Bernat
Factor Analysis of Nursing Role Conceptions of Three Groups, Sarah E. Brotherton
Pediatric Nurses' Attitudes toward Parent Participation in the Care of the Hospitalized Child, Kathleen M. Cesafsky
Race and Criminal Sentencing: A Review of the Literature and an Empirical Study of the Relationship between Race and Sentence Outcome, Keith W. Cooprider
Regulation of Nitrate Reductase Activity in Soybeans, Luke Curtis
The Radiant, Ron Felber
Memory for Frequency of Hearing Popular Music: An Investigation of an Automatic Processing Theory, James Robert Fidler
How Women Cope with a Spontaneous Abortion Occurring in Early Pregnancy, Ann Applewhite Flandermeyer
The Effect of Prostaglandin E₂ Applied to an Extraction Site, on Orthodontically Induced Tooth Movement in Cats, Reuven Gitter
The Effectiveness of Perinatal Behavioral Assessments in Predicting Preschool Intelligence, James S. Gyurke
A Macrofaunal Survey of Three Contrasting Habitats of the Littoral Zone in Cedar Lake, Illinois, Laura L. Holt
The Relative Effects of Acute and Chronic Beta-Blockage on Infarct Size and Hemodynamics After Coronary Occlusion in Canine Hearts, Patrick Hughes
Comparison of WAIS-R Subtest Scores in MBTI Sensing Types and Intuitive Types, Gary Mitchell Jaworski
Relationships Among Nuclear Episodes in the Life Story, Current Identity Status, and Ego Stage in Young Adult Women, Carol E. Kirshnit
Child Guidance Outcome as a Function of Focus of Treatment, Michael T. Klinger
The Use of Parent Data in Measuring the Outcome of Child Psychotherapy, Barry Richard Lindstrom
The Effectiveness of Individual Counseling, Group Therapy, and Self Help as Treatment Methodologies in Working with the Widowed, Patricia F. Martin