A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
Analyses of Mutations Affecting Recombination and Meiosis in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Charles W. Edwards
Influences of Captivity on Gorilla and Orang-Utan Behavior, Coquette Elliott
Development and Assessment of a Computer-Managed Instruction System for Self-Paced Training Programs, Marc F. Ellis
Sex Differences in Mathematical Ability: An Application of Attribution Theory of Achievement Motivation, Suzanne Fechner-Bates
An Analysis of the Nazi Holocaust: Sociological Treatment of Intergenerational Effects, Michael S. Fleischer
Parent Perceptions, Gender, and Maturity in College Students, Ruth Cliffer Greenthal
Endotoxicosis During Liver Injury and Regeneration, James M. Harig
A survey of management trainee programs at savings associations having more than {dollar}400 million in assets, Catherine M. Izor
Tensile and Shear Bond Strengths of bis-GMA Adhesives to Cast Etched Alloy, James J. Koelbl
The Caregiver-Infant Dialogue: Examining Maternal and Infant Responsivity in a Face to-Face Interaction Sequence at 2, 4 and 6 Months of Age, Barbara Foster Lauesen
Identification of Lactoferrin in the Saliva of Patients with Gingivitis, Hwu-Rang Lin
Personal Growth Following the Diagnosis of Cancer: Interviews with Mastectomy Patients, Nancy L. Mahoney
An Experimental Investigation of Some Hypothesized Behaviors of College Student Procrastinators, William George McCown
The Effects of Adrenalectomy on the Onset of Puberty in the Female Golden Hamster, Gina Micaletti
Dyslexia, Theories of Causation and Methods of Management: An Historical Perspective, Nancy M. Millichap
Two Determinants of Parenting Behavior: Conceptual Understanding of Child Development, Adelaide Molaro
Measurement and Description of Chronic Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Linda E. Muzio
An Analysis of Us Population Control Policy in the Third World: The Role of Economic and Developmental Aid and Private Interest, Rise T. Nigro
The Relations Among Moral Orientation, Sex, Motive, and Ego Development, Cindy Joan Nowinski
Polymorphic Arrangement of 5s DNA Orphons in Xenopus laevis, Brenda A. Peculis
Accelerated Thinking: Its Relation to Manic Pathology, Phase of Illness and Psychosis among Psychiatric Patients, Elizabeth Ann Rice
Rate of Occurrence Judgments by Recovering Alcoholics Using Self-Relevant Stimuli, Henry Jay Richards
Validation of a Selection Test Battery through Use of a Task Analysis, Joseph August Saccaro
Physical Properties of Dental Base Materials Containing Calcium Hydroxide, Thomas Sarna
The Prediction of Psychotherapy Dropout Using Select Client Variables: A Multivariable Analysis, Ann Marie Saver